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Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
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Would this also allow such a device (SSD or another) to be used to be accessed from both "sides" - the host system and AOS4.1?

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Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
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Yes, @Maijestro did one here

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Re: How is boot priority defined for AOS4.1 in general and on Peg2 in particular?
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Just popping in

I know. Added the Installation CD image again to get the extras installer shown.

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Re: How is boot priority defined for AOS4.1 in general and on Peg2 in particular?
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Just popping in

Thank you all. Did not think about trying the "2-Mouse-Button-Thing" in my case since I am currently toying around with QEmu and BBoot. - I need to check whether it works there too.

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How is boot priority defined for AOS4.1 in general and on Peg2 in particular?
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Just popping in

Hi everybody,

since I did not come across these kind of things for ages I need to ask. Wondering how this is defined - meaning if there are bootable media in CDROM and HDD where is defined that CDROM is getting the priority? And can this be configured?

Checked the Kickstart folder already but only came across the diskboot.config. But this does not seem to be the one in question.

Any idea where I need to look at?

Thank you in advance and

Kind Regards

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Re: tbimages: missing - how to get to them?
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Just popping in

You mean this should have been installed too by the standard installation or it is a must from the Extras-Installation?

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Re: tbimages: missing - how to get to them?
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Yeah, this line is completely missing. There is only the MUI part and the AOS4SDK card.

The installation of the patched Peg2 CD worked really fine though. Do I have to run some extra installers for these images to work?

Is there something else that should be there?

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tbimages: missing - how to get to them?
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Just popping in

Hi again,

installed Codebench on my AOS4.1 installation of Peg2 QEmu (I also have real Peg2 in addition :) ).
After starting it Codebench claims that tbimages: is not assigned. Do I need to install something here in addition?
If so is this mentioned somewhere within Codebench or its website? Did not find it so far.

Thanks again and

Kind Regards

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Re: codebench.co.uk down?
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Yeah, tried that. But it cannot be downloaded from there. Download just gets you a small 1MB file while original archive contains more than 17MB. So seems I will have to wait until the site will be back on.

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Re: codebench.co.uk down?
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Just popping in

Thank you! Yeah, sorry found out about that later.
ATM I help myself using wayback machine.

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codebench.co.uk down?
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Just popping in

Hi everybody,

seems codebench.co.uk is down. Does anybody know something about it by chance? Trying to download the latest Codebench version again for reinstalling it?

Thank you in advance for a short reply!

Kind Regards

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Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
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Me too please! I am also interested in real Peg2 + newer Radeon cards finally being supported.

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Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
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Just popping in

Did not follow the entire discussion, but tried to keep on track.
So is there maybe a chance to get more modern ATI Radeon cards to work on Peg2?

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Re: Codebench having GFX issues and freezing in WinUAE using UAEGFX card (was working fine with PIV)
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Just popping in

Ha! You are right! Unfortunately 32Bit in HD is quite slow but the colors are correct again. System still freezes nearly regularly sooner or later when using Codebench. :( - Maybe need to open an own thread for this.

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Codebench having GFX issues and freezing in WinUAE using UAEGFX card (was working fine with PIV)
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Just popping in

Hi everybody,

since next to my Peg2 and my A4000 I am using WinUAE too for AOS4.1 (Classic) I also installed SDK and Codebench there to do some casual coding from time to time.

So far I was using PIV as GFX card setting, but after a great hint from here I am now on UAEGFX card.

The unfortunate thing is that Codebench's graphics are now scrembled color-wise and it always freezes (beforehand it froze rarely). Changing screenmodes (always 8 bit) or using WB does not help - it seems like Codebench struggling with the UAEGFX card.
When being used on WB it even crashes the WB colors - see screenshot here (the image tage of the forum editor seems not to be working BTW).

Any idea how to correct this?

Thank you in advance and

Kind Regards

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Re: SSL Connect error 35 when trying to access secure pages - how to resolve?
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Just popping in

Thank you!

Also just recognised that I did not yet use the most recent version of Odyssey yet. Thought I was already up to date. After installing that new version https sites seem to be working fine now.

Thanks again!

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Re: SSL Connect error 35 when trying to access secure pages - how to resolve?
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Just popping in


Thank you. System clock was up to date and Odyssey is not a must.
Just wondering which browser can be used for https sites when using AOS4.1? Also OWB is suffering from this issue. Only IBrowse 5 seems to work while it cannot render current pages.

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SSL Connect error 35 when trying to access secure pages - how to resolve?
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Just popping in

Hi everybody,

after quite a long time I fired up my Peg2 again and installed all the latest updates including AmiSSL.

But whenever I try to access any secure website within OWB or Odyssey I mostly get an SSL connect error 35. Don't know why yet.

Is there any chance to resolve this? Or how can we access secure websites from within AOS4.1? Only via IBrowse2.5 in the end?

Thank you in advance for your support!

Kind Regards

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Re: SDK 54.16 versus codebench
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Just popping in

You could try to ask here

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Re: Update to Win11 and new WinUAE: Exodus The Last War not longer starting?
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Just popping in

... this post can be deleted ...

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