Sounds strange that the keyboard is not working on, seemingly, warm reboots.
Can I get you to send me your T:usb.log file of the two boot scenarios? I.e. one log file with a booting where the keyboard works and one where it does not work. Just as an initial investigation of what might be going on.
Send it to (minus garbage strings and spaces, and replacing the "at" and "dot") graff (lots of garbage here) at amigausb dot dk.
Also, please send along with it the version number you have installed of:
- usbsys.device
- hub.usbfd
- bootkeyboard.usbfd
- hid.usbfd
I'm curious

And it may give me some hints towards fixing support for the keyboard. Anyway, if you're going to return the keyboard, then there's no need to dig deeper - it would probably take longer to get it supported (the keyboard, not the backlight control) than the period during which you would have to return the keyboard.