Just popping in
@khayoz on AmigaWorld sent me.
I'm an OG Amigan, the once proud owner of an A500 and an A1200 that I still think was the best computer I ever owned given the constraints of the time. Sadly I let these machines go, lured away by the cheap easy thrills of fast PC 3D graphics and something called _the_internet_.
I've been wanting to program closer to the metal and sharpen my C/C++ skills and I think hacking on the Amiga is going to be the right itch-scratcher.
I'm toying with the idea of building a Mastodon client as an appetizer. Anyone here use Mastodon enough to be potentially interested in using an Amiga client? Not a big deal either way as this would initially be a learning project for me.
As I'm Amiga-less, I'm running AROS in virtualbox. I've also setup Amibian on an RPi and FS-UAE on an MBP. I'm contemplating building a cheap AROS box as an AROS/AmigaOS dev environment with the dream of picking up an X5000 at some point too.
I'm thrilled to see there's still some interest in all things Amiga and hope to be able to make a small contribution to a better, shared future.
So I have a dev environment in AROS. I'd love to be able to compile my source code for AmigaOS (3.1?) too. I remember there used to be an Amiga SDK disk from C=. Anyone have any pointers to how I could setup a dev environment on Workbench 3.1 running on FS-UAE? Is there even a networking stack on classic Amigas?