As suggested I'll make a small presentation of myself:
My name is Alfkil Thorbj?rn Wennermark, I'm a trained classical violinist, but nowadays I spend my time mostly playing jazz and "fiddling" with computers (mac and amiga). I'm 28 years old and live in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I've been particularly interested in programming ever since I purchased EasyAMOS back in the days. My primary interest is construction of games. I've never released or uploaded any of my creations, I seem to have a hard time finishing things. My most interesting creation has probably been a 3D "tennis on a stick" simulator (I don't know what 'stangtennis' is called in english?). One of my big dreams is to someday be able to actually create something of use to the community :). For this reason I have now started porting the Qt package to Amiga OS 4.1. Actually I have no real sense of how many people would be even interested in such a project, and I seriously doubt, that I'll ever finish it...
My machines:
A500 + A1200 in tower w BPPC603/BvisionPPC (both in my closet)
SAM440ep-flex 667Mhz, 1GB RAM, Radeon 9250-128mb (used as often as possible!)
and an old iBook G4 for everyday use...
Oh and by the way (and slightly off topic): If you are interested in music, please visit the page of my string quartet