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Re: Napalm for OS 4?
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I've sent you a PM

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Re: Qt on Amiga
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I would if I thought it would be of any use to anyone. But at the moment it's just one big mess, somebody else might as well just start all over with the X11 sources...

I will try to find time to work on it again sometime soon, promise.

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Re: Qt on Amiga
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Just can't stay away


Sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't done any work on Qt since my last post. The SAM system I work on is not at my home, so I only get to work on Amiga stuff once in a while. Also my attention has been caught by Hollywood 4, for which I am now writing a fighting game (with real human actors :)), and I'm starting to do a fair bit of composing (for real life musicians, that is), so most of my brain is now happily inhabited by more "creative" work than a "mere porting job" would be. And don't get me wrong, I'm totally impressed by the increddible work done by people like Edgar Schwartz and the Friedens in porting complicated programs for our platform, but for me that kind of work is just a tad more dull than actually realizing ideas comming out of my own hat/head. (Also I'm not actually a very advanced programmer and Qt is actually a little over the top for me. I'm much more comfortable with the simplicity of Hollywood).

When I've finished my game (should't take too long) I might get back to my Qt project.

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Re: Stargus- Starcraft port for OS4.x
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Just can't stay away


I guess with this port out and about we wont need Napalm anymore...

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Re: Qt on Amiga
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Just can't stay away


Yes, it runs through AmiCygnix. A native port would be a nightmare for a rookie like me...

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Re: Qt on Amiga
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Just can't stay away

Phone company shut down my website... So I'll give you a link to my dropbox instead:


Actually, this screenshot is from the second testapp, and it hangs when I press "Add" or downsize the window.

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Re: Qt on Amiga
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Just can't stay away


I don't know how to upload pictures here... Help!

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Qt on Amiga
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Just can't stay away

The first QtGui testapp is now running on my Amiga! 8-D

Very simple one, but it works.

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Re: Undefined reference to vtable
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Just can't stay away


Sorry to have taken your time again! The problem suddenly just vanished when recompiling a larger part of the library (no changes...). Mystery...

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Re: Undefined reference to vtable
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Just can't stay away


I'm linking with g++.

I just posted on the GCC-help mailing list, hope that'll get me something...

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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen...
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Just can't stay away

Thanks for the welcome all

As a matter of fact, I do a fair bit of conducting myself, so it's ok! 8-P

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Undefined reference to vtable
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Sorry to bother everyone again with my petty programming knowledge...

When linking a c++ project I get this strange error:

"libQtGui.a(qprintdialog_unix.o):(.got2+0x94): undefined reference to `vtable for QUnixPrintWidget'"

The class QUnixPrintWidget (defined in 'qprintdialog.h') looks something like this:

"class Q_GUI_EXPORT QUnixPrintWidget : public QWidget

QUnixPrintWidget(QPrinter *printer, QWidget *parent = 0);
void updatePrinter();

friend class QPrintDialogPrivate;
friend class QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate;
QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate *d;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _q_printerChanged(int))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _q_btnBrowseClicked())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _q_btnPropertiesClicked())

The three methods are defined in 'qprintdialog_unix.cpp'.

I know that vtable has something to do with virtual functions, but I have no clue how it actually works. I've read ao. a gcc faq-entry that talks about this, something with "non-pure-virtual" and "out-of-line" virtual functions, but I don't really understand what it says. Can anyone help?

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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


Well, I guess it will be better than, uhm, "Viola Hero", or, say "Sousaphone Hero" or "Contrabas Hero"...? Hmm... Or how about "*CONDUCTOR HERO*"...? (Labeled 'the easiest game ever!')


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Re: How to link with a .so library?
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Just can't stay away


Thanks! It seems to work now...

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How to link with a .so library?
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Just can't stay away

How do I link with .so libraries using gcc?

I'm trying to link my project to libpng12.so and libfreetype.so. The linking call looks like this:

c++ -o testapp $(OBJECTS) -L/work/CODE/large/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.5.3/lib -lQtGui -lQtCore -Lcygnix:cygnixppc/x11r6.3/lib -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 -laos4util-newlib -LSDK:gcc/lib/gcc/pcc-amigaos/4.2.4/newlib/lib -LSDK:newlib/lib -lunix -lauto -LSDK:local/newlib/lib -lpng12 -lfreetype

but c++ returns "can't find -lpng12". I've tried also replacing the last three parameters with:

SDK:newlib/lib/libpng12.so SDK:newlib/lib/libfreetype.so

but c++ returns an error again claiming, that I'm trying to link staticly to a dynamic library.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen...
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Just can't stay away


Nope, not Quicktime. Please visit http://qt.nokia.com to investigate.

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Ladies and Gentlemen...
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Just can't stay away

As suggested I'll make a small presentation of myself:

My name is Alfkil Thorbj?rn Wennermark, I'm a trained classical violinist, but nowadays I spend my time mostly playing jazz and "fiddling" with computers (mac and amiga). I'm 28 years old and live in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I've been particularly interested in programming ever since I purchased EasyAMOS back in the days. My primary interest is construction of games. I've never released or uploaded any of my creations, I seem to have a hard time finishing things. My most interesting creation has probably been a 3D "tennis on a stick" simulator (I don't know what 'stangtennis' is called in english?). One of my big dreams is to someday be able to actually create something of use to the community :). For this reason I have now started porting the Qt package to Amiga OS 4.1. Actually I have no real sense of how many people would be even interested in such a project, and I seriously doubt, that I'll ever finish it...

My machines:
A500 + A1200 in tower w BPPC603/BvisionPPC (both in my closet)
SAM440ep-flex 667Mhz, 1GB RAM, Radeon 9250-128mb (used as often as possible!)
and an old iBook G4 for everyday use...

Oh and by the way (and slightly off topic): If you are interested in music, please visit the page of my string quartet


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Re: Napalm for OS 4?
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Just can't stay away


I suppose you know, that it is all done in 68k assembler?

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Re: Napalm for OS 4?
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Just can't stay away


Hence "license". I was thinking something along the lines of setting up a bounty to buy the source from them. If they still have it...

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Napalm for OS 4?
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Just can't stay away

Has anyone ever tried to convince Clickboom to licence an OS 4 compliant version of Napalm? I think it is a horrible shame, that we cannot play "the greatest amiga game of all times" on our new mahines...

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