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Joined: 2018/3/1 21:08 Last Login
: Today 18:29
From italy
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I'm looking for a fast help about saving a 24bit bitmap into an ilbm file. I need to save also a special (non standard) chunk.
Until now I used old "saveilbm" function, present into NEWIFF package, based on iffparse.library. It's ok for 8 bit screens but on 24bit ones fails, when I go to reload image I got a black screen. It's tested on OS4 only so maybe it could be ok on OS3.
If someone can give some hit to find a fix for saveilbm function, or suggest another way to do that, it will be much appreciated.
My perfect solution is to have a full 8bit/24bit bitmaps working function like this SavePic (struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, struct Chunk *ChunkList1, struct Chunk *ChunkList2, uin8 *FileName)
I thought also to switch code to datatypes but I really dont't know hot to write iff special chunks using picture.datatype.