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Old YAM version asking for MUI/Toolbar.mcc
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Just can't stay away

I want to retrieve info from an old backup of yam, it is asking for MUI/Toolbar.mcc
This is not present in my MUI: drawer
Where can i download the OS4 version
this file http://aminet.net/dev/mui/MCC_Toolbar_68k.lha refers to an OS4 version, i don't find it on the SASG site nor on OS4 Depot

I rembered also some guidance on how to build a stub for using 68k lib within OS4
http://www.os4coding.net/blog/kas1e/h ... d-ppc-stubs-68k-libraries

Someonehaving built such a stub?

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2018/11/19 16:59:01
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Working fax software
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Just can't stay away

Is there some working fax software i can use on my sam460ex ?

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Re: AmiUpdate problem amigaos4.1 FE
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Just can't stay away



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Re: AmiUpdate problem amigaos4.1 FE
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Just can't stay away

I had problems with 2.43 tto:
- instead of opening a window i got a rotating AU icon on my Amidock,turning
for ever

I must say when using AmiUpdate before that, i always had to use the "Workbench/Update Sotware" menu twice (never noticed a rotating icon, but then i may just have missed it.

I did download the 2.45 and installed it manually. Now the window opens after quiete some time but the www.amiupdate.net site seems to be down

Is this recentt?

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Re: DME editor
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Just can't stay away


i was looking for a macro texteditor wth that capability.
I am isng Notepad thart way

DME seems has intresting possibilities butits wordwrap is not a view wordwrap as Notrpad's: ot breakss down long lines as most txteditors do
Windows Notetab seems to have 'view wordwrap'

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Re: DME editor
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Just can't stay away

Thanks, indeed an install error.
I tried and implemented your suggestion, and it works ok

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DME editor
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Just can't stay away

I was looking for an editor with view wordwrap capabilities, and had a hit on Matt Dillon's DME,

I was very glad to see it had an OS4 version, but am totally puzzled how to use this
I just see an empty window
I can type in text of course buthow can i use the commands listed?
There is a save (as) commnd listed, but it is not mapped to some keycombination. SAVEOLD is mapped and i could use it,

So main question is how can i map a command to a keuy/mouse combination?

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2018/4/5 14:25:22
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Re: Reqtool.library & OS4 additional file
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Just can't stay away


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Reqtool.library & OS4 additional file
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Just can't stay away

Aminet seems to be down and i can't download reqtools.library to make Amifig operational again on my system
If you have an OS4 operational install of this library, could you make borh files in subject available?

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Re: Internet WiFi connection
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Just can't stay away


I succeeded in having tje adapter connected
It took 2 steps
- ater Netgear got hold of the router i had to change the old "passphrase" to what the router gui identifies as "key"
- i had to restart the router

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Re: Internet WiFi connection
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Just can't stay away


I am using a netgear wnce2001 internet adapter,

I don't see the files you mention prism2 driver or envarc:sys/wireless.prefs

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2018/1/29 8:20:02
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Internet WiFi connection
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Just can't stay away

I changed router security from wep to wpa/2

II lost the connection

I remember when setting up OS4FE
A wizard did that very nicely
Where can i find this wizard?

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YAM .folders structure
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Just can't stay away

I was able to completely mix up my folders and foldergroupstructure as refelcted in the .folders file.
As it was a lengthy structure i wanted to make it more hiërarchical using the normal copy& paste MUI interface. I got however strange copy effect that seem not easy to undo.
Is doing it manuaaly possible?

What do the hexadecimal figures refer to as in this piece ?

YFO3 - YAM Folders
@FOLDER Incoming
@FOLDER YAM8Problems

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Re: IBrowse 2.4 SSL connect error
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Just can't stay away

I made a new install of Ibrowse2.4 and seem to have less problems

still this URL

https://www.demorgen.be/buitenland/pen ... g-te-ontwapenen-b8fddcf0/

gives me an error message

Detailed error description
error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_Get_RECORD wrong version number

Does this link work for you in IBrowse?

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Re: IBrowse 2.4 SSL connect error
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Just can't stay away


I did not check out right away
i did last time
- enable both "SSLv2 support" and "SSLv3 support" on the "Security" page of the IBrowse preferences.
- setenv save AmiSSL/SSL_CLIENT_VERSION tls1
but it seems the problem is not gone


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Re: Requestfile with a pattern box?
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Just can't stay away

@salass @raziel
thanks , i seem to have used acceptpattern instead which does not show the pattern gadget. Not proud of that question

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Requestfile with a pattern box?
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Just can't stay away

Does sombody knows a replacement for Requestfile hving a "pattern box"?
(as in the Odyssay "open file" requester.

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Re: Contextmenus cmeditor & more
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Just can't stay away


I did sent a message to the author.

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Re: Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Programming Language
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Just can't stay away


Depends on your ambitions
The easiest language to make a workable GUI
is Gui4Cli, it has a visual copy a paste possbiity for gui gadgets, is basiclike, is wel documented comes with lots of examples
Start here:


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Contextmenus cmeditor & more
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Just can't stay away

I downladed cmeditor? launching it i get
7.Work40:cm> stack 50000
7.Work40:cm> cmeditor
CMEditor Error
Out of memory !
Snoopy has the output

Log Generated by; Snoopy 53.34 (12.3.2014)

00001 : Shell Process : o.k. = GetVar("_pchar",0x5AD1CD18,32,0x00000200) [12uS]
00002 : Shell Process : o.k. = GetVar("_mchar",0x5AD1CD18,32,0x00000200) [5uS]
00003 : Shell Process : o.k. = GetVar("_pchar",0x5AD1CD18,32,0x00000200) [4uS]
00004 : Shell Process : o.k. = GetVar("_mchar",0x5AD1CD18,32,0x00000200) [5uS]
00005 : Shell Process : FAIL = FindSegment("cmeditor",0x00000000,USER) [12uS]
00006 : Shell Process : FAIL = FindSegment("cmeditor",0x00000000,SYSTEM) [5uS]
00007 : Shell Process : SetCurrentDir("Work40:cm")
00008 : Shell Process : o.k. = Lock("cmeditor",SHARED) [76uS]
00009 : Shell Process : o.k. = ExamineObject(0x5AD1CCA8) [30uS]
00010 : Shell Process : o.k. = LoadSeg("cmeditor") = [0x16AF1595] [15300uS]
00011 : Shell Process : o.k. = Lock("cmeditor",SHARED) [31uS]
00012 : Shell Process : DIR = ParentDir("cmeditor") [13uS]
00013 : Shell Process : SetCurrentDir("Work40:cm")
00014 : cmeditor : o.k. = Open("CONSOLE:",OLD) = [0x17FAF0E2] [62uS]
00015 : cmeditor : o.k. = IsInteractive("CONSOLE:")
00016 : cmeditor : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize("cmeditor") [373uS]
00017 : cmeditor : -----> RunCommand(0x16AF1595 "cmeditor",,"",1)
00018 : cmeditor : 0 = FindSegmentStackSize("cmeditor") [3uS]
00019 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("newlib.library",2) [10uS]
00020 : cmeditor : o.k. = IsInteractive("CON:///130/AmigaShell/CLOSE/SHELL")
00021 : cmeditor : o.k. = IsInteractive("*")
00022 : cmeditor : o.k. = IsInteractive("CONSOLE:")
00023 : cmeditor : o.k. = IsInteractive("CONSOLE:")
00024 : cmeditor : FAIL = GetVar("EXEC_IMPORT_LOCAL",0x5AD52AD8,8,0x00000200) [14uS]
00025 : cmeditor : o.k. = Lock("Work40:cm",SHARED) [46uS]
00026 : cmeditor : SetCurrentDir("Work40:cm")
00027 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("window.class",0) [35uS]
00028 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/string.gadget",0) [22uS]
00029 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/speedbar.gadget",0) [30uS]
00030 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("requester.class",0) [19uS]
00031 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/radiobutton.gadget",0) [23uS]
00032 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/listbrowser.gadget",0) [17uS]
00033 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/layout.gadget",0) [12uS]
00034 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("images/label.image",0) [12uS]
00035 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/getfile.gadget",0) [20uS]
00036 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/clicktab.gadget",0) [18uS]
00037 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("gadgets/chooser.gadget",0) [18uS]
00038 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("images/bitmap.image",0) [18uS]
00039 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("locale.library",0) [8uS]
00040 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0) [8uS]
00041 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("icon.library",0) [10uS]
00042 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0) [4uS]
00043 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("asl.library",0) [18uS]
00044 : cmeditor : o.k. = Lock("PROGDIR:",SHARED) [42uS]
00045 : cmeditor : o.k. = Lock("CURRDIR:",SHARED) [26uS]
00046 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english-british/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [64uS]
00047 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english-british/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [47uS]
00048 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english-british/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [193uS]
00049 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english-british_UTF-8/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [52uS]
00050 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english-british_UTF-8/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [44uS]
00051 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english-british_UTF-8/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [108uS]
00052 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("PROGDIR:Catalogs/english-british_US_ASCII/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [50uS]
00053 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("CURRDIR:Catalogs/english-british_US_ASCII/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [46uS]
00054 : cmeditor : FAIL = Open("LOCALE:Catalogs/english-british_US_ASCII/cmeditor.catalog",OLD) = [0x00000000] [107uS]
00055 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("application.library",0) [147uS]
00056 : cmeditor : o.k. = GetDiskInfo("ENV:Sys/application_lib.amiga.com.xml") [39uS]
00057 : cmeditor : o.k. = FOpen("ENV:Sys/application_lib.amiga.com.xml",NEW,0) [0x17FAF4FE] [123uS]
00058 : cmeditor : o.k. = GetDiskInfo("ENVARC:Sys/application_lib.amiga.com.xml") [58uS]
00059 : cmeditor : o.k. = FOpen("ENVARC:Sys/application_lib.amiga.com.xml",NEW,0) [0x17FAF4FE] [29752uS]
00060 : cmeditor : o.k. = Open("ENV:sys/def_tool.info",OLD) = [0x17FAF4FE] [158uS]
00061 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("datatypes.library",44) [27uS]
00062 : cmeditor : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("dos.library",0) [6uS]
00063 : cmeditor : FAIL = Lock("TBImages:list_section",SHARED) [120uS]
00064 : cmeditor : FAIL = Lock("TBImages:list_section",SHARED) [58uS]
00065 : cmeditor : SetCurrentDir("Work40:cm")
00066 : cmeditor : <----- RunCommand(0x16AF1595 "cmeditor",,"",1) = 0 [0x00000000] [99786uS]
00067 : Shell Process : o.k. = SetMode("*",[LINE]) [22uS]
00068 : Shell Process : FAIL = GetVar("_Title",0x5FF37D0C,256,0x00000200) [14uS]
00069 : Shell Process : FAIL = GetVar("Echo",0x5AD1CD38,32,0x00000200) [6uS]
00070 : Shell Process : FAIL = GetVar("OldRedirect",0x5AD1CD38,32,0x00000200) [6uS]
00071 : Shell Process : FAIL = GetVar("KeepDoubleQuotes",0x5AD1CD38,32,0x00000200) [6uS]
00072 : Shell Process : FAIL = GetVar("Interactive",0x5AD1CD38,32,0x00000200) [6uS]
00073 : ConClip : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("iffparse.library",39) [24uS]
00074 : ramlib : FAIL = [exec] FindResident("clipboard.device") [26uS]
00075 : ramlib : o.k. = Lock("DEVS:clipboard.device",SHARED) [6068uS]
00076 : ramlib : o.k. = LoadSeg("DEVS:clipboard.device") = [0x169E7DA5] [10143uS]
00077 : ramlib : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("utility.library",52) [9uS]
00078 : ramlib : o.k. = [exec] OpenLibrary("dos.library",52) [12uS]
00079 : ConClip : o.k. = [exec] OpenDevice("clipboard.device",0,0x5DB4A120,0x00000000) = 0 [16729uS]

Is cmeditor working for you?

What can be wrong here?

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