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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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You can go to tonvid.com and search for vevo

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Here are 2 that won't work:

The weekend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLlSSJ0z7xM

Alicia Keys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rywUS-ohqeE

With WEBSAFARI they are not found.
ANDROID finds them, but won't display HLS links.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Yes, WEBSAFARI works with HLS links.
The strange part is, it won't work with vevo-music videos. With these no links are found.
With ANDROID, vevo music video link is found.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Yeah the ANDROID option works, but gives no HLS links, so the MP4 file is downloaded to ram, which can take a couple of seconds more to download, so I prefer the HLS links.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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I would love to give you more information, but yt.rexx finds no video links with your video url.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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I just tried with a few videos. 360p HLS file also has no audio with none of them.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Yes you're right. No audio with the HLS files with both emotion and dvplayer.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Yes with the IOS option HLS files show up again. Thanks.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Because of the unfreed signals error at exit, I had to write a new version of the script. It's in the other thread.
https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=150348#forumpost150348


Yes the selected file is downloaded to ram:.
But if you use the HLS links to the video, it only takes a second, because the HLS file only contains links to the video.
The first link with yt.rexx usually is a 360p MP4 file. That takes more time to download. The rest of the links are HLS files.

Anyway. YT.rexx isn't working for now.

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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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From what I understand of it, Tonvid stores the api-key in a cookie.
If for example, you stored the api-key in Odyssey, and you visit Tonvid with IBrowse, the apikey must be entered again in IBrowse.

edit: Tonvid was also used in SMTube.

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Re: aiostreams new release
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With some videos (for example some vevo videos), I get an I/O error too.
When I download the HLS file to RAM, and play it from RAM with Emotion, the video plays fine.

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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Bummer. I made an other error in the script, so emotion wasn't working anymore with the script.
Hopefully final version is in the other thread.

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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Bummer. I made an error in the script again, so it wasn't working anymore with emotion.

Here is the hopefully final version.
/* */
/* videoplayer.rexx */
/* usage: rx videoplayer.rexx <url> <app> silent */
/* <app> can be dv or emo. */
/* when no <app> option is entered, default app is dvplayer  */
/* with silent option, there is no curl cli ouput. */
/* */
options results
parse arg url app silence
if app="silent" then silence="silent"
if app~="emo" then app="dv"
if app="emo" then appfile="APPDIR:Emotion"
if app="dv" then appfile="APPDIR:DvPlayer"
if silence="silent" then opt="-s"
else opt=""
address command
"c:curl" url opt "-o ram:videoplayback"
if app="emo" then do
appfile "ram:videoplayback"
else do
"C:wbrun" appfile "ram:videoplayback"

CALL AddLib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
do until check=0
wait 2 /* must be wait 4 on sam460 */
/* say showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')*/
check=showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')

wait 2 /* must be wait 4 on sam460 */
"delete ram:videoplayback"

Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/8 9:04:46
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/8 9:07:38
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Re: How To: Video Streaming (Odyssey / IBrowse)
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Nice guide K-L.

Unfortunately I made a few errors in the script, and it has changed again, so you may want to edit your guide. The current version is in the other yt.rexx thread.

Also when using the script for dvplayer, playmode in yt.cfg really has to be 1.

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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Just popping in

Unfortunately I made a few errors in the previous script.
When using the script for dvplayer, playmode in yt.cfg really has to be 1.
Here 's is the final version. Hopefully this time it's the final version./* */
/* videoplayer.rexx */
/* usage: rx videoplayer.rexx <url> <app> silent */
/* <app> can be dv or emo. */
/* when no <app> option is entered, default app is dvplayer  */
/* with silent option, there is no curl cli ouput. */
/* */
options results
parse arg url app silence
if app="silent" then silence="silent"
if app~="dv" or "emo" then app="dv"
if app="emo" then appfile="APPDIR:Emotion"
if app="dv" then appfile="APPDIR:DvPlayer"
if silence="silent" then opt="-s"
else opt=""
address command
"c:curl" url opt "-o ram:videoplayback"
if app="emo" then do
appfile "ram:videoplayback"
else do
"C:wbrun" appfile "ram:videoplayback"

CALL AddLib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
do until check=0
wait 2 /* must be wait 4 on sam460 */
/* say showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')*/
check=showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')

wait 2 /* must be wait 4 on sam460 */
"delete ram:videoplayback"

Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/6 21:34:30
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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Just popping in

With the previous version of my rexx script, I got some strange error on exit with dvplayer ( ***Command 'APPDIR:dvplayer' returned with unfreed signals 04000000!
After a long search, I found out that dvplayer has to be executed with the wbrun command. On the other hand, emotion doesn't like to be run with the wbrun command.
So I made a final change to the script. Note that I tested this on a sam460ex and an x5000. On the sam, I use a very long wait command. On my x5000 I use a wait of 2 sec.
Also note that I run YT.rexx with playmode 1.

So here is the final version:
/* */
/* videoplayer.rexx */
/* usage: rx videoplayer.rexx <url> <app> silent */
/* <app> can be dv or emo. */
/* when no <app> option is entered, default app is dvplayer  */
/* with silent option, there is no curl cli ouput. */
/* */
options results
parse arg url app silence
if silence="silent" then opt="-s"
else opt=""
if app="" then app="dv"
if app="emo" then appfile="APPDIR:Emotion"
if app="dv" then appfile="APPDIR:dvplayer"
address command
"c:curl" url opt "-o ram:videoplayback"
if app="emo" then do
appfile "ram:videoplayback"
else do
"C:wbrun" appfile "ram:videoplayback"

CALL AddLib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
do until check=0
wait 4 /* long wait for sam 460. can be wait 2 on x5000 */
/* say showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')*/
check=showlist('W','DVPlayer GUI')

wait 4 /* long wait for sam 460. can be wait 2 on x5000 */
"delete ram:videoplayback"

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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Just popping in

I added a silent option to the rexx script to suppress cli output.

For usage with a context menu in Odyssey for dvplayer:
rx REXX:videoplayer.rexx %l dv silent

For usage with a context menu in Odyssey for emotion:
rx REXX:videoplayer.rexx %l emo silent

EDIT: copied wrong script.
EDIT2: another error in script
EDIT3:another change in the script
EDIT4: Since yt.rexx 3.1 i have to use yt.rexx playmode 1. Also my script is not needed anymore for emotion. So in Odyssey, you can use "appdir:emotion %l" for context menu.
I just keep emotion in the script for testing purposes.

/* */
/* videoplayer.rexx */
/* usage: rx videoplayer.rexx <url> <app> silent */
/* <app> can be dv or emo. */
/* when no <app> option is entered, default app is dvplayer  */
/* with silent option, there is no curl cli ouput. */
/* */
parse arg url app silence
if silence="silent" then opt="-s"
else opt=""
if app="" then app="dv"
if app="emo" then appfile="APPDIR:Emotion"
if app="dv" then appfile="APPDIR:DVPlayer"
address command
"c:curl" url opt "-o ram:videoplayback"
appfile "ram:videoplayback"
"delete ram:videoplayback"

Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/1 21:18:08
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/1 21:25:45
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/1 21:30:35
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/2 0:19:39
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/2 2:28:35
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/2 2:32:20
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/2 2:48:05
Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/3 13:49:26
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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Just popping in

I added tonvid.com as a search engine in Odyssey, so I can use it with Odysseys search function.


Edited by Mozzerfan on 2024/9/2 4:07:36
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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
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Just popping in

The link for the mp4 file is too long, so it couldn't be used by the dosscript for emotion from post #35

So I adapted my rexx script, so it could be used for dvplayer and emotion.
The script is so simple, I think I don't have to explain any further.
For usage with a context menu in Odyssey for dvplayer:
rx REXX:videoplayer.rexx %l dv

For usage with a context menu in Odyssey for emotion:
rx REXX:videoplayer.rexx %l emo

/* videoplayer.rexx */
/* usage: rx videoplayer.rexx <url> <app> */
/* <app> can be dv or emo. */
/* when no <app> option is entered, default app is dvplayer  */
/* */
parse arg url app
if app='' then app='dv'
if app='emo' then app2='appdir:Emotion'
if app='dv' then app2='appdir:DVPlayer'
address command
'c:curl' url '-o ram:videoplayback'
app2 'ram:videoplayback'
'delete ram:videoplayback'


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