It took me quite a while to discover what you are trying to show. Perhaps you should describer the problem a bit more instead taking videos of several minutes including the boot process, although the interesting part comes towards the end and one has to guess what might be wrong.
If I understand your video right, then at one point the Odyssey window is on the Workbench screen and no matter how often you try to jump the the "Odyssey" screen it still remains on the Workbench screen. Only explicitly choosing "Workbench" first and "Odyssey" afterwards makes it jump to the desired screen. Is that correct?
You could try the debug version of muimaster.library and produce a "screen" debug log as described here:
https://muidev.de/wiki/FAQ/Debugging#B ... ersionofmuimaster.librarySince you don't have any crash the additional mentioned tools like MemGuard, Enforcer or SegTracker are not required.
I need that debug log to get a hint of what might go wrong during screen switching.