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Re: Odyssey scripts
Posted on: 2024/8/24 3:52
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:15:10
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/8/1 16:13
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:17:08
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/7/1 16:39
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:16:43
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/7/1 16:06
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:16:27
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/7/1 15:44
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:16:09
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/28 15:44
Quite a regular 
Edited by white on 2024/6/28 16:00:19 Edited by white on 2024/9/18 19:15:53
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/27 14:50
Quite a regular 
If I need to move files from the CD let me know. After the update.
Thank you.
Because otherwise I can't find any explanation. Emotion-Player works in all installed AmigaOS versions. After update 1&2
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/27 7:45
Quite a regular 
@smarkusg Ok I understand that it also crashes on MAC-OS, now I try to review the replacement of files after upgrade1&2. A suggestion would be useful if I need to restart the CD kickstart or do something else. Here you can see the ABOUT of the information in English. You can see that it's different if you use English. However, in the Italian one this information is not available and this is what I was referring to.  It's not like I make things up  here update 2 add Ranger  in Italian this does not appear   as you can see, for example, update 2 appears in German but not in Italian probably the translator of the "string" was eating a "PIZZA" at that moment and didn't have time to insert it. 
Edited by white on 2024/6/27 8:00:56 Edited by white on 2024/6/27 8:13:07
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/26 18:42
Quite a regular 
@smarkusg Ok, in summary what are you using an Intel Ryzen x64 machine or MAC-OS to emulate AmigaONE. The Italian language works well obviously I'm talking about the bar where the version in use update1&2 is shown. Sometimes the answers seem misleading. What machine do you actually use ? x64 or Mac OS ? Because if I say that after the update 1 update qemu freezes because the system is not restarted as it should happen, the question seems well posed. (Qemu for Linux and also Windows 10)  Thank you.
Edited by white on 2024/6/26 18:59:49
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/26 15:10
Quite a regular 
The problem for AmigaONE remains. Unlike other AmigaOS Pegasos etc. At the end of the update, for example update 1. The qemu emulation does not restart the system freezes completely.
Obviously even if I can forcefully reset it with third-party applications written for AmigaOS.
The update is successful, so Update1 appears in the Task Bar But I'm actually convinced that it doesn't overwrite the kickstart or anything.
This is the only emulation that completely blocks qemu (both Windows and Linux versions). Basically it doesn't restart after the update.
Is it possible to do this somehow also from Compat-Monitor ?
Thank you.
Does this happen on MAC-OS systems with AmigaONE ?
Does it also crash on MAC-OS after updating update 1 ?
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/26 12:18
Quite a regular 
@Balaton Perfect it works  Now I can try all the various tests again. Too bad you don't live near me. I would offer you a dinner based on Italian cuisine. and I have many questions for you regarding emulation during dinner  The Italian one though. Not the Italian one cooked abroad which is practically completely different believe me I traveled all over Europe for work years ago. And I saw how Italian cuisine changes to adapt to the place. Of course I would also try something from Hungarian cuisine. I like to try various ethnic foods. Don't confuse what I say it's just a simple compliment. For your mastery with "qemu" Thanks for your help. here what I did if it can be useful in this with the version of "qemu 9 x64" for Windows 10. qemu-system-ppc -M amigaone -bios C:\Users\lowlevel\Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\u-boot-amigaone.bin -device VGA,romfile=C:\Users\lowlevel/Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\VGABIOS -lgpl-latest.bin -m 2048 -serial stdio -vga none -device sm501 -device rtl8139,netdev=mynet0 -netdev user,id=mynet0 -drive media=disk,format=raw,file=C:\Users\lowlevel \Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\ONE-32gb.raw and then Compat-Monitor change ide1-cd0 C:\Users\lowlevel\Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\AmigaOneInstallCD-53.54.iso info block (verification) Ok now the CD is recognized correctly and I can install the "EXTRAS".     Well I'll leave it, it might be useful for others And for me too in the distant future 
Edited by white on 2024/6/26 12:45:31
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 21:53
Quite a regular 
@Balaton with this : qemu-system-ppc -M amigaone -bios C:\Users\lowlevel\Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\u-boot-amigaone.bin -device VGA,romfile=C:\Users\lowlevel/Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\VGABIOS -lgpl-latest.bin -m 2048 -serial stdio -vga none -device sm501 -device rtl8139,netdev=mynet0 -netdev user,id=mynet0 -drive if=none,id=hd,file=C:\Users\lowlevel \Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\ONE-32gb.raw,format=raw -device ide-hd,drive=hd,bus=ide.1 without CD-ROM and with the "bios" with boot enabled 1)HD0 2)CD0 show this: 
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 20:12
Quite a regular 
@Balaton I'll try a few things. someone's help is welcome if he has already done so. Thank you. 
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 19:59
Quite a regular 
@Balaton Thank you for your suggestion, I knew this command but I was never able to use it. Compat_Monitor0 console but I have never managed to use it with Linux or even with Windows. I'll do some testing but it doesn't seem to work. We would need someone who has already used it with Windows 10 for example. Because I currently removed 750GB of SSD that I used with Linux-Amiga and backed it up for later use. Given the little use I'm making of it. And I'm using everything on windows 10. qemu monitor help change change device [-f] filename [format [read-only-mode]] --change a removable medium, optional format, use -f to force the operation I have no idea what to write other than: -f -device ide-cd,drive=cd,bus=ide.1 -cdrom C:\Users\lowlevel\Desktop\Pegasos2-VM\AmigaOneInstallCD-53.54.iso or something like that 
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 11:31
Quite a regular 
No offense to anyone but it's just a note. which could be taken into consideration for update 1&2. For the task bar in Italian. "Metal Gear Solid Delta" it definitely won't have an Italian dubbing. Yet the Italian voice actor of the first Metal Gear Solid 1 (psx) he was head of the project for "Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" so to speak for the translation. But I imagine that "Metal Gear Solid Delta" will not have any dubbing in Italian.  GTA V has sold approximately 200 million copies worldwide. Not even a shadow of Italian dubbing. Greed is a disease. And like power.
Edited by white on 2024/6/25 12:15:38
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 8:58
Quite a regular 
Could the error with Emotion-Player be related to "AISS" ? Because I have always had problems installing from the "Extras" CD I had to do them manually.
In practice, if I try to install the "Extras" it tries to overwrite the AmigaOS CD and it doesn't install them on "HD0"
And even through "bios" I can't give priority to "DH0" even if I choose it to boot. And the CD is always seen as the first unit.
I know this doesn't happen on "MAC-OS" but it does for me.
This only with the AmigaONE system.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 8:13
Quite a regular 
One thing I have to complain about Given the money spent. Update1 appears in the task bar only in "English". If I choose Italian as the system language, update1 does not appear in the task bar. Hey, Italian money sucks, ? Since you can't see the update 1&2 update in Italian in the task bar  Even if it is activated anyway. Clearly I can modify the Task-Bar but it is not automatic like in English. I might even put "update 1300"  Now I don't know other languages, I haven't tried them, if the same happens  here DVPlayer 
Edited by white on 2024/6/25 8:30:04 Edited by white on 2024/6/25 8:50:33
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/25 8:03
Quite a regular 
Here I also only installed update1 and Enhancer Software 2.2 Also in this case Emotion does not seem to recognize update1 I tried MPlayer-MUI very old version and it works perfectly including audio. "AC97" Now I'm trying to update manually via shell for Emotion. I still have one of the first updates that was released which only worked from the shell and updated Emotion to version 1.9. here MPlayer-MUI Altivec  
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/24 18:37
Quite a regular 
I tried, just to pass the time, I did the update both online and offline update1&2 but from what I noticed is that after the update I have to reset the emulated machine manually.
Therefore the reset does not normally occur at the end of the update. Now I'm no expert but in this case the kickstart update is activated ? Because it doesn't reset the machine normally Or can I manually replace files ?
This also happens on Linux as well as on Windows 10
Thank you.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Re: What the fastest possible x64 emulation way of OS4 today ?
Posted on: 2024/6/24 11:57
Quite a regular 
@Balaton And only with "qemu 9" for Windows 10 when the emulation is closed it returns this "error" (ONLY AmigaONE) (qemu:12540): Gtk-WARNING **: 12:47:06.867: Could not load a pixbuf from /org/gtk/libgtk/theme/Adwaita/assets/bullet-symbolic.svg. This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found. I tried installing this and it doesn't solve the problem. https://github.com/tschoonj/GTK-for-Wi ... ime-Environment-Installerhttps://github.com/tschoonj/GTK-for-Wi ... r/releases/tag/2022-01-04I imagine this is a problem for those who compile versions 9 for the public and they should fix it. 9.01 is not yet available for Windows 10 so I don't know if this has been resolved with 9.0.1 This is Windows 10 not Linux 
Edited by white on 2024/6/24 12:25:14 Edited by white on 2024/6/24 12:27:11
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.