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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 - network problems
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Dirk-B wrote:
Ok, i have tried again in OS4.0 to make a static connection and
i succeeded, this is what my interface is:


The ping command worked also.

I am now again in OS4.1 and have connected with the same
settings, but again afther a few seconds my system hangs,
again true the use of the eth3com.device.

Just to make sure: Did you copy also all files from Devs:Internet over from 4.0 to 4.1 (files like groups, hosts, name_resolution, networks, ...), as well as the Devs:NetInterfaces/ contents? If it works under 4.0, and all files storing that setup are copied to 4.1, I can see no reasone for it not to work there also. I did exactly that numerous times during the test phase, on two different A1s.

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 - network problems
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Dirk-B wrote:
I was looking for the Roadshow program but i could not
find it, instead i found in c/ roadshowcontrol and in
internet/ dialer. But both these have the same date from
2006 so they have not changed.

Are there any other programs related to roadshow?

Roadshow is just the collective name for all the modules making up or related to the TCP/IP stack. The main part of it is implemented in bsdsocket.library, which (unlike in Miami or AmiTCP/Genesis, where it s created on the fly) is a "real" disk-based library living in LIBS:. I believe it did change between 4.0 July update and 4.1, but I wouldn't expect that to create this sort of problems.



Aha, i found the file ethernet_devices.db that was new
and much more smaller then the old one. I replaced it,
tried the connection again, but sadly it was not working. :(

That shouldn't have much significance. It is just a list of some known network card types and their features, like the number of devices on the unit. The only effect of that is to fill in some defaults when using the wizard and/or prefs program, AFAIK.

And the reason the new one is smaller? Look at the contents of the old one; it seems all the devices mentioned in there are from the ancient past where only classic hardware existed. It has stuff like the Ariadne and the X-Surf etc. And the version tag is dated in 2003 ...

The new one seems to mention only some devices likely to be used on an A1 -- which incidentally is the only one OS 4.1 is relevant for at this time.

Best regards,


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Re: OS4.1 Missing instructions
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Swoop wrote:

The quickstart guide tells you to set the device-name in the MTB to SWAP: , not the volume-name that you can change with WB.
Thanks for that. Looking at page 14 of the quickstart guide, under swap partition characteristics, it say's Name: SWAP,

Yes, but above that, it says "The SWAP partition should have the following characteristics:", and all the other characteristics are also only settable in Media Toolbox, so it should be logical to look for a Name: field also in Media Toolbox for this. But I agree it could probably have been made just that little bit more obvious.

but I can see from page 22 that you are correct, and I need to change the device name to swap.
This probably means my swap is not set up.

Yes, probably. But you can test it by copying a file larger than your available memory to the RAM disk. If it works (more slowly than with a smaller file, of course), you have a working swap partition.

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 - network problems
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The really fast solution to this is probably to copy over all your configuration files from your 4.0 installation: Everything in Devs:Internet and Devs:NetInterfaces. If you have special settings in your ENVARC:Roadshow/ directory, copy that complete directory as well. Then you *should* be up and running exactly like under 4.0, with no need to go through the wizard and Prefs editor again.

Of course, you won't know what the problem was, then (unless you make the effort of copying all the files one at a time and testing after each one).

Best regards,


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Re: OWB2.8 rocks !!
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joerg wrote:

Question: The change log says: "Implemented statusbar text." What exactly does this mean? Which one is the status bar, and which text is supposed to be visible in it, and when? I don't see anything here that looks like a statusbar text, but maybe I haven't understood correctly what to look for.
The progress bar is used as status bar as well, for example the 3 ads at the top of http://amiga-news.de/ set a status text when moving the mouse over them.

Ah, I see. Will that also at some point be used for displaying the link under the mouse (like most browsers do at the bottom)?

Best regards,


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Re: OWB2.8 rocks !!
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Just can't stay away

Getting more and more complete with each new version. Impressive!

Question: The change log says: "Implemented statusbar text." What exactly does this mean? Which one is the status bar, and which text is supposed to be visible in it, and when? I don't see anything here that looks like a statusbar text, but maybe I haven't understood correctly what to look for.

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.7
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xeron wrote:


I know that, my point is that the clipboard itself is not a problem, and right now OWB can start putting a CSET chunk on the clipboard.

The sooner apps start doing that, the better.

But Shinkuro's original problem was with text copied into OWB. Solving that would still require that the other program knew about the CSET chunk and set it correctly.

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.7
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Just can't stay away


Working lovely! Thanks for all the nice new features.

One small glitch: With no start page defined (tooltype set to just "HOME="), and with WINDOWLEFT=64, WINDOWTOP=77, WINDOWWIDTH=1152, and WINDOWHEIGHT=870, only part of the empty page is painted white (looks like perhaps the "default" 800?600 area), the rest is grey. Screen is 1280?1024, and the old WIDTH/HEIGHT tooltypes are disabled with parentheses.

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOne Battery Q.
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Flinx wrote:

UBoot is in flash memory and needs no power to survive.

True, but the UBoot variables may need resetting after changing the battery.

In one of my A1s, I have implemented the ultimate remedy against that; I soldered two battery holders together in parallel, so I can put in the new battery before removing the old one -- all while having the machine powered down, of course. I'm planning to do the same mod to the other one.

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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joerg wrote:

Hmm, just found another little odd thing:

I put WIDTH=1152 and HEIGHT=870 in my tooltypes, running on a 1280?1024 WB. But the window opens with the dimensions of 1179?1016.


I wonder if there are some calculations that need revising?
While fixing the wrong screen size reported by OWB yesterday I found a bug in the window size calculation as well and fixed it

Way to go!

The toolbar height was wrongly added to the height of the webview.

Ah, thought something like that was happening. And seeing your mention below about the size of the actual webview makes me understand better how it could end up as 1179 when I specify 1152, and likewise for the height. I didn't know that this was the meaning of the tooltypes (I think I may have spent too little time RTFM'ing ).

BTW, if at some point it would be an easy matter for you to implement, it could be quite nice to also have control over the TOP and LEFT positioning in the tooltypes.
That's very easy, will be included in the next version.


OTOH it will be strange to set the TOP/LEFT position of the whole window, but with WIDTH/HEIGHT the size of the webview. I probably should add WINDOWWIDTH/WINDOWHEIGHT tooltypes as well to be able to configure the window size instead of configuring the webview size.

As mentioned, I wasn't even aware that I wasn't specifying the outer window dimensions, so yeah, it would probably make sense to make that possible as well.

Thanks again for all your useful work.

Best regards,


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Re: Demonstrate Amiga OS 4.1 in Prague 23-24 August 2008 ?
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Antique wrote:

Not interested in saying how many in numbers? Or is it classified information?

Honestly, what planet are you from?

Nobody in the business world want to tell stuff like this. It would give much too much information to the competition, especially in a market like this one.

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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Just can't stay away


Hmm, just found another little odd thing:

I put WIDTH=1152 and HEIGHT=870 in my tooltypes, running on a 1280?1024 WB. But the window opens with the dimensions of 1179?1016. And since my WB title bar is 26 pixels high (and OWB quite reasonably opens the window below the title bar, i.e. from 0,26), this actually means the bottom 18 pixels are outside the screen.

I wonder if there are some calculations that need revising? And maybe an assumption about a title bar's height always being 8 (1024-8=1016 -- but if so, it would seem the HEIGHT tooltype isn't even read)?

BTW, if at some point it would be an easy matter for you to implement, it could be quite nice to also have control over the TOP and LEFT positioning in the tooltypes. No showstopper, of course .

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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ikir wrote:

joerg wrote:

Ah, okay. So I assume it is known by the SandLabs folks, then?
I've fixed it and it's reviewed and committed in the OWB SVN now.

Well done, really. Thanks for all.

I second that. Great job!

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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joerg wrote:

BTW, while PageUp/Down work fine and are very useful, is there any chance of getting Home and End (and/or AUISG equivalents like Ctrl+Up/Down) to work as well?
It's a bit problematic since OWB uses all these keys already. And it does use HOME/END even outside of input fields, it's just very strange what it does ... For example on amigans.net it scrolls horizontally with HOME/END, on amigaworld.net it scrolls vertically to the top/bottom instead, and in both cases only after clicking on an empty part of the page.

Agreed, that sounds really weird. I doubt that can be intended, at least outside input fields.

Maybe I can add a check if an input field is active when a key is pressed and if not use something else which makes more sense

Yeah, that sounds like it would be a way forward.

Currently you can use the mouse wheel(s) instead, with <shift> pressed it scrolls pages and with <ctrl> to the top/bottom. With <alt> pressed additionally the 2 mouse wheels are swapped, most mice have only one wheel but that way you can scroll horizontally as well.

Cool, thanks for that tip, I must have missed those qualifiers. That does help quite a lot, I'll just have to remember to use them

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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Just can't stay away


BTW, while PageUp/Down work fine and are very useful, is there any chance of getting Home and End (and/or AUISG equivalents like Ctrl+Up/Down) to work as well?

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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joerg wrote:
I know about that bug, the underlines are moved twice as much as they should vertically and not at all horizontally, but it's not a bug in the AmigaOS4 port and happens on Linux as well.

Ah, okay. So I assume it is known by the SandLabs folks, then?

Best regards,


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Re: NetSurf2.0(dev) Bugs Thread
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Just can't stay away

Nice work so far!

How can I make it start in a Workbench window instead of opening its own screen?

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.6
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Just can't stay away


Just noticed again something I also saw a few days ago, but forgot.

Load e.g. this page:

http://www.iconbar.com/articles/How_I ... ve_RISC_OS/index1092.html

- and scroll down the page with the mouse wheel or the down cursor key. Notice how the underline from the link "RISC OS 6 FAQ" comes rushing up the page, as if it tries to escape the link it belongs to? It returns to its rightful place when you scroll back down. Looks funny, though.

Best regards,


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Re: OWB 2.5
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joerg wrote:

Version 2.6 has copy&paste support now and of course uses the standard shortcuts (<RAMIGA><C>, <RAMIGA><X> and <RAMIGA><V>). I've changed the "Close window" menu key to 'W', AFAIK there is no standard key for closing the current window.

Not in the AUISG, no. Workbench uses <RAMIGA><K>, maybe it would be an idea to follow that example?

Best regards,


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Re: Amiga OS 4.1 dealers
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amigakit wrote:
New resellers popping up in the Amiga market when there is a new major release is good for the Community but please remember that we are here all year round, serving and providing Amiga support full time. This includes when times are hard and there are no new releases of products.

Sure, and that is also much appreciated, an appreciation I have been backing up with other orders previously.

But I'm not beyond dreaming about the return of an Amiga market with more widespread dealers which can e.g. work together with their local customers to arrange user group events, shows, demos etc. like we often saw in the past (btw, I am aware that you take part in that work in your country, and even participate in the larger events abroad as well, which is also much appreciated). In Denmark, there is nobody like that nowadays. If Sweden could see one emerging e.g. in Hast, I would want to support that, because it would mean the possibility of more Amiga activity within a reasonable distance from me.

So I think I'll be sticking to a strategy of splitting my orders between helping keep the likes of you alive and nourishing any promising sprouts I see fighting their way into the sunlight.

It's more or less the same as with donations to developers. Some of them might support well-established developers (relatively speaking; nobody is really well-established in the current Amiga market), some go to people who haven't yet made many great programs, but who are working on something we need. And some of those donations sometimes turn out to have been "wasted" because people have to give up. That doesn't make me regret having made that donation. I knew the risk was there, but chose to take it.

Best regards,


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