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Debug 101 (v.0.9)
Posted on: 2010/9/12 19:44
Just can't stay away 
Version 0.9 of Debug 101 is now available: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5482530/Code%20examples/db101.lhaAdded since version 0.8: - Arexx port - Arexx console - Bugfixes and more Added features since version 0.7: - Attach mode - Breakpoint window doesn't block - Lots of internal changes Added features since version 0.6: - Interpretation of typedefs (experimental) - Correct type-relative printing of variables - Reading of global variables - Read fp regs Added features since version 0.5: - Complete restructure of breakpoint system - Correct handling of loops (experimental) - Asm step and asm skip - Tonnes of bugfixes - Several other small things Problems: There are some problems with elf.library.kmod in AmigaOS Update 1 and Update 2, so from this version it is only going to work with a pre-update 1 elf.library or with the latest beta version (53.13). Sorry for this, but there is no workaround  . There is also a problem with the msr register, which means, that if you by any chance place a breakpoint on top of a branch, things are going to mess up. Sorry, this is also not my fault! There is a problem with the gnu linker, which means that reading of type definitions doesn't work properly for executables consisting of more than one source file.
Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/13 13:19:47 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/16 3:39:08 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/16 15:46:02 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/16 15:50:01 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/16 16:08:39 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/20 18:05:44 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/20 18:06:35 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/20 18:48:23 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/24 17:58:44 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/25 22:58:32 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/26 18:42:40 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/28 20:00:22 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/28 20:01:54 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/28 20:37:29 Edited by alfkil on 2010/9/28 20:39:46 Edited by alfkil on 2010/10/6 20:21:21 Edited by alfkil on 2010/10/7 14:32:55 Edited by alfkil on 2010/10/23 18:30:13 Edited by alfkil on 2010/10/23 18:32:14
Re: Reaction first encounter
Posted on: 2010/9/10 22:31
Just can't stay away 
I had managed to copy my example code from probably the only SDK example that doesn't define GA_RelVerify for a button...
Re: Reaction first encounter
Posted on: 2010/9/10 21:23
Just can't stay away 
@Rigo Thanks! 
Reaction first encounter
Posted on: 2010/9/10 20:37
Just can't stay away 
I'm trying to get into reaction, and my first test is this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5482530/Code%20examples/reaction/test.cI'm curious to know, what I am doing wrong here. The button never reacts to input, and printf("hello world\n"); is never called. What am I doing wrong???
Re: I have some good news, 98% of OWB compiles in cygwin :-)
Posted on: 2010/8/31 12:14
Just can't stay away 
@joerg Quote: If Alfkil gets QtWebKit working without problems and can build Arora with it you'll get a (simple) web browser and using something like OWB instead isn't required any more. First of all I wouldn't count on me getting QtWebKit to run properly. I'm a lazy no good amateur, and besides I'm starting in school again so my time is going to be limited from now on. (Working on Qt was never intended to be very serious, just for my own pleasure and curiosity.) Second of all, OWB will always have advantages over QtWebKit: Fast startup time (Qt is a sloow starter because it needs so many shared libraries), size (libQtWekKit.so is over 70 mb), accessability (there is going to be no native qt from me, so we are stuck with amicygnix, which scares many people away) and probably lots of other things. The Qt Browser at it's current state is just not good enough, and I think I have pretty much reached the level, where further improvement is going to be hard. Sorry.
Re: I have some good news, 98% of OWB compiles in cygwin :-)
Posted on: 2010/8/30 12:31
Just can't stay away 
@joerg Thanks Joerg  . I must be needing glasses...
Re: I have some good news, 98% of OWB compiles in cygwin :-)
Posted on: 2010/8/30 7:35
Just can't stay away 
Actually I'm not sure that I know what is going on with OWB. My own project is just to get the Qt WebKit module to work, and for that purpose I'm "stealing" small snips of code from OWB.
Re: I have some good news, 98% of OWB compiles in cygwin :-)
Posted on: 2010/8/29 20:46
Just can't stay away 
@joerg Quote: You can't use MarkStackPosix.cpp on AmigaOS 4.x, you have to use MarkStackAmigaOS4.cpp instead (if it's not in the SVN yet: IIRC it's the same as MarkStackNone.cpp). I have downloaded pukapuka, and I can find neither MarkStackAmigaos4.cpp nor MarkStackNone.cpp in the archive. How is it supposed to look?
Re: vacuum (chat for Qt) has been compiled
Posted on: 2010/8/24 10:40
Just can't stay away 
vacuum (chat for Qt) has been compiled
Posted on: 2010/8/12 19:40
Just can't stay away 
I have compiled vacuum, and it runs, but I have no idea how it is supposed to work... Is anyone up for a test run? Anyways, it's going to take a few days before I can upload, since I messed up smth and has to recompile WebKit (it takes little more than 24 hours).
Re: blizzard ppc scsii problem
Posted on: 2010/8/11 17:22
Just can't stay away 
UnitControl doesn't do anything (only grey lists and buttons except for "rescan", which doesn't seem to do anything). I've tried with a newer application called q-device, which probes the controller, but the units never show up. It works fine with a DVD-drive connected to the internal IDE port.
Of course I'm not just trying "random" jumper settings, I'm just testing fx. different ID settings and so. And just to be sure: The red line of the cable goes with pin 1 on the connector, right??
There is a jumper saying smth with "termination", and I keep this on. I'm guessing this is right? Anyways, I know I left the drive in a working state back when I lost the original cable, so I'm guessing that amigakit sent me a defective cable.
I'm only going to try flash update as a very last resort because of bad memories with it... Is there a way to check which update is already installed without actually installing a new one?
Re: blizzard ppc scsii problem
Posted on: 2010/8/10 19:14
Just can't stay away 
I've tried in the SCSI boot menu to manually mount the device (should be unit 0 from the jumpers), but it doesn't change anything. The drive doesn't react and on boot it says that it cannot open blizzppc.device unit 0. By the way I've tried every other unit from 0 to 7, but nothing changes.
As far as I recall - from about 10 years back - it was pretty much plug-and-go for the drive to work. It could be a defective cable, who knows.
I have a few options to try still before returning the cable:
a) update the firmware This is not a very pleasant option, since that was exactly what trashed my board back then. Anyhow, I can't get any of my old floppies to work (the update needs to run from floppy), or maybe my floppy drive is defect, so that's pretty much no go.
b) try updating my roms to 3.1 and see if that helps. I have my doubts...
c) try more jumper/cable combinations. I think I already tried them all so, hey....
d) dunno what else to do..........
blizzard ppc scsii problem
Posted on: 2010/8/10 14:03
Just can't stay away 
So I just got a fresh new cable for the scsi connector on my old blizzppc 603 board. Trying to connect 2 different CD-rom drives to the connector has failed miserably, so I think I need some help...
The "SCSI" menu of the blizzppc boot menu (ESC while boot) doesn't seem to find any devices no matter how I connect them. The scsiconfig program doesn't pick up on either devices or the controller.
Is there anything I can do to test if the controller itself is actually working or not? Is it possible to find the original phase 5 software anywhere on the web? Help!
Re: libresolv ?
Posted on: 2010/8/2 20:35
Just can't stay away 
@MickJT Thanks for the pointers. I also found libresolv in the NetBSD codebase, but of course that's not going to compile right out of the box. In the meantime I tried making my own libresolv from the ixemul sources, but it doesn't seem to work out, maybe they are just stubs or smth... Didn't do a closer look, though. Quote: Are you saying, that a libbind exists for amiga? If it does, I can't find it... Well I guess that's another one on my "compiles TODO" list  Seems that I'm not the only one looking for this, which is good 
libresolv ?
Posted on: 2010/8/1 20:15
Just can't stay away 
Anyone know if this library exists for amiga? I can see some of the routines are implemented in ixemul, but that really doesn't help me much, as I need a libresolv.so, and I can't seem to find the sources on google... help!
Re: Shared objects and libauto
Posted on: 2010/8/1 19:55
Just can't stay away 
@afxgroup I'm a bit confused about how this really works: IDOS is already defined in the startup module, so how does it help me to redefine it in the library? Won't this just cause mixed references?? Anyways, your example seems to work, I'm just confused about how 
Re: Thank you for OWB, Joerg
Posted on: 2010/7/31 15:44
Just can't stay away 
@joerg: Lots of kisses and thanks from here also  By the way: How do you make ssl work? Do you use amissl or smth else? I really need a libcrypto.so for the Qt browser!  Oh, and by the way, if anyone wants to see the difference between a "clean" build of the webkit engine and the optimized version used in OWB, they should download the newly available Qt SDK at os4depot and try out the demo browser... Needless to say it's somewhat of a different experience!! (That is if you can even get it to load a page without crashing multiple times...)
Re: Shared objects and libauto
Posted on: 2010/7/31 13:46
Just can't stay away 
@afxgroup Nice 
Re: Shared objects and libauto
Posted on: 2010/7/30 22:38
Just can't stay away 
Thanks for the clear up! I'll see what I can do from here...
One comment: The reason for using -Wl,--no-undefined is, that otherwise ld won't tell me of any missing dependancies when building the shared library, which is just very impractical...
Re: Shared objects and libauto
Posted on: 2010/7/30 20:10
Just can't stay away 
@Chris Damn... That sucks 