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Re: Boing Pi?
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No you are not missing anything, it is clear to me that Amiga needs to be on Raspberry Pi.

What people are missing when they say lets build a PPC version, is that Raspberry Pi is hot in the world media and will stay there for a while. Anything else is just to be left out in the cold.

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Re: Boing Pi?
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May i suggest that we reserve judgement on the Pi performance until it is out. It always surprises me the comments of to slow. We will see later in year how well my project works out and then this question will be answered.

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Re: ANT meeting
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Here are a couple of videos of my demonstration, I have cropped a couple of minutes from the beginning and a minute at the end during the CD32 demo.

The first one is an introduction to me and general chat, the second straight into a brief demo of X1000. Please note I forgot to show MuiOWB while filming DOH!


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Amiga 1000 playing 640x512, 24 bit video with sound using DCTV
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For all you Classic Amiga lovers.


I removed this video from my September update so that people can see it in all its glory. Basically it is a bog standard 68000 powered Amiga 1000 but with internal IDE drive and external 8mb ram. The animation is a 640x512 animation using 3 bit planes Amiga 8 colour animation that once put through DCTV turns into a roughly 256,000 composite image that is then converted back to RGB.

Enjoy and remember this machine is 25 years old and then PC's could only manage monochrome displays and Macs had four grey levels.

My true first love in computers, and I do not need to hear about AGA either as that was years later

Yes I know I only actually animate the middle quarter, but she is old and I will do a full screen version for A3000 soon.

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Re: New version of Quick Record available for Porting
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With all due respect to whoever compiles this, please donate to Ian Gledhill as he wrote the original app for me and it was not a port this is new work and opened up for all.


ps: I uploaded a new version earlier.

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Re: New version of Quick Record available for Porting
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Sorry double posted


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New version of Quick Record available for Porting
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Have uploaded a new version of the QuickRecord tool for Aros with the source code.

I upload here because it has the source code and if any body wants to donate to Ian Gledhill I know he will port this very useful tool to OS4. Or somebody else could.


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Re: Commodore USA acquires rights to Amiga name
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Just to correct you all, to my knowledge no Aros developers are being paid or have been approached. If they have then it is news to me and most key developers. I have been discussing helping them with drivers but so far it has not concluded either way.

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Re: Photos of Amiga 25th Anniversary Celebrations at VCF + Report.
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Thanks to all those enthusiastic Amigan's who visited the VCF and my IMICA stand. Great weekend and glad to say that LJ from Click arrived, hope my invite generates a lot of interest in Amiga again.

Finally, great work as usual Mikey.

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Re: Amiga 25th Anniversary Celebration is NEXT weekend.
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Er, Me and my Original Amiga.

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Re: Amiga DCTV Pal Software
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You are a star, thanks again.

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Amiga DCTV Pal Software
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Some time ago a nice forum member let me have his Pal DCTV unit which I am eternally greatful. However, he did not have the software which was ok because the display works fine and I have ADPRO to do the conversion.

However, for the upcoming show I want to be able to digitise and the only way is if I can get a copy of the PAL DCTV software.

Does anybody have or know somebody that has a copy of this software to send me please via email.

It has to be the PAL version not NTSC as I have that.

Fingers crossed.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Amiga 1000 25th Tribute videos in two parts
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Thanks guys, she is one sweet machine.

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Amiga 1000 25th Tribute videos in two parts
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Just thought I would post this in the run up to the show in June which I will be at if people want to see this Amiga goes through its paces. Trust me the animation and scrolling text is so much smoother than on the video.

The part 1 may need an hour to finish processing to up the video quality and the part 2 has some annotations added as I did not want to talk over this.



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Catweasel Amiga Floppy on Aros iMica and surprises too.
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These two videos demonstrate the Catweasel MK4 PCI controller running with the new drivers written by Ian Gledhill and supported by iMica funds. Please remember to watch parts two as it has another surprise at the end.

Part One

Part two

Have fun


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Re: Amiga History Help needed!
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Did any of you find out why Gateway canned my Siamese PCI Amiga project then. I would be interested to know why that chapter of my life ended so badly.

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Why can you talk about Linux on this site and not Aros
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Why is it that talking about Linux on a Sam board is acceptable on this site but Aros on x86 is not a suitable subject for this site.

http://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... hp?topic_id=3354&forum=21

I tried to make Aros announcements which is AMIGA and it has to go into to hot to handle.

I am not moaning about the Linux thread but it is a bit odd is it not.


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Amiga Anniversary events planned in June ?
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As some of you may know I have a site for the Amiga Anniversary and I would like people out there to tell me of any parties, shows or anything else they are planning to celbrate the Amiga 1000 25th birthday in June.

This site http://www.amiga25.com is there for people to hopefully bump into or be lead and it is aiming to show what is happening in Amiga Land.

Please let me know here or by email to clusteruk@hotmail.com and point me to your site to let people know what is going on to celebrate.

A small intro could be sent or I will make something from your information.

Many thanks.


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Re: A1000 General Discussion
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Just popping in

I have an A1000 and it is my most treasured posession. It was at the time the greatest general purpose computer on the market and now it stands as a testament that the developers got it right and the world owes a debt to the work done on the Amiga 1000.

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DCTV Pal Software
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Just popping in

Hi All

I am trying to track down the PAL version of the DCTV support software for the hardware including DCTV paint.

I have the NTSC version but I want the PAL software to go with my PAL device.

Thanks for any help.

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