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Re: Deneb/Poseidon 4.5 USB class Linksys 2.0 ethernet help
Just popping in
Just popping in

Hi amiganuts

I'm not well versed with Poseidon - actually I've never used it, which is why I am amongst those initial 109 readers with no response.

However, I have dealt quite a bit with USB on AmigaOS over time, so I can at least chime in with this bit of information.
The Class of a device is something the device itself presents to the USB stack. So the only way to change the device class would be if Poseidon has some means of allowing you to override what the device is telling.
As I don't know Poseidon I can't answer that question, but my guess would be that it is not possible.

Thomas Graff Thøger

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Re: microAmiga1 and USB 2.0. Is it possible?
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Just popping in

If you have a suitable PCI USB card with an EHCI controller (USB2) on it, it should be working - although I've never tried it myself.

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Re: Amiga X5040 ByTech Backlite USB Keyboard Issue
Just popping in
Just popping in

Sounds strange that the keyboard is not working on, seemingly, warm reboots.

Can I get you to send me your T:usb.log file of the two boot scenarios? I.e. one log file with a booting where the keyboard works and one where it does not work. Just as an initial investigation of what might be going on.
Send it to (minus garbage strings and spaces, and replacing the "at" and "dot") graff (lots of garbage here) at amigausb dot dk.

Also, please send along with it the version number you have installed of:
- usbsys.device
- hub.usbfd
- bootkeyboard.usbfd
- hid.usbfd

I'm curious And it may give me some hints towards fixing support for the keyboard. Anyway, if you're going to return the keyboard, then there's no need to dig deeper - it would probably take longer to get it supported (the keyboard, not the backlight control) than the period during which you would have to return the keyboard.


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Re: Amiga X5040 ByTech Backlite USB Keyboard Issue
Just popping in
Just popping in

It took a while to get to here - it seems my own account access is lost and can't be password reset, so I had to create a new account to be able to post.

First things first: Control of backlights and other on-keyboard effect-lights is not standardized, and is thus not integrated into the USB input drivers (bootmouse, bootkeyboard and HID). So you should not expect any handling of that from the OS side.

That aside, it seems from your description that the keyboard is not working at all under OS4 - i.e. you can't type anything with it in AmigaOS4. Is that a correct understanding of your description (I'm a bit confused of whether you talk about UBoot or AmigaOS with regards to typing not working)?

Thomas Graff Thøger

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