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Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/12/12 20:05
Home away from home 
Yeah, the source was secured and he also fixed the white border, development is progressing nicely but i heard still some issues on modern gfx cards (on my Sam440 everything works)
Re: AmiPDF ?
Posted on: 2023/12/10 1:51
Home away from home 
The engine is opensource but not the GUI around it Engine was not updated aniway, it's the same as the old version from Hyperion
Re: AmiPDF ?
Posted on: 2023/12/9 22:00
Home away from home 
It require some new gadget classes from the package, but you can even download them for free (Enhanced core v2)
Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/30 20:20
Home away from home 
Good news  @Liveforit No MorphOS, as he have a MicroA1
Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/29 19:45
Home away from home 
Update 8 was just a convenient name gived by users... after the plain AmigaOS 4.1 we had 6 official updates, and after that various other separate single updated files downlodable from AmiUpdate (78 files circa)
If you already have Amiga OS 4.1 FE you only needs these two big updates and nothing else
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/29 19:39
Home away from home 
On my download folder there is only the hotfix as a real second update
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/29 19:07
Home away from home 
@olle You should have installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition, then you have to download FinalEditionUpdate1.lha (for AmigaOne) And FinalEditionUpdate2Hotfix.lha First, unpack the update 1 and install it, then reboot and install the second update and you are updated... Download: https://www.hyperion-entertainment.com/
Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/29 13:01
Home away from home 
Right, then we need to see what version he still using
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/29 12:27
Home away from home 
Strange that according to Olle, it seems to work on his MicroA1... but it doesn't on Sam440/Pegasos2
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/28 23:35
Home away from home 
@Olle Same problem under Sam440, all still black in fullscreen... But I could test it on AmigaOne aswell so to more or less match your dev machine 
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/28 1:29
Home away from home 
@Olle Mail sent with a quick report 
Re: IBrowse 3.0 released
Posted on: 2023/11/24 9:05
Home away from home 
Implementing a fully working CSS functionality won't be done in a morning, it will be a rather complex process... to get an idea just try browsing with NetSurf, although nominally it also partially supports CSS3 in reality we are far away from how the pages are actually displayed by a modern WebKit based browser (for ex. Odyssey)
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/21 22:40
Home away from home 
@Olle Is your old public mail address still valid? --> amigan()comhem.se I tried to contact you some time ago but I wasn't able to In general i prefer send emails to report problems and/or bugreports, it's also easier to exchange files to try and considerations!
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/21 17:17
Home away from home 
As others says, fullscreen give now a black screen.. but audio in background still works Tried fullscreen --> 320*240 32 bit TrueColor ARGB
Re: Do we have fast, accelerated, bug-free, supporting scaling SNES emulator ?
Posted on: 2023/11/20 22:48
Home away from home 
@Olle Welcome back  Yeah i remember Katana, i was there when Davide showed it as a preview at Pianeta Amiga .. many years ago Unfortunately it doesn't work anymore
Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
Re: IBrowse 3.0 released
Posted on: 2023/11/19 22:26
Home away from home 
Yep :-/
Re: IBrowse 3.0 released
Posted on: 2023/11/19 21:38
Home away from home 
The new miggy seems faster, probably due to the fresh new HTML parser 
IBrowse 3.0 released
Posted on: 2023/11/19 19:23
Home away from home 
IBrowse 3.0 IBrowse 2 and IBrowse 3 Unification It's finally time to move on from IBrowse 2, which has been developed for over 20 years! IBrowse 3.0 makes available the previously unreleased features that were originally being worked on alongside IBrowse 2.4 (on a completely separate development branch), whilst retaining everything from IBrowse 2.5.9 and all the new developments since its release. The IBrowse 2 and 3 development branches are now fully merged, which was a complex and time-consuming task, due to considerable divergence. The process was completed methodically and carefully, in order to not compromise stability or lose any functionality. Development can now move forward without being restricted to the limitations of the IBrowse 2 framework, allowing for more substantial changes. Source: https://www.ibrowse-dev.net/
Re: DrawerGenie for AOS4?
Posted on: 2023/11/19 13:43
Home away from home 
Just thinking, the openamiga site still active, including its repository for posting sources and projects... http://openamiga.org/Its purpose was exactly to collect new projects to integrate into AmigaOS So how about opening a project there?... Maybe, once we have a working basic version this could push the team to officially integrate these changes into AmigaOS 
Re: DrawerGenie for AOS4?
Posted on: 2023/11/18 19:17
Home away from home 
@kas1e That's really cool!! .. and it's exactly what we've needed for years to finally start making Workbench better usable...  A question, does it also work in icon mode, or for now just in list mode?