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Re: Full version of old DVPlayer
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Just popping in

AmigaOldskooler wrote:@Hans

Here is the information about what is needed to run DVPlayer:

Required Hardware

● X1000, X5000, A1222+ or Sam 460 computer system
● 1GB Memory
● RadeonRX graphics card or RadeonHD Southern Islands **
● Enhancer Software V2 or later.
● OS 4.1 or later
● Hard disk drive with 20MB or more free space

** Important: RadeonHD v4 or better driver required for RadeonHD SI compatability.

Do you mean it is possible to run it on other systems as well?

I originally registered DVPlayer when all I had was an old Sam440ep and it worked on that. It wasn't a great experience with the higher res videos but it still worked :D

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Re: 2022 - December - Santa's Monster Shootout - AmigaOS 4
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Just popping in

The missus is away for Christmas this year. Time to take advantage of it :)

I always loved the high score part of amiboing.

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Re: AmiPhoto
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Can this be confirmed?

I am disappointed to hear this since I was looking at purchasing this for myself as well :(

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Re: Decision time: Do I upgrade my X1000?
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Just popping in

Oh wow. That's depressing.

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Re: Hell is coming to OS4: Doom 3
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Just popping in

Nice. I bought this ages ago when on special but never really got into it. If it gets released to the Amiga, I can see me giving it a proper go :)

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Re: python3.8 AmigaOS4 in development
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Just popping in

Nice. I have been wanting this for ages. Python 2.7 has been useless to me for years now.

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Re: x5000: Scary story & MCU Debug interface
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Just popping in

That would have scared the hell out of me.

In regards to the potential alert, it is definitely an edge case not many people would have thought of :)

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Just popping in

X11 = Linux, RDP = Windows.

I don't have any Windows machines, only Linux which is why I was looking at x11 forwarding to the Amiga. I am lazy so wanted to be able to forward things like firefox to my Amiga when using it and not have to change computers.

To do X11 forwarding, you need to have a X11 server on the Amiga which is what AmiCygnix is. To use it, you generally need to set the DISPLAY env to the host to forward to (and worry about a few security options) or use something like the -X option with SSH which will allow you to forward if the ssh server settings of the host you connected to are set to allow it.

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Re: Emotion video player 1.9 via AmiUpdate
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Just popping in

Thanks, came here for some info.

I saw it in amiupdate as well but it couldn't download and just went into a loop until cancelled. I downloaded directly from the entwickler site and installed the update that way.

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Just popping in

My upgrade experience has been relatively smooth. Backed up sys:, upgraded and everything still working. The only negative thing I have experienced so far after a weeks use is that the system seems to pause for half a second ever minute or so. This is fairly noticable when listening to music (music pauses for fraction of a second then continues).

I am on a X1000.

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Re: X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Just popping in

Thanks. Point 1 is what I was missing. I was after a terminal to either try and ssh -X or do an xhost + command.

With point 1 I have been able to retarget a few applications as part of my testing.

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X11 Forwarding via AmiCygnix?
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Just popping in

A few ignorant questions from me on AmiCygnix:
* Is there a terminal that comes with it eg. xterm. I have looked but have not found anything yet.
* I would like to X11 forward from my Linux machine. If there is a terminal will it support ssh -X? I have tried exporting the DISPLAY variable via sshterm on the Amiga side but that failed.

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Re: Wings Remastered
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Just popping in


I asked about this on www.amigaworld.net some time ago. I had ordered Wings and Defnder of the Crown. At the time, what email addresses I could find for this new Cinemaware bounced back and their site was badly broken.

The general advise I received was to write it off as never to be received.

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Re: Python
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Just popping in


Funnily enough. I only did a Google search to see if anyone had ported Python3 to AmigaOS4 yet. I have been using it for work a bit of late and thought it would be cool to play with it on the Amiga.

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Re: New Cherry MX keyboards for the A500, A600 and A1200 by kipper2k!
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Any plans of expanding this to A2000 keyboards? My A2000 keyboard is slowly dying and they are becoming rare to find and expensive as well.

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Re: BOH Deluxe and Huenison physical releases
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Just popping in


:( I somehow totally missed this.

If you decide do a second batch I would love to put my name down to order.

I have a physical copy of the original BOH as well as a digital copy of Huenison and would have loved to grabbed what you had advertised here.

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Re: vpdf ? vpdf!
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Just popping in

I am a bit late to the VPDF party but just want to say that with the few PDF's I have used it with, it makes them a usable option. AmiPDF worked fine but is slow compared to VPDF.

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Re: new Warp3D Benchmark-Starbox demo
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Just popping in

X1000 - R9 270X

StarBox Benchmark 1.0
Resolution: 1366 * 768
FPS: 461.73

StarBox Benchmark 1.0
Resolution: 1920 * 1080
FPS: 322.65

StarBox Benchmark 1.0
Resolution: 1920 * 1080
FPS: 313.53

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Re: Wings Remastered
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Just popping in

I put my pre-order in but ouch to the exchange rate. The Australian dollar is doing pretty badly atm :(

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Re: 3000T help request
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Just popping in


If you get desperate, you should be able to use any regular Amiga floppy drive. The problem you will run into is the front bezel which is a bit different on the 3000T to most of the other Amigas.

With the memory side of things and going off my (bad) memory, you should at least have 2Mb of chip RAM on the motherboard. The 3000 and 3000T can take up to 16Mb of fast RAM on the motherboard as well but they require special DRAM chips to do so or you could just go a RAM board like a ZorRAM or something similar.

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