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Publications : Issue 12/24 of German ASM (Current Software Market) published
Posted by AndreasM on 2024/12/18 11:12:14 (286 reads) News by the same author

After the great success of the german ASM revival issue 3/23, the editorial team is now upping the ante: this year’s issue of german ASM (“Current Software Market”), number 12/24, has now been published and is now available at the URL https:/ /www.amigashop.org can be ordered. The current magazine offers a comprehensive overview of the new retro releases from summer 2023 to autumn 2024, taking into account the classic computer systems from A for Amiga to Z for ZX Spectrum, in over 40 tests for a total of 12 different computer systems.

What else is there in the new edition of ASM?

Manfred Kleimann didn’t miss the opportunity to write the foreword again - he also fought the Great London Fire of 1666 again, while Martina Strack helped the lemmings again after 30 years and Klaus ‚Cruiser‘ set sail on the Paradroid deck cleaned up.

Big thanks also go to Torsten Oppermann, who met with Chris Hülsbeck and Julian Eggebrecht for ASM to talk about old and new times and let us share in them.

Clem Chambers, head of the famous software company CRL, talks about what it was like to run a software company in the 80s and what he did afterwards.

Michael Kafke tells us pretty much everything about the ASM adventure, Stefan Vogt chats about the details and introduces us to Hibernated 2 (while we take a closer look at his masterpiece “The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor”).

The reader survey from the last issue will be resolved, there will be a programming competition (again...) and one or two surprises.

And of course all the sections from the last issue are back on board, as is Donald Bug, who is letting go of all his clothes this time...

Order the current german issue now:


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