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Re: What has CygnusEd Been Up to?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


The development of Cygnix is still in progress. The next release is not a simple update, it will be a complete new Cygnix, which will be called "AmiCygnix" in the future (There is a "Cygnix" for Windows).
It has a new desktop, is faster, more comfortable and some new apps are on the way.

If I had enough time, I could release it in a few weeks, but I haven't. The problem is, that the old apps cannot run on AmiCygnix. I must recreate all apps published so far. The most important programs should be available together with AmiCygnix. So there is much to do.

Here is a snapshot for the curious people :

Resized Image

Stay tuned!


Unfortunately not. Only a display driver for the workbench is under development. With this driver you can open the AmiCygnix screen in a window on the WB screen. Let's see, if it will be in my first AmiCygnix package.

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Re: Python, Apache, and the public SDK
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I guess with "Apache" you mean my port of apache for OS4?
As this port has working CGI support, it is also able to execute python scripts.
Please be sure, that there is the path of the python interpreter in the first line of the script:

#! /C/python


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Re: June 2008: OS4 Developer Donations Nominations.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


You can find my paypal donation button on my homepage mentioned in the first post. The address is also mentioned in my user profile
Here is the direct link to the donation page.

I want to take the oportunity to say thank you to all, who nominated me in this thread!

Additional I want to second the nomination of Henning Nielsen Lund (HNL). His abc-shell is included in my Cygnix package. Cygnix would not be possible without it.


Edited by cygnusEd on 2008/6/1 16:02:17
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Re: New version of X11 available soon..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Argh... I think when I last time updated OS maybe I didn't copy ENVARC: back from a backup. And I think some program I installed required to create that HOME variable and put it point to some empty home directory. I had also those ETC: and USR: assigns already so I had to add those Cygnix paths in my scripts manually. Maybe Cygnix installer didn't overwrite those assigns because they existed already. Oops.

Normally the startup script does overwrite the assigns. Please have a look at the file "s:User-Startup". This must be placed
at the END of the file:

;BEGIN Cygnix
assign Cygnix: "<mydrive>:X11R6.3-Pre3"
Path Cygnix:CygnixPPC/local/bin ADD
Path Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin ADD
Path Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin ADD
;execute Cygnix:s/Cygnix-Startup
;END Cygnix

To avoid problems with Cygnix, you should uncomment the line "execute Cygnix:s/Cygnix-Startup", but this can cause problems
with the OS4-SDK or other UNIX ports. This will be solved in the next Cygnix version, because the binaries will not use USR: and
ETC: anymore. Also the environment vars will have a separate directory.

I had to create those env vars manually in CLI you listed in your post. I don't know why installer didn't create them when I reinstalled Cygnix from scratch. I have to say I didn't RTFM.

Now everything's working again. My mistake. I should RTFM next time. Thanks for help.

There are no vars installed while the installation process. They are defined in the Cygnix startup script. If there are vars
defined in ENVARC: with different values, it can cause problems.
BTW: Reading the docs is always a good idea

[quoteDo you have plans to fix that 32 bit colours problem ? And that 1680x1050 resolution isn't correct still. I'm starting to suspect this Radeon9200 card doesn't think it as standard resolution. Or is it cybergraphics.library that doesn't recognize the resolution ?[/quote]

Yes. The new server will contain several bugfixes and some new features. This bug is also on my list.

The resolution problem is a bit strange. Maybe the BestCModeIDTags() function does not deliver the best screenmode. I guess,
that you have a screenmode with exact these dimensions?


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Re: New version of X11 available soon..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Everyone is too shy, so i'll back on topic!

Any news about the new version?


Don't know, if they are too shy or maybe not interrested

But seriously: The next version of Cygnix is still work in progress.
One problem is, that I have to recompile every package I've released so
far. The old packages will not work anymore and Cygnix must be completely
reinstalled . I have to accuse me in advance for this. This is also the reason
why I did not release any new software in the last time.

The new binaries are compiled from scratch for newlib and I have some
problems with them. I cannot say, when I will release everything, but I'm afraid
it will need some more weeks.


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Re: New version of X11 available soon..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


It is normal, that Cygnix programs are searching for a huge amount of environment vars.
The fact that - for example - "ENVARC:LANG" is sometimes found and sometimes not
is very strange. There are some variables, which MUST be available for sure. Maybe there
are some variables defined with a wrong value. Here are the most important vars with it's
default values:

DISPLAY - "localhost:0"
HOME - "/Cygnix/Home/root"
HOSTNAME - "localhost"
JPEGMEM - "10m"
LANG - "de" (should be "fi" for you)
LANGUAGE - "de" (should be "fi" for you)
MANPATH - "/usr/X11R6.3/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/share/man"
PATH - "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6.3/bin:/C"
SHELL - "/bin/sh"
TZ - "Europe/Berlin" (should be set to your location "Europe/Helsinki")
USER - "root"

The second possible bug could be, that some standard UNIX paths are set wrong. Most important is
"USR:" and "ETC:". These assigns must be set to "Cygnix:CygnixPPC" / "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/etc" at the
FIRST place. Please check this with the "assign" command.
This can happen, if you've installed the OS4-SDK or an other port of an UNIX software.

Another question/problem:
Is it possible to use screen resolution 1680x1050 in X11 because when I'm using it the screenmode is not correct somehow. My monitor show correct numbers on OSD but the screen doesn't fit on the viewable area. It's scrolled automaticly when moving the mouse. And I just found AW.net thread, and this 32 bit mode is broken. So do you have plans to fix it ?

If you've installed the latest update of Cygnix, you can set the screenmode this way:

SetENV SAVE Cygnix/CYGNIX_SCREEN_MODE cybergraphx@1680x1050x16

Just type this into a shell and press return. Of cource an according screenmode must exist. Internally the X server
uses the BestCModeIDTags() function of the cybergraphics.library to find the amiga screenmode.

Hope this helps


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Re: New version of X11 available soon..
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Last time I tested any of those X11 programs didn't work. I don't remember is it because OS4 July update or why. They are trying to access forever something in ENVARC: which doesn't exist.

Can you specify, for what the programs are searching for? You can use "Snoopy" for this.
Should not be a serious problem. I think there is something wrong in your Cygnix startup.

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Re: The Nano-X Window System
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I've compiled V 1.1.7 (17.Jan.2006), which is the latest stable version.
Because of X11 it works better than the native version.

There is also a 2.0 version, but it is under development.

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Re: The Nano-X Window System
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


My reply from outer space:

FLTK is already compiled and works well. Is one of the few projects, which
compiles without any change. Do you need a special program?

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Re: Open Office
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Basically it should be possible to port OO to Cygnix, but it is more work than I can do. Maybe someone else like to try it,
when I've published my new final version of Cygnix and the new SDK.

Because we have AbiWord (and Gnumeric, which I want to publish soon), it makes more sense to port Java to Cygnix first.
As Samurai_Crow said, a lot of interresting apps will be available then. I cannot promise, that I can do that, but I want to try it after I've completed Cygnix and some other stuff.

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Re: Any news on Cygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


No, sorry. I have no news about a rootless server

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Re: Any news on Cygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


The default theme for Enlightenment will be of course your OS4 theme
Also the GTK2 theme will be an OS4 theme.

Thanks for your work!


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Re: Any news on Cygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I started playing with Cygnix tonight just to see how fast or slow it is under the latest update, believe me it is no slouch as it stands so any improvement will be great.

On which kind of partition did you install Cygnix? It is very important for the performance of Cygnix to install it on your fastest HD.


I've installed two test versions of Cygnix:
The first one on a HD connected to the onboard controller formatted with FFS without caching.
The second one on a HD connected to a SIL0680 controller with enabled DMA and formatted with SFS.

Then I started AbiWord on both systems. On the first system it needs 13 seconds, on the second system it only needed 5 seconds!

You see, that the perfomance of Cygnix depends much on the HD speed. Not only the startup is faster, also working with a program is faster too.

BTW: I figured out, that Cygnix does not work on a partition formatted without support for long filenames!!!
If someone has problems with Cygnix, please check this!


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Re: Any news on Cygnix?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Sorry for the long silence. I think you're right, it's time for some news

The reason for the silence is, that I have recompiled the Cygnix package completely. Cygnix will be renamed to "AmiCygnix", because on Windows exists a similar system with the same name.

This is new:

* Compiled with newlib instead of clib2. The performance is better and the binaries are smaller now.
*The Unix paths are removed now. No USR:, ETC: ... is needed anymore. This will avoid collisions with
other Unix ports and with the SDK.
* Environment variables must be located in "ENVARC:Cygnix" now. This is also done to remove collisions.

This also means, that old software will not run on the new Cygnix anymore. Maybe I include a "compatibility

Here are some new programs, which are nearly finished:

To make the Gnome-Office package more complete, I've compiled the spreadsheet Gnumeric 1.63. Here is
a screenshot:

Resized Image

I don't know, if this is interresting for someone, but these programs are also compiled. Would be nice, if you can
give me some feedback:

* Bluefish. A nice editor with syntax highlighting and online help for programmers. Easier to understand than VIM:

Resized Image

* Pidgin 2.2.0. The latest version of the chat software.

* Pioneers 0.11.3. A "sedlers of catan" clone with internet support:

Resized Image

* gmysqlcc 0.2.6. A mysql admin tool with MySQL 5.0.58 support. Also the commandline client are available.

* xpdf 3.02 - the original PDF viewer.

* Xaos 3.1.2 - a fractal renderer.

* and some more...

I'm think it will need some more months for a new release of Cygnix. A report in the Amiga-Future magazine said,
that there will be a Update 4 available soon, but this is not true.
As said above, the next version will be a release called "AmiCygnix" and will (hopefully) contain
an enhanced X server (If I can make it, it will be version X11R7.3, but I'm not sure,
if I can make it).


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Re: Anyone using AbiWord? Need some dictionaries ;)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


There is a greek spellchecker, but unless you can't type greek it wouldn't help you. But I can upload it, if you like.
I have a problem with the X server and keyboard handling. And yes, it is on my todo-list.

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Re: Anyone using AbiWord? Need some dictionaries ;)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Hehe, no - klingonian is not available, but some other funny languages. Look here:


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Re: Anyone using AbiWord? Need some dictionaries ;)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular




If you need a dictionary which is not available, feel free to post it here!

Edited by cygnusEd on 2007/5/16 18:51:38
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Re: Anyone using AbiWord? Need some dictionaries ;)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I think I will upload some dicts for AbiWord on OS4depot.


At the moment I have compiled these dictionaries, which I want to
upload to OS4depot:

- czech
- danish
- english (british, american, canadian)
- finnish
- french
- hungarian
- italian
- polish
- portugese

If you need an other dict, please give me a note!


Do you need the "Alt" or "Alt Gr" key for this characters? If yes, this is a problem
of the X server, which must be fixed.

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Re: Anyone using AbiWord? Need some dictionaries ;)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Sent you a mail with a link to the dicts you sent me.
But english is not included. Maybe you gave me the wrong one?

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Re: Fred Fish passed away on Friday . . .
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes, very sad news indeed. He did a lot for the amiga community.

He was also responsible for the GeekGadgets project. Cygnix is based on it
and I think I never had the idea to create Cygnix without it.


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