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Software News : JPEG2000 plugin released
Posted by softwarefailure on 2013/3/25 18:07:39 (1435 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Airsoft Softwair has just released a new plugin for Hollywood 5 - Infinity. This plugin enables all Hollywood scripts to load and save images in the JPEG2000 format.

JPEG2000 is the successor to the popular JPEG format and offers multiple advantages over its predecessor including lossless compression and the possibility to store images with alpha channels. Additionally, when a JPEG2000 plugin is available and you compile executables for Mac OS X, Hollywood will be able to create Mac OS X icons in the resolutions 256x256 and 512x512 as well because these images are encoded using JPEG2000 bitstreams.

You can download the plugin from the official Hollywood portal. Thanks to Hollywood 5's cross-platform plugin system versions for AmigaOS3 (Classic), AmigaOS3 (FPU), AmigaOS4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS (Intel), Linux (PowerPC), Linux (Intel), Mac OS (PowerPC), Mac OS (Intel), Windows and Google's Android platform are provided.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/3/26 14:14  Updated: 2013/3/26 14:14
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/28/2010
From: Palencia-Spain
Comments: 785
 Re: JPEG2000 plugin released
Well, other fantastic plugin to make Hollywood better every day, now to reprogram AHIW to give support a this format.
Published: 2013/3/26 17:16  Updated: 2013/3/26 17:16
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1890
 Re: JPEG2000 plugin released
thanks for updating this great software
Published: 2013/3/29 17:19  Updated: 2013/3/29 17:19
Just popping in
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Geneva CH
Comments: 227
 Re: JPEG2000 plugin released
Unfortunately Designer doesn't like most of the plugins...
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