Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2010/6/17 15:04 Last Login
: 2/4 23:19
From Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)
Registered Users
Using the current version of NetSurf (v2.9) I notice that there is no autocompletion based on history beyond the immediate session history. In other words if I type '' into the URL bar, then for the remainder of my session, typing the letter 'a' allows me to autocomplete the URL. But if I quit the application and restart, there is no more history, and therefore, no more autocompletion. I have to type the full URL again.
I should point out that history is 'kept' 28 days according to the preferences, but doesn't seem to be. Even URLs in my hotlist don't autocomplete, just those I manually type in, and only for that one session.
Am I doing something wrong here, or is history saving from session to session not fully supported?
-- eliyahu