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Re: SimpleMail Crashes
Posted on: 2018/9/5 13:29
Not too shy to talk 
Edit: Double post, sorry!
Re: SimpleMail Crashes
Posted on: 2018/9/5 12:47
Not too shy to talk 
Hmmm, so this could actually be MUI-related, rather than SimpleMail-related? I'm using the most up-to-date version from AmiUpdate, but I might try an older version at some point...
SimpleMail Crashes
Posted on: 2018/9/3 18:28
Not too shy to talk 
It's a while since I used SimpleMail, so I decided to give it a go again today. I made a clean install of SimpleMail and set it up from scratch with two accounts, both IMAP. One account appears to work fine for syncing mails, but the other (GMail) causes a hard crash requiring a hard reboot. When I restart, all the folders in SimpleMail don't show the mail counts, and clicking on some of them works to restore the mail counts, but some (particularly the main OUTBOX with only 1 mail in it) cause the system to freeze completely (including mouse pointer), with a case switch reset needed to restore control.
I've upped the stack in SimpleMail's icon to 64KB, and also tried getting some debug output from it with the DEBUGLEVEL=5 shell argument, but it just results in a 0 byte logfile.
There is also a similar hard crash when viewing some long emails in the working account.
I'm running OS4.1FE with SFS 1.290 on SimpleMail's partition. MUI 5 and AmiSSL are installed, both latest versions. Any ideas?
Re: Is there a way to increase the priority of applications?
Posted on: 2018/6/29 13:26
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@white The ChangeTaskPri Shell command does that for programs run from the Shell, or anything that shows up using the Status command. For other tasks, there's no OS-provided method that I know of for users, though it is still possible behind the scenes. For OS3, I use PriMan for that job, though I have no idea if it works on OS4. Try it anyway, it might work just fine if it was written well.
Scottish Amiga Users Meetup
Posted on: 2018/6/15 8:53
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The Scottish Amiga Users Group are holding a meetup in Glasgow on Saturday, 4th of August. It will be held in the church hall of Shawlands Church on Mossside Road, Crossmyloof from 11am until 6pm. Precise details haven't been finalised yet, but we should have: - SWOS tournament - Sensible Golf competition (in conjunction with ANT and SWAG Amiga groups) - Soldering demonstration / presentation - Lots of Amigas to have a look at, as well as some other interesting retro gear
All are welcome, and feel free to bring your own Amiga to show off and chat about with the other members (please bring your own extensions leads as sockets are limited). As before, entry will be free, however a donation would be greatly appreciated to cover the cost of the hall.
Crossmyloof train station is very close by (use the step-free exit when coming from Glasgow Central and turn right), and many buses pass by on Pollokshaws Road. There is free parking nearby, and a spot beside the hall for loading and unloading gear.
Hopefully see some of you there!
Re: Problems with AmigaInputAnyware
Posted on: 2018/2/22 21:07
Not too shy to talk 
No problem  I'll write the documents for you (AmigaGuide and readme) if you get it working for me. Deal? :-p
Re: Problems with AmigaInputAnyware
Posted on: 2018/2/21 11:49
Not too shy to talk 
Cool, well if you need a hand, either with the code or with testing an update, please let me know. It should be a very useful program with a little bit of tweaking and perhaps some updated documentation.
Re: Problems with AmigaInputAnyware
Posted on: 2018/2/20 21:16
Not too shy to talk 
Hmmm, that's a shame, because it would be very useful. The thing is, I don't think the problem is to do with the interfacing with the OS itself, but more with the configuration. The inputs generated by your code still work, there just doesn't seem to be any way to change them. For example, buttons 2 and 4 give left and right keyboard arrows in games, buttons 1 and 3 give A and S inputs. So, it just seems like the configurations are being ignored and some random defaults are being applied.
Re: Problems with AmigaInputAnyware
Posted on: 2018/2/20 8:50
Not too shy to talk 
@LiveForIt Thanks for the reply  So, do I have the concept correct? Do you have OS4.1FE update 1 to test it on?
Edited by Daedalus on 2018/2/20 9:13:06
Problems with AmigaInputAnyware
Posted on: 2018/2/18 23:20
Not too shy to talk 
I remember quite some time ago that I had installed AmigaInputAnyware to let me play some games with a USB controller that were otherwise keyboard-only. It worked well enough at the time from what I remember. However, I tried to use it today and I just can't get it to work for me. I'm not sure whether I'm doing something wrong, or if it's perhaps a change in OS 4.1FE that's caused problems, but anyway...
I can't seem to be able to modify the settings in any meaningful way. My controller is recognised and works fine within AmigaInput prefs, and it's found by AmigaInputAnyware when it starts up, as are the various profiles in the config drawer. But, the resulting keyboard events don't appear to match any of the profiles - even the Default profile in NotePad doesn't do what it should. For example, buttons 2 and 4 produce left and right cursor movements, even though none of the profiles have the cursor key codes in any of the button positions.
It doesn't help that the documentation for AmigaInputAnyware basically doesn't exist, so I can't be sure that I even understand how it's supposed to work. Have I got this right? My understanding is that you run AmigaInputAnyware, highlight the desired profile, and the inputs are translated as specified in that profile. So, I can change profiles by simply clicking the name of another one, is that correct?
If I've got that wrong, does anyone have any proper documentation on it so I can figure it out properly? Or are there any other programs that do a similar job?
Re: Is Kwakwa port possible
Posted on: 2018/2/16 9:15
Not too shy to talk 
I can't imagine it's too much trouble for someone familiar with it. I don't have the time to look at it otherwise I'd give it a go...
Re: A little speed up....
Posted on: 2018/2/12 9:17
Not too shy to talk 
It should be possible to append the new hosts file onto your original, which will then retain your existing hosts setup.
(NOTE: I haven't tried this...) Try something like this alternative to the copy line in the network-startup script:
c:Type devs:Internet/hosts.clean >>devs:Internet/hosts
Re: Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Programming Language
Posted on: 2017/11/29 16:12
Not too shy to talk 
@Rob Quote: Amiga.net.pl are also translating their Blitz Basic book to English. Ooh, that's excellent news, I'll check it out! @AmigaSociety Quote: Downloaded and tinkering with 3.6.1 beta of AmiBlitz3.
Had to locate and grab reqtools.library from OS 4 Depot to get past the error, and some font error for GUI that I was able to just select a different font. Hmmm, not ideal, but glad you could sort it out anyway. As for the 3.6.1 release, it's a little old at this stage and a few things have been fixed and changed since then. I recommend downloading the latest snapshot ( https://sourceforge.net/p/amiblitz3/code/HEAD/tree/) and copying the files over to the 3.6.1 installation. Development has stagnated recently - I think a new package of the current builds would be a good thing... Quote: It seems a tad wonky at times I will get slowing of the cursor and jitters every now and then but so far been OK. Or I get oddball guru errors at 1st launch but then do it a 2nd time and she runs. Dragging a window around makes other apps running stutter, like AmigaAmp playing music stutters while I am in AmiBlitz and reading help file and resized the help window... the music went wonky a second.
That shouldn't be the case really. It's a big screenmode, but I can't imagine you're running out of video RAM. Nevertheless, it might be worth trying a lesser screenmode. I suspect that the instability and other issues could be related to the 68k JIT compiler - certainly the debugger needs to be blacklisted, and maybe the editor too. In fact, I'm not wholly sure the debugger will work on the X5000 - it does work on the A1-XE G4 but not on the SAM440, apparently due to the specifics of handling traps on the different CPUs. But there's no jittering, slowdown or random gurus on the A1-XE. Quote: It has some help files I will read through and tinker.
Wondering if this ends up working for me if older AmiBlitz books for older versions would be good for a novice like myself. Yep, the help files are a good starting point, and don't forget you can also jump right to the relevant part of a help file by placing the cursor on any keyword and pressing Shift+Help. Pressing Help by itself will give a quick syntax guide in the screen's title bar. The older guides and the Blitz packages Severin pointed to will help too as AmiBlitz is still Blitz 2.1 at its core, but often these will contain hardware-dependent code. Luckily, this is highlighted in red in the editor so you know there's a good chance it won't work under OS4. For system-friendly programming, you can access the standard OS libraries easily (and AB3's help system also includes the Autodocs which document these library calls), but it will be much easier to look at the Includes. These are new to AmiBlitz, and contain lots of code to let you very easily access OS routines in a system-friendly manner, in most cases taking away the need to worry about things like pointers etc. See the Includes guide in the Help menu, and you can also load the include directly into the editor to have a look at it - at the bottom of most of them there's a built-in example code segment that you can compile and run to see what the include can do. Finally, I have built up quite a good range of reference and example material on amigacoding.com, but it appears to be having difficulties at the moment. I notified the site owner a few days ago, but no joy so far. @Severin Quote: This is sort of correct, The extensive support is for OS3, The many changes in system libraries in OS4 have broken some things and compiled blitz code does do a bit of hardware hitting so some of AGA/GFX functions won't woirk True, you're limited to the OS3 functions, but provided you use them properly, they should all still work fine under OS4. As for the hardware hitting, that's true, but that's why I pointed out the highlighting that AB3 does - if the command is red, it hits the hardware and can't be expected to work under OS4. Those commands often aren't particularly system-friendly even on a classic machine however. For full system-friendliness, the AB3 includes are the way to go, allowing you to handle 24-bit graphics modes and objects, use AHI, stream MP3 audio from hard disk and so on. They also provide updated replacements for the old ASL commands, allowing much greater flexibility, Intuition commands that fix some compatibility issues, and so on. Quote: Another good point is AmiBlitz to completely wriiten with AmiBlitz and the entire source code is on SourceForge so hopefully we might eventually get an OS$ native compiler and some fixes.
That would be awesome, sadly development has more or less stalled in recent times so it's not really likely in the near future... :(
Re: Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Programming Language
Posted on: 2017/11/28 12:39
Not too shy to talk 
If we're looking at 68k BASIC environments under OS4, at least look at AmiBlitz3, which doesn't need E-UAE to run, and thus feels native (even if it isn't truly). It also has extensive support for the OS, so the executables can be run on OS4 as well, including support for large screen resolutions, RTG, AHI, MUI and so on. The environment is also much nicer, being able to open a full-screen, multi-window editor on any public screen, context-sensitive help, and helpful highlighting of commands that need the native chipset so you can avoid them. It's also a very fast environment to use in general (at least on an A1-XE).
Re: zTools Doesn't Contain NList.mcc (20.138) - Not Found On OS4Depot Found on GitHub
Posted on: 2017/11/15 11:15
Not too shy to talk 
NList.mcc is a 3rd party class and not part of the standard MUI 3.8/3.9 distribution. I think later versions might include a wrapper that redirects NList calls to the updated features of the ListView class, but originally it was an alternative ListView that supported many features the standard MUI class did not. It is however a very popular class, used by many programs including YAM. If you installed YAM in the past, it may have been installed with it, since YAM has the ability to download updated classes itself.
Re: Opening drawers within the same window - Possible?
Posted on: 2017/10/3 8:48
Not too shy to talk 
The Filer commodity is also a useful addition that gives Workbench DOpus-style listers.
Re: Filer Copy clone button anyone?
Posted on: 2017/9/18 11:41
Not too shy to talk 
I think he's making the point that you used a round bracket instead of a curly bracket (twice).
Is it something to do with a missing slash between the {d} and {o}? So it's trying to copy to RAM:Ttest instead of RAM:T/test for example...
Re: Google Cloud Print and OS4 [TESTERS WANTED]
Posted on: 2017/4/19 9:23
Not too shy to talk 
I would like to join in (and would also like a decent, modern printing solution for AOS), but my printer is unfortunately not supported by Google Cloud Print.
Re: Picasso96 sold to Hyperion & Individual Computers
Posted on: 2017/4/14 10:31
Not too shy to talk 
Indeed, it prevents any third party in the future who might get their hands on it, from pulling the rug from under OS4. So it might well be as simple as a security thing.
Re: Creating a usb ethernet driver
Posted on: 2017/2/22 14:15
Not too shy to talk 
@SinanSam460 I haven't done any USB programming on AOS yet, but was just researching it myself the other day. This article on OS4Depot.net has some excellent information on programming USB drivers for OS4.