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Re: Sam 460LE, PCIe->PCI and SB128
Just popping in
Just popping in

@LiveForIt I was initially thinking, that maybe the adapter needs some drivers, but if that was the case, then probably Ranger would not see the SoundBlaster 128 PCI, because it wouldn't know anything about the PCI port on the adaptor, or would it?

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Sam 460LE, PCIe->PCI and SB128
Just popping in
Just popping in


I wanted to add two more PCI slots to my Sam 460LE as the only one available is filled with SATA controller and I wanted to put my old SoundBlaster 128 PCI to use. I bought this PCIe->PCI adaptor, connected everything, but I do not seem to be able to use the SB128 card at all.

As I really am newbie, I describe the symptoms and skip concluding anything on my side:

- I have both sb128.audio in Devs:AHI and SB128 in Devs:AudioModes, however when I start the AHI pref, there isn't anything under Unit 0, 1, 2 or 4.

- I can see the card in utilities like Ranger

- When I connect serial terminal to Sam 460 LE then I see U-boot message "PCIe0 Link is not up"

Any suggestions? Do I have a bad kind of PCIe->PCI adaptor? Do I have to configure anything else that I missed?

Thank you!

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Just popping in
Just popping in

Hello everyone,

I am new not only here, but on the platform. I am long time POWER/PowerPC fan and user, whatever that meant through the history. I always wanted to have an Amiga, never for some nostalgic game playing, but for some usage - and it never happened. I summarised my experience two years ago in a blog post.

But since then I've finally got my shiny new Sam 460LE and now I'm trying to cope with (for me) a completely new universe. I hope to get some newbie advice here :)

Otherwise not much to say - I'm almost 40, live in the heart of Europe and like obscure technology of all kinds.

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