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Re: Happy Amigans is around
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Well, don't visit it, then.

I don't like many tones played there, but I'm allmost never there either.

Lucky to say, that I don't have a clue of what's happening there this week.

... and please. Don't tell me.

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Re: Scary Experience!!
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Just popping in


Hey, no scary stories at this time of the night. It's past bedtime here and I really should try to get at least a little sleepy.

Great that it was nothing serious. I would guess it was the CPU that got a little out of position.

I had to resolder my 68k socket on my CSPPC a few weeks ago, that was scary too before I fixed the problem - it was the socket and probably I had bent the card a little at some time when i dismounted or mounted it.

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Re: There is hope for OS4 on the Classic.
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Just popping in


I think I've got a rather standard A4k tower Mediator system with:
CSPPC060/604e@233/128 MB RAM
Voodoo 5 5500
Repulse 24 bit sound card
100 Mbit Realtek eth
SCSI: 16 bit 9.1 GB HD, 8 bit 4.3 GB HD, 8 bit CDRW Yamaha 8424

... more or less.

When it comes to working drivers for the Mediator I guess it's very much up to Elbox to look over that part, perhaps?
But I don't know what each company has agreed to or not.

The great news is that AmigaOS 4 is coming to more and more hardware and most importantly to the public (since betatesters have had the opportunity for some time).

I will do my best to put together some hardware here that will work.

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Re: There is hope for OS4 on the Classic.
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Just popping in


Yep, sounds fine.

So, there's a lot of bugs/problems with different hardware. Lets hope that I have the right hardware to go with AOS4 in my Mediator Amiga 4k ...

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Re: AMY RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!
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Just popping in


LOL, well playing with dolls is probably more productive than w8:ing, w8:ing and w8:ing.

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Re: MemPatch (FinalWriter users read this!)
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Just popping in

The problem that FW overwrites the end of its buffers. Does that also apply to AOS3.x, perhaps?

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Re: Not to be read by under 30's
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Just popping in

LOL, so true. One can wonder how mankind managed to survive when all this "safety" wasn't around.

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Re: map ALT to WIN-keys
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Just popping in

Ah, of course, it's the U-Boot that map the keys.

And the non-international keys are hardwired in the system, I presume.

Then it's "just" to open the keyboard, cut the wires to the keys you want to change, and solder some wires in cross to exchange the signals.

If you're not up to it, maybe a friend to you is?

Good luck!

edit: By the way, welcome then!

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Re: FlashPlayer 1.3 for OS4 anyone ?
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Just popping in

Why not try/learn yourself? (as said in a newly discussed thread about games ... )

People who know how to port or program, most probably have a lot of projects anyway. I can very well understand that it becomes an annoyance when people repeatedly ask for porting this and that.

After what I know - OS4 machines that are out there today - are there for the purpose of developing? Aren't they? ... so, start developing ...

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Re: map ALT to WIN-keys
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Just popping in

Probably (I don't have OS4 myself) since every key has an id that is sent serially to the computer. It's more about hacking the map settings. If that seems to hard, you can always rewire your keyboard by rewiring the keys.

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Re: We need NEW Games
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That's a really good idea, to use an allready ported engine to create a 3D game.

2D and simple graphic games are good for learning a language. Modifying an existing 3D game will learn how to use different tools needed besides programming. But what format are the objects in Quake? Are there any 3D-programs on the Amiga that can be used to make objects? I actually don't know since I havn't checked it up. Well, maybe it's time to do that.

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Re: We need NEW Games
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Just popping in

Mmm, new games. Yeah, well. Games can be fun but I wonder if 3D isn't overkill sometimes. Many modern games today use 3D, stunning textures and sfx, but when all that is known to you, what is the game idea? What is it that would draw you right back to be willing to play it again and again?

Are you a person who wants to learn programming, why start porting a big 3D game? It will most probably fail - maybe you'll make it, but mostly it'll fail. Start with something a lot more easy. Some remakes of old Amiga games perhaps?

Well, I'm not much of a programmer either - not a serious one anyway. I tell myself from time to time that I should learn C (again and better) and perhaps C++ to be able to make some real programs - instead of some ugly hacks in Basic for my private needs and fun. But I don't know how to find the inspiration for it.

Well, anyway. If you're going to start up some project. Start small and succeed, then you can continue bigger and bigger. Small programs (or games) can be absolutely overly adictive. I for one, just love Kakuro atm - not easy to code, but it's mostly about smart coding and uses few system resources, and is therefore fairly good as a beginners project. Suduko is another one.

If games are of importance I would vote for mind teasing games, not games with long stories and learning curves - but hey, that's just me.

Apps is another imortant matter. Games are for fun, but useful programs are very importan too, if it's not a game box we are talking about - and it's not. It's Amiga. ;)

One thing I have thougt about porting. As long as you have all libraries it's all okay, but when you have to make an whole API-translation or something, I more or less think that it's more easy to just rewrite the whole program. Then you know what everything is for and how it works. Of course that differs between sources and techniques, but still, there are ports with rather great ponds of money that havn't bared any fruit yet - maybe it will, but I think the project is so great that a rewrite is easier.

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Re: Any Os4 Final news/rummors
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Just popping in

Killing rummors, LOL

How about if I could kill for some news.

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Re: Short presentation
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Just popping in

Okay, that clears it up. :)


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Re: Short presentation
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Just popping in

Okay, something else that's a little fishy. This thread doesn't appear among the recent ones. That's maybe a feature?

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Short presentation
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Just popping in

Hi, everyone!

It's about time that I tell You a little about myself.

My name is Peter aka Student_K and now aka FihmpenRouk. I will return to this a bit later.

I've been using Amiga since long time. I started with an A1000 with an extra diskdrive and expansion memory of 256 kB in the front. The sofware was Kickstart and Workbench 1.1, which was steaming fresh at the time.

I think that the first program I got to my Amiga, was DeluxeMusic, InstantMusic and MarbleMadness but most of all I sat with AmigaBasic. I knew nobody who had an Amiga at that time. I was the only one in my neighbourhood. I was totally on my own. My friends used at the most C-64. When the A500 arrived, I saw more and more people who bought an Amiga.

Later I bought some other hardware to my A1000, an Golem RAM-box. At first I only equipped it with one Mb of RAM, since each chip was priced at around ?10 and I needed 32 chips for each MB.

Later I bought a soundsampler for some amazing price - I think it was more than ?200 and it was Future Sound.

Well, later I got a harddrive (43 MB) and an A.L.F.2-controller. It was made for A500, but I used it backwards on my A1000 without any problems. The Golem RAM-box was connected to the outside of the controller.

Some time after that I got myself an A500+, equipped it with a VXL-030 card with 2Mb RAM (it was expensive and I could just not afford 8 MB).

My economy was really bad and I couldn't afford that much hardware until 1997 when I bought me a new A1200 with a Blizzard 1260, 8 Mb RAM and 1.28 GB harddrive. After that the A1200 got into an Infinitiv tower, CD-rom, CV3D, SCSI-II HD 4.3 GB and SCSI scanner.

In 2002, I think, I got my first A400 (my first second hand computer) and equipped it with the best I could find for an A4000 - Mediator, Voodoo5 (but I think Voodoo3 3000 would have been a better choice - I didn't know that then), CSPPC060/604e/128Mb, Repulse sound card (24 bit), 100 Mbit ethernet (never faster than about 16 Mbit), and all the way SCSI.

Some more hardware not mentioned, but the outlines are here.

At the moment my A4k is broken. It's smthn with the CSPPC, probably the socket for the 68k, I soldered it at a glance some days ago, and it behaved different. I will try t solder it better some day.

I have allmost allways used my Amigas to learn stuff. Learn just about anything. I have allways been a dirty hacks guy, and never coded anything really important for others. I have played around in a few different languages, but actually mostly Basic, since it's easy to do small hacks with that language - in my opinion. Well, the programming has been rather inactive for some years now. I do some small stuff now and then, that's all.

Furthermore, I havn't been much on other boards than swedish ones. I'm not used to communicate Amiga in other languages than swedish and I'm here very much to observe and to learn what other countries talk about when they talk about their interests. I'm also not used to write in english. I listen and read quite some, though.

I've been active on swedish boards for about - a-ehm ... well, maybe since 1998 (I got internet in 1997 with my A1200 - swedish Algonet ruled at that time and was reasonably priced through the swedish magazine Amiga Info)) - Well, I started my forum activity at Amiga Info's board, called X-files. When that closed down I moved to Amiga Rulez, where I am a moderator since two years or somewhat more. I'm also visiting Safir (also a swedish board), where I am a member of staff more or less as some kind of consultant or something.


Last of all a little question about Amigans:
There are some evenlopes before each thread in the forums. The discriptions tell me that they should be different wether a thread contains new posts och no new posts. That feature doesn't seem to work for me. Is it only me or isn't it supposed to work atm? Will it? Please? :) It's very hard to find new posts otherwise. Or is there another good trick, but not to get spammed over the mail?


Ah, hey. An explanation of my nicks, as I promised. Yep, I call myself Student_K (or StudentK) on the swedish forums, but since I'm not that much of a student anymore I have come to start using FihmpenRouk as my new nickname. That name began when I registred at last.fm and is a name I used when I was a small kid playing with my friends in the sandbox. I thougt it was really cool and it sounded foreign and exciting. Well, it maybe doesn't sound that cool and exciting today, but for me it's a flashback of my childhood, so like it if you want, or not. ;)

edit: typos ...

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Re: Got an Idea - Can you spare 2 mins?
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Just popping in

Yep, done.

But it was a little confusing first when I updated the profile and i got the message:

Well, that's good I thought, until I found out that my profile wasn't updated. After shrinking the Info text, it worked.

Just FYI.

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Re: The most complete collection of patches for OS3.9
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Just popping in

@Amikit: Thx! I didn't know about these. Great!

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Re: Amigans bug thread
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Just popping in

Hi, there, Amigans!

I don't know if it's a problem with the site, browser (FF2.0), me or if it's not implemented yet:
There are some envelopes before the threads on the forums menu, but I don't seem to be able to make a thread marked as read.

Anyhow, good work with the site!

A tip for this thread. It's long and it's easy to miss smthng. How about som kind of sticky list of todo/known-problems and maybe some kind of howto/FAQ. Maybe this is in the pipeline allready.

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Re: Programming languages for old Amigas
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Just popping in

Thanks. ;)

I can even provide you with some direct links:

And even a book (but remember that I havn't read it myself):

This book is for version 4 and some things differ and are missing in the Amiga version.

There has been a code shift between each new version, I think. Code in 2.x has to be slightly modified to work in 3.x, and also for 3.x to 4.x. Not too much, but some.

I only hope that the Amiga version could get a real boost in progress, but as said, that depends on the support.

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