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Joined: 2007/9/3 18:27 Last Login
: 2013/9/7 11:41
From France
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Hi, Since there currently seems to be trojan issues with some browsers on Utilitybase, I'm posting my question here : I'm having weird results when compositing an ARGB32 bitmap over a transparent one (alpha = 0x00), using the following code: Quote: IGraphics->CompositeTags(COMPOSITE_Src_Over_Dest, source, dest, COMPTAG_SrcX, sourceLeft, COMPTAG_SrcY, sourceTop, COMPTAG_SrcWidth, width, COMPTAG_SrcHeight, height, COMPTAG_OffsetX, destLeft, COMPTAG_OffsetY, destTop, TAG_DONE);
The source bitmap RGB colors seem to be blended with the dest one, which should not happen since the alpha of the dest is 0. Is there some missing tag here to specify that the destination bitmap alpha should be taken into account ? Or maybe the operator is wrong ?