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Re: Duke3dw + AmigaOS4 4.1 FE = No sound?
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It seems that Smarkusg has compiled the OS4 version.

His profile :

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: RTS games?
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Warcraft 1 & 2 works perfectly fine under dosbox (you can easily create a launcher)

Stratagus and wargus are also worth trying.
Search for stratagus on OS4Depot.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Sam 460 LE news
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Please also check that you have installed the latest uboot :

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: I Need Advice on Setting Up a New Amiga System
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First, which Amiga?

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Sound over USB speakers
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"I wonder if I was to get an audio out convertor to USB, would that do the trick?"

It will but probably with latency.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: X5000 play webm videos?
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MPlayer can play these files.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Hi everyone from Yodaphone !!!
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Welcome to the club!

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Fresh version of Grafx2
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Kas1e, while i’m pleased with this Grafx 2 update, i’m delighted to see the ISO mounted on your workbench desktop.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Raylib v4.5.0
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Seems really nice! Good luck on this project MartinW.

A small commercial game created with Raylib:

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: First user's report of new Intel HD Audio (Azalia) driver by geennaam
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Just popping in

Just to repport that I've successfully tested the Aureon 7.1 PCIe on my X5000/20.

Thank you very much geennaam!

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Blog about making a multitrack video with AmigaOS / Linux - Blender Audio Evolution etc al
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Just popping in

Read the blog post and watched the video, nicely done and many thanks for the detailed process.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Odyssey's MediaPlayer thread
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Just popping in

It's now nice to browse youtube using Odyssey! Thanks to all involved!

Maybe it will sound weird to some of you... but would it be possible to add a 'disable video' option? (ie. in the contextual menu where there is already a 'disable sound' entry)

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: EasyRPG Player
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Just popping in

Thank You!

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Heart of Darkness : a one of best cinematic platform video game now and for AmigaOS4 !
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Tested the French version of the game on Sam460 & Sam440ep (scale-factor=1).

Never played the game before, quiet hard but seems fun to play! (Nice soundtrack)

Thank you kas1e for the OS4 port.

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: RadeonHD 3.x bug (?): more than ~256mb of used GPU (second chunk) memory cause a heavy lockup/crash.
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Tested from 2400 to 6000 on my Sam460 with a RadeonHD R7 250 1Go.

No Crash, no lock up

Resized Image

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Syntax highlighting -- need these?
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Nice project!

There are many languages available from the Kamelito link:

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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@jaokim & kas1e

Great to read that someone has a finger in the odyssey pie!

Is there anyone who can help jaokim on this? :

"For now there's a missing dependency, libicu, in my list, but I’ll try and fix that tonight.

I’ve merged the changes done by the Aros team, and my plan is to have it build, and then try and update to the next revision that the TenFourFox/leopard ppc-safari has a JIT-patch for.
I’m however currently stuck on freetype/fontconfig dependency, which I don’t know if the latest libcairo by salass00 has support for (the port only mentions an Amiga font backend)."

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Re: SSH client for AmigaOS with builtin terminal emulation
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So we could remotely run Midnight Commander ?

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: SSH client for AmigaOS with builtin terminal emulation
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Just popping in

Nice salass00!

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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Re: Word processing
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How modest you are!

A1200PPC/Sam440ep/Sam460ex/X1000/X5020 OS4.1
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