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Internet News : IntuitionBase.com got a huge upgrade
Posted by walkero on 2024/8/17 16:33:44 (808 reads) News by the same author

For the last few months, I have been working on a huge upgrade for the IntuitionBase.com. The goal is to make it more secure, have more features that would help me expand the content and make it a little bit more modern. I am thrilled to announce that the first step is done and more will come.

But what exactly changed?

The website now is based on one of the best, in my opinion, CMS available, Drupal 10. This gives the option to have a great backend to manage this website, users and groups, for providing access to those who would like to contribute, and high security confidence.

- All the content from the old website is transferred here. The structure changed a little bit, but everything is here
- Added a new section called "Featured software". Please see below for more information about it.
- The compatible systems now have their own page, and not only links to external websites
- Software and Hardware lists are searchable now
- There is a global search feature you can use to find anything on the website
- It is much easier to create content now, than what the old website had with the custom HTML code
- Many of the old links are automatically redirected to the new pages

When someone buys a system for AmigaOS 4, and joins our community, it is difficult to know the best available software to use. Furthermore, it is difficult to find the components that are needed to make software work. And that's the problem I am trying to solve with the "Featured software" section. The goal is to list there, in an easy to access and discover way, the software that helps the end user to have the best experience with their new system. All the applications are categorized logically, based on their usage, and they all have information about who created them, where to find, how to buy or how to support the developer. Some information about the software is included along with photos, and where available, a video.

Of course, having all the best software there on the launch day is difficult, as this is something that might take months. That's why, for now, there are a few applications listed and more will be added every day. So, please be patient with it.

I know that this is not enough. More things will be added in the future. I hope I will be able to gather more guides in the Articles section that would be helpful for the users to get more familiar with AmigaOS 4.

How can you help?

If you would like to help IntuitionBase to gather information that will be useful to more AmigaOS 4 users, please consider contributing in the following ways:

- You can help by writing original guides or transfer here some of your old ones
- Help on the "Featured Software" section and present with a few screenshots, some descriptions and links for the applications you love to use
- Translate guides to English and let's add them in IntuitionBase
- Provide documents correlated with the AmigaOne systems, i.e. technical sheets for the CPUs and the hardware, or hardware fixes etc.
- Provide additional information about the compatible hardware and software of our lists
- Send me ideas, proposals or "wanna see" messages
- Donate to cover the monthly costs of having such a website up and running

The old website will continue to work at the http://old.intuitionbase.com, but it will not get any updates.

I hope you will love the changes and the effort I put into IntuitionBase.com.

Kind regards,

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Author Thread
Published: 2024/8/17 17:26  Updated: 2024/8/17 17:26
Just popping in
Joined: 12/08/2006
From: Netherlands
Comments: 128
 Re: IntuitionBase.com got a huge upgrade
Great update, thank you :))
Published: 2024/8/18 8:08  Updated: 2024/8/18 8:08
Just popping in
Joined: 07/04/2022
From: The EU 🇪🇺
Comments: 23
How about updating the post explaining what that site is all about instead of assuming everyone knows it?
Published: 2024/8/18 9:42  Updated: 2024/8/18 9:42
Site Builder
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Athens/Dublin
Comments: 1814
@FirstNinja Great question. IntuitionBase.com is a website that was created back in 2004 by a group of people who liked the AmigaOS 4 and wanted to have a place to find everything around this OS. Hardware and Software compatibility, news, guides, presentations etc. Unfortunately, at some point it was abandoned and not updated any more. A couple of years ago, it had issues working with newer versions of PHP, which I helped to solve. Then I asked to get it at my server and keep it working flawlessly, and that's what happened a year ago. I also got the blessing from the original owner to update it as I want. So, I intend to make IntuitionBase a place to find everything about AmigaOS 4, as the original team's goal was. And one of the first things I believe is to make it as good as possible technically and put in there the right information that people need.
Published: 2024/8/19 2:27  Updated: 2024/8/19 2:27
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2007
Comments: 87
 Re: Intuitionbase
Thanks for all the work you put in to these things @walkero!
Published: 2024/8/19 5:43  Updated: 2024/8/19 5:43
Just popping in
Joined: 08/21/2008
Comments: 199
 Re: IntuitionBase.com got a huge upgrade

Congratulations to you and your team. I'm excited to see the improvements to the site, and it's great to see IntuitionBase continuing under your guidance.

Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Published: 2024/8/19 12:30  Updated: 2024/8/19 12:30
Just popping in
Joined: 12/08/2006
From: Netherlands
Comments: 128
Much appreciated, thank you for your effort!
Published: 2024/9/1 16:07  Updated: 2024/9/1 16:07
Just popping in
Joined: 04/10/2017
From: Dumfries
Comments: 16
@walkero It's looking good. Thank you for this
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