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Re: What kind of programs would you like to see for Ami...
Just popping in
Just popping in



Kreciu wrote:
Hi All,

I just wanted to ask what kind of programs would you like to see on you amiga (any).

My list:

www browser (like Firefox in sense of quality),
office (in sense of usability... I really need power point!!!

Thats not only your list.
These would go a long ways.

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Re: USB Card reader and A1 internal USB - connection problem
Home away from home
Home away from home


Thanks a lot for all the answers, i have it working now...


I had a non-fixed mobo and that was causing the problems.

Now that i have my board back (with fixes done) everything
went nicely right out of the box. Everything is seen by OS4
and UBoot and everything (for now) works flawlessly

I too had the "babble detected on" errors and a few strange
behaviours too, but i think it was due to the hardware glitches.

People are dying.
Entire ecosystems are collapsing.
We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.
And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.
How dare you!
– Greta Thunberg
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What kind of programs would you like to see for Ami...
Just popping in
Just popping in

Hi All,

I just wanted to ask what kind of programs would you like to see on you amiga (any).

My list:

www browser (like Firefox in sense of quality),
office (in sense of usability... I really need power point!!!

The rest would be hardware support but this is different story, since Linux suffer the same... but how many people use it.

Do you know some replacements for this what I wrote, I'm asking since my ami was resting for a "while" and now is coming back :).

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Re: There is hope for OS4 on the Classic.
Just popping in
Just popping in



I see, there is a hope for OS 4 for my amiga :). Good when and where I can buy it :). If this will be cheaper than Win "Viste" Home I can even preorder, and I'm not kiding!

I'm sooooo happy that you work on that system. Some new fresh air in my computer. Soon this will be the oldest computer which has the newest system... think about that... run the Vista on 586 ;) :hahaha: I know there is "no" comparison...


PS. I really would like to have good www browser, I mean GOOD, like Firefox :) this is main program which all of us is using EVERY day, for EVERY think, www browser, I can pay for that :). Somethink like "office" would be useful too... And than I'm happy.

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Re: Seeking Confirmation...
Just popping in
Just popping in


This is just another one of the illuminati's "HEGELIAN DIALECTIC" games to remove more freedoms from the people of the world.

They set up a "Thesis" which is opposed by an "Antithesis", they then supply the "Synthesis".

"Thesis" = The USA has to protect its citizens and all freedom loving citizens of the world from the "bad" guys.
"Antithesis" = Iran, the bad guys who's aim in life is to destroy the freedoms of all people in the USA and the world.
"Synthesis" = The solution we are given is war must be declared and the "bad" guys must be removed, and "safeguards must put in place to assure that this won't happen again."

As can be seen, those in positions of power control the "Thesis", "Antithesis", and "Synthesis", and guess who ALWAYS looses freedoms, the dumb peasants who clamber behind their leaders blindly.
Unfortunately even those with there eyes wide open loose freedoms too.

As for the "safeguards" mentioned in the "Synthesis", these cause loss of freedoms, as happened after 9/11. i.e. The patriot act 1&2 etc.

The aim of all this is to concentrate more and more power into the hands of fewer and fewer people. With the ultimate outcome been a world government (Dictatorship) and loss of freedom for all.


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Re: Amiga Future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

Here too at the North thank You.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Just popping in
Just popping in


I could not be more pleased with my PS3, and intend to have several in the house, as computers for my two boys and another as a central part of entertainment centre. I am considering making one my main home computer as well.

Having recent got a Benq HDTV monitor (<a href="http://www.benq.com.au/products/LCD/?product=1010" target="_blank">FP241w</a>), I am overwhelmed by what comes through the screen.

OS4 would be my ideal OtherOS on it. I have Ubantu Linux at the moment, as far as Linux goes it is fine, but I don't like Linux at all, especially its slow boot. OS4 quick and easy booting and switch-off shutdown fits; Linux does not.

PS3 is a fixed architecture, and powerful, much more so than anything we are looking at in amiga HW. Plus it has already sold in its millions and thus represents the biggest potential market we have.

PS-Home is coming out soon and with that a means of advertising our OS.

It just seems such a logical way to go. No hacks required, a games console inviting in a foreign OS is found nowhere else.

And we have X11 server technology, and hence many of the essential and familiar SW products are a much simpler port away.

It is not a question of a PS3 owner wanting OS4 on their HW, but rather OS4 needs such a HW platform. It needs to break out beyond its community shell and begin to find new generations of Amigans - now.

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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Rogue wrote:

Atheist wrote:

Why am I against MP? Because I believe that it's possible to write SW in a no MP environment that isn't possible in an MP enviroment, and barring virii/malware, anything that is made in an MP environment can be done in a non-MP OS.

Well, belief is for Religion.

Hi Rogue,

If I were Billsey*, I'd complain I was the victim of a cheap shot.

* But I'm not.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Amiga Future!
Just popping in
Just popping in


Mine arrived this morning. Well done Andreas.


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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I have my A1 for desktop use aswell and also really misses an Amiga Laptop.
But i would also like to see OS4 on my newly bought PS3 and would certainly buy a copy if/when it becomes available.

Having access to OS4 in my living room would be nice for when my GF uses my A1. I also think a lot (thousands, ten thousands?) of Ex-Amigans would give OS4 a try if it was available for the PS3 and priced just below game price.

IMHO Amiga and Hyperion should have released that version long time ago.


billt wrote:

As a user I don't have much interest in PS3. I've got a desktop tied to a desk, I don't have much use for another, which is what the PS3 would be. I do want a laptop, which ps3 doesn't help with.

As a developer for OS4, there could be a few useful things to it. It's got bluray and HDCP, so one coule potentially use this as a platform to create players, drivers, APIs, secure data transfer stuff, etc. to play HD movies. I'd still prefer a laptop though. I'm really not likely to buy any more OS4 hardware that's not a laptop.

Bounty site for AmigaOS4! www.amigabounty.net
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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Just popping in
Just popping in


So, again, what good argument is there AGAINST MP, after so many arguments for MP?

I only have one: Make it within the next release/version and please do everything to get AOS4 released as soon as possible with no new features for the existent version.

An OS with everything a user/developer wants or can imagine is worth nothing if no potential user/developer is able to obtain it!


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Re: USB Card reader and A1 internal USB - connection problem
Just popping in
Just popping in



One question though, you stated in your first mail:

In A1:
+5v D- D+ GND x

I presume that this is meant while looking at the pins and counting from left to right, that is "back" of the mobo (where the original USB ports reside) to "front" (where the IDE connectors are)?

I used the header for USB 3 and 4 which is located at the back corner of motherboard, near the PCI slots - roughly like this:

-------back mobo connectors----


The pins are like you said - from back of mobo towards floppy connector.

Hope this clarifies things a bit

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: Amiga Future!
Just popping in
Just popping in

I've got mine too. :)

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Re: Amiga Future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


mine arrived in the afternoon :)

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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Just popping in
Just popping in


does the PPC "ExecNG" have faclities for handling Virtual Machining in
current state? just yes/no would be fine to answer this,

I see nothing wrong with defaulting the UMA to being read-write
and anything *allocated* becomes write-only by the allocator...
executable code being "write-enabled" exclusive of "executable"
seems fair also...

I hope to code something dependant on such functionality once I lay
hands on an AOS4 capable device, ...

I wish you all the best in the current mess


Ive seen enough of this thread to actually get a proper grasp at how
"Memory Protection" actually needs to work... and with what I learnt
of the AOS3 and AOS2 systems I originally learned programming with
I will be looking forward to the Hyperion produced AOS4 becoming
generally available.

there is *nothing* stopping a program asking exec nicely to walk *all* virtual memory spaces as "read-only" to find strings...
being able to "write" changes over the found string is another matter...

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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



Atheist wrote:
We keep adding this, that, and the other, then we realize, "oh!, that's why they did this, that and the other (registry, say)" and before too long (at all) we have what THEY have, and I don't want to see that happen....

There is a huge difference between blindly adding features and adding features that are deemed essential. We could argue that "other systems already have a graphics user interface and web browser, so why should we have that", to which you would certainly say "because these things are essential"

Heck, we've already got the huge disadvantage of OS bloat simply because PPC code is 50, to 250% bigger than the old compiles.

That is hardly an issue. The difference in code size isn't that big (admittedly there is a difference), and code size is rarely what makes the difference - a good PNG image collection is already bigger than most programs, not to mention game data files and textures.

The OS is bigger now than it was during 3.1, granted, but there is a WHOLE lot of more functionality in it that wasn't even REMOTELY available.

In todays world of huge memories and HD space, so what, right? But, what about when we go 64 bit, won't the size balloon up again? Even the very same commands like "dir" and "list"? I don't know, I'm asking.

No it won't. And the point is that memory and harddisk space today IS bigger than it was (if you had a harddisk at all). The point is that the expectations have gone up too, today programs are more colorful, they look better, and they have much more functionality. I had used TASWORD II on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum to write texts, yeah that was possible but if you compare it to OpenOffice.org, the functionality does not even come remotely close to it.

How am I going to get AOS4.x running in a wristwatch if it needs 250 Megs of ram to start (hey, vista hit 3 to 6 gigs, right? and I'm sure every last assembler byte is necessary!!! )

The question is not whether something is possible or not, but rather, whether something is necessary or not. What purpose does it have to be able to run in a few kilobytes when all embedded devices come with several megabytes of memory? If there is no difference in price? The Arctic had 64 MB, plus a 32 MB ROM where the OS and a RAM disk was located with OS 4 on it and a few programs (we even had Turbo Calc and WBsteroids running on the thing). What good does it make to only use a fraction of the ROM? There was still plenty of free space anyway.

So the question is whether you think that adding a feature like MP will raise this footprint significantly. The answer is no it wouldn't. The additional features that the OS might get might, but certainly not the MP.

Seriously, if you do want to contact me write me a mail. You're more likely to get a reply then.
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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



Atheist wrote:

I guess it's just the "romantic" in me.... I like it the way it was, we'd have the LAST "open" OS. Let's face it, you can't fight virii in any open system anyway* and that's what I was hoping we'd have (an open system).

This sounds like a "just because" argument, and it doesn't convince me.

For the record, I don't think being the last "open" OS is a quality but rather a problem. Why would it be desirable to have an "open" OS when "open" means "vulnerable to both malicious and dumb code"?

I find it refreshing that even with SMP, STILL MP is not a requirement.

The reason is that neither has anything to do with the other. SMP is multi-processing, and can be done without regards to the memory protection; it just double the chance to run into a fatal flaw of software.

Why am I against MP? Because I believe that it's possible to write SW in a no MP environment that isn't possible in an MP enviroment, and barring virii/malware, anything that is made in an MP environment can be done in a non-MP OS.

Well, belief is for Religion. I would rather have you name a useful program that would be made impossible by a system with memory protection.

Yes, it is true that you can do everything that you can do in an MP-environment in a Non-MP environment. You can also implement any algorithm conceivable on a Turing Machine, there are mathematical proofs for that as well. But at what cost? Would anybody in his right mind try to write any complex algorithm on a Turing or Random Access Machine? I don't think so.

MP does not offer any additional functionality in itself. In a world where there is only correct code and no malicious code, MP is not required, just as e.g. E-Mail security was not required in a time where the only people sending E-mail around where university professors and the odd student. In an internet like today where most of the bandwidth is used up by porn downloads and Spam mail, the security becomes an issue. The same goes for MP.

Now imagine AOS4.x-UAE, all the SW has no idea that there is an "outside world".

When I sit down to compute, I want to be in "super-user" mode always (no passwords, levels of permisson, etc.).... access to anything, anytime. That is how it was and I don't see any real reason to have it otherwise.

Well I can tell you a reason. Any time you click on a link in a web browser, some idiot script kiddie might try to shove some malicious code onto your harddisk. A friend of mine recently had his kids looking at a porn advertisement page because a virus had changed his browser homepage to some porn website. That isn't funny. Now, usually changing your homepage can be done without a password, but a virus will not stop there. It will install a program that will misuse your machine to send out spam mail to others, and this is possible because you are in "superuser" mode and it can install any crap on your machine without even so much as a notification.

Now, if the system would ask for your permission to install a new program, you would be suspicious and would look at what it wants to install, and that would improve your system's stability as well as preventing others from getting spam mail from your machine.

Things go further. You might be the only one in your household using a computer. Others might not. If security is compromised on one system, chances are good that it spreads. What if your next-door neighbor suddenly chokes your internet connection because the house you live in has a common access point?

Besides, THAT has already been DONE (crappily, I might add).

You should not judge a concept by its implementation. besides, the only reason why it does not happen frequently on the Amiga is that the Amiga is insignificant. Compared to the number of Windows system, it is simply not worth the effort.

So, again, what good argument is there AGAINST MP, after so many arguments for MP?

Seriously, if you do want to contact me write me a mail. You're more likely to get a reply then.
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Re: Amiga Future!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Got mine today too, despite it being labelled as England instead of Scotland. Amazingly quick.


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Re: Amiga Future!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



Ferry wrote:
Just ONE day after Andreas announced the magazine was out, I have just received my copy!! Man, that's what call efficiency. Thanks alot!



Yeah, Mine arrived in the post this Morning
Just about to open it NOW!

This Puny World will bow down to
Professor Chaos
Prepare for the greatest Villan you have ever seen!!
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Re: The Memory Protection Debacle
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

We keep adding this, that, and the other, then we realize, "oh!, that's why they did this, that and the other (registry, say)" and before too long (at all) we have what THEY have, and I don't want to see that happen.... because they were there already, and I rejected that. Heck, we've already got the huge disadvantage of OS bloat simply because PPC code is 50, to 250% bigger than the old compiles.

In todays world of huge memories and HD space, so what, right? But, what about when we go 64 bit, won't the size balloon up again? Even the very same commands like "dir" and "list"? I don't know, I'm asking.

How am I going to get AOS4.x running in a wristwatch if it needs 250 Megs of ram to start (hey, vista hit 3 to 6 gigs, right? and I'm sure every last assembler byte is necessary!!! )

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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