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Re: Pixy new pixel editor for amigaos4
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Not too shy to talk


Just picked up the latest alpha on OS4Depot and still getting same crash on my X5000 that many have also experienced:

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x01A9A310 belongs to module "newlib.library.kmod" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00036410
:codesets.library:LIB_CodesetsConvertStrA()+0x178 (section 1 0x85FC)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F703F74 (section 0 0x9F50)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F719280 (section 0 0x1F25C)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F71B244 (section 0 0x21220)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F71C1EC (section 0 0x221C8)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F71E430 (section 0 0x2440C)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F7133D0 (section 0 0x193AC)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F7035B4 (section 0 0x9590)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.BGGGVJ/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F7099F8 (section 0 0xF9D4)
module Pixy at 0x7F862B94 (section 0 0x109B70)
module Pixy at 0x7F869C40 (section 0 0x110C1C)
module Pixy at 0x7F86324C (section 0 0x10A228)
module Pixy at 0x7F85FF88 (section 0 0x106F64)
module Pixy at 0x7F862150 (section 0 0x10912C)
module Pixy at 0x7F86223C (section 0 0x109218)
module Pixy at 0x7F85FC78 (section 0 0x106C54)
module Pixy at 0x7F77B05C (section 0 0x22038)
module Pixy at 0x7F8EC9BC (section 0 0x193998)
module Pixy at 0x7F761CE0 (section 0 0x8CBC)
module Pixy at 0x7F8E6B68 (section 0 0x18DB44)
module Pixy at 0x7F99EEE8 (section 0 0x245EC4)
module Pixy at 0x7F9A1A30 (section 0 0x248A0C)

Any updates on root cause and/or a solution? I am running with the latest public codesets.library and latest newlib.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Are AmigaKit still selling X5000 machines?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Awesome! Welcome to the club! I'm still a huge fan of my X5000, and I'm glad to see folks are able to order them again. Enjoy!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: AmiPhoto
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Not too shy to talk


It works for me on my X5000 and A1222. What error is it giving you? You might also contact Alinea directly. They have been very responsive in the past for supporting their software.

-- eliyahu

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Re: Should I expect better video playback performance? (Southern Island/X1000 Updates)
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Not too shy to talk


That's the best approach in the Amiga world: purchase software or hardware only when it does what you want, not in hopes of future capabilities. Hopefully you'll be pleased when VA for RadeonHD cards is released.

-- eliyahu

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Re: Should I expect better video playback performance?
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Not too shy to talk


AFAIK A-EON has mention that it will be bringing support for video acceleration for Southern Islands cards in the next major release of Enhancer Software. So stay tuned!

-- eliyahu

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Re: Foundation patching: v0.1 patch on os4depot
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Not too shy to talk


If you can't find it, Amiga Future has an ISO available for download on their site.


-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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What do you want to see on the A1222?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Hi, folks!

I'll be doing the A1222 demo at AmiWest in a couple of weeks and am looking for content requests. Is there a piece of software you'd like to see running? Any questions you want answered? Let me know in this thread and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: WTB: Amiga Future English issues 67-82
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Yikes! I hope your recovery goes smoothly. That's a rough injury.

Thanks for offering the magazines. If/when you can check, just let me know. I'd happily pay for shipping.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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WTB: Amiga Future English issues 67-82
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Not too shy to talk


I'm looking to purchase the English editions of Amiga Future magazine from issue 67 to issue 82. Ideally I'd like to purchase them all at once, but am willing to do piecemeal if necessary. Let me know via PM or in this thread if you're willing to sell. Thanks!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Emotion - the commercial version?
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Not too shy to talk


I have the commercial version and it works very well indeed, including with streams. However I should point out that the limitation for HD videos is the underlying graphics system, not Emotion. You need VA library support, and that is currently only for RadeonRX cards. With RadeonHD SI cards you get 480p in just about every supported codec, and some 720p videos, depending on code.

It does not seem to play MP3 streams, at least not for me. For that there is AmigaAMP3 or TuneNet.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: eMail app
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Even if some issues are double. Report it.
He is going to have a look at them in the next weeks

Sebastian is returning to SimpleMail development? That would be terrific news. I had basically assumed that, like YAM, it was more or less abandoned at this point.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


That's because I don't feel at home here. Probably been away for too long. Developed a fresh view that's not appreciated by the majority(See the childish remarks of the site owner himself on this topic).

But I can only agree with kas1e. What's the purpose of talking to walls. Or like the site owners likes to say: "You cannot sell me this, I'm not your customer".
Ironically, those walls are talking about attracting new users. While it's the very attitude that scares and keeps them away.

Don't sweat it. People love to argue, especially around here. Amigans tend to be rather, um, passionate about their views. In the end A-EON, AmigaKit, Hyperion, and anyone else who wants to invest their time and money into products will do so regardless of the forums and the banter.

The only real way to change things is by actually developing product or participating in the market by choosing to purchase (or not) what others produce. Your skills give you an option not everyone has. Us normal users appreciate the work you do, and that of any Amiga developer. I hope you stick around -- and most of all, continue to find enjoyment in our little hobby.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


100% right. I think Leaman is crazy if he thinks people buy his system. 95% of Amigaos users with whom I talked to A-Eon OS is negative. Who wanted an alternative for a long time ago went to Morpos or Aros on low price hardware. At Amigaos 4, stay only who want to have 100% original Amigaos and no counterfeits are not interested.

After my recently, rather spirited posts, this may come as a surprise, but I think folks may be over-reacting a tad here. So long as people can install what they want from Enhancer or its follow-ons, this isn't a big deal.

Think about it. If Hyperion released a version of AmigaOS which had things like ClipViewer or MultiEdit, RadeonRX support, video acceleration, and so forth, we would be jumping for joy. No, I see no point in replacing Reaction gadgets that work well or command-line utilities, but I don't have to use them if I don't want.

I think A-EON is investing in the wrong things, but they have their own strategy. As a customer if I like the end-result, I'll buy it. If I don't, then I won't. I'll never consider any alternative to AmigaOS 4, since that's what I like; but I don't mind installing additional software from elsewhere if it 'enhances' the experience.

My big hope is that Matthew and Trevor will be able to clear the air on their longer-term plans at Amiwest this year. A couple of presentations, a few beers, and we're all family again. That's what we need right now.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Bars and Pipes for OS 4.1 FE version 1.0 released
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Great to see you around, and awesome to hear work on Score might resume. I've been looking forward to that for nearly a decade now, so you have at least one customer confirmed!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: eMail app
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I've been using SimpleMail for some time now; IMAP support is fine for me. The only issue has been with some providers needing two-stage authentication. I would need to use a PC to get through the second stage, and then all would be well. For Yahoo! I had to have it generate a specific password for SimpleMail.

As time goes forward this is going to get worse and worse.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: What's wrong with this picture? Amigastore?
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Not too shy to talk


You use the word “bully” and “bullying” without consider who is being affected by actions of others and why a counter defence needs to be enacted. Are you privy to all facts before grabbing your pitch fork and assaulting social media ?

I am aware of the facts as presented and the pattern of behavior towards anyone remotely operating in the same space as AmigaKit. And I'm not 'assaulting' social media, I'm giving my opinion. One that I reached after much time, and much saddness. You can't imagine how disappointed I am here. Seriously.

Maybe I should not respond at all because an inconvenient facts are not a popular consensus?

I think you need to step back for a moment and consider something here. Presumably you are taking these actions because you feel you are defending your business. Fair enough. How's that working for you? Look at the near-universal reaction of revulsion over your actions in the case of Amiga Addict, of the A1200 cases, of the retropassion folks and ask yourself if maybe this behavior is self-defeating? How many people have decided to never again order from your business?

I *want* to see AmigaKit succeed. I want to see A-EON succeed. I want to see *you* succeed. Your success is indicative of a healthy, growing Amiga platform. But I can't justify your behavior here. It insults my sense of fair play at minimum.

When I started as an Amiga enthusiast, I knew all about AmigaKit. It was the main retailer for a good reason. I also knew about others, but I had no interest in giving them my custom; AmigaKit had the selection and the background. And I had met you at AmiWest and really liked you guys. But as time has gone on, I've used other retailers -- not because they had 'Amiga' in their name or a particular domain name, but because they answered emails promptly. They didn't list things as in-stock when they weren't. They didn't nickel-and-dime people. And they didn't keep machines sent in for repair from my friends with virtually no communication for months.

The response to this action on the trademark issue is happening because it's just one in a chain of events, and people have had enough. I genuinely hope that you'll see what's going on here, reverse course, and keep and grow your customer base the right way: through stellar service. If you can't do that, and you continue to use legal threats against others in this tiny community, you're going to get a backlash. Not because we want to start handing out pitchforks, but because consumers get to make a choice about who they do business with and recommend that choice to others. No one gets a pass because they've been around a long-enough time.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: What's wrong with this picture? Amigastore?
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Not too shy to talk


They pulled this crap with other retailers, too. In fact there was a new dealer setting up in the UK which was named 'AmigaPassion' -- and Matthew didn't like that. So he started buying up domains with the same name, and eventually the new player gave up and renamed their business to 'RetroPassion' instead.


Then there are the A1200.net cases. Unbelievable conduct on the part of AmigaKit. They actually trademarked 'A1200' while partnering with the A1200.net guys, who did the design. And didn't tell them. You can see the story here:


Right now they're trying to bully the 'Amiga Addict' magazine team over their trying to trademark their own magazine's name and logo. It's outrageous.


One of these instances would be bad enough. Two shows a pattern. But combined with ignoring customers, non-communication with partners, legal nonsense, misrepresentation of inventory, and attempts to weasel around with PR-speak, people have had enough. There was even a #BoycottAmigaKit hashtag on Twitter.

I've met Matthew, and he seems a good guy. I just don't understand this behavior. People have brought it up in good faith, trying to get across that it's counter-productive. I guess in the end the only way we can get the bullying to stop is by working with other dealers going forward until he gets the message. I don't want to do that, but I don't think we have a choice.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Sam460cr: big video !
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Not too shy to talk


Terrific video. It makes me a tad jealous.


I can't believe I'm only discovering your site now in 2021. Awesome collection of links!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: Shaderjoy 1.21
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Not too shy to talk

@Capehill / @kas1e

Many of the textures for the various demos available in the latest ShaderToy Pack seem to have rendering issues on my A1222. In fact nearly thirty-percent of them don't render correctly; points or flares render as lines. The best illustration of this is "The Eye," but I can point to many others. I'm running the latest OpenGLES and Warp3DNova libraries from A-EON as well as RadeonRX 2.5. The video card is a Radeon RX560.

Resized Image

I should say that everything renders just fine on my X5000, so the issue may be the FPU emulation layer on the A1222 -- but thought you might know what this is.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Mixer update needed for A1222 and OxygenHD AHI devices
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Not too shy to talk


Not sure who the current 'owner' of the Mixer tool is, but it needs an update to recognize a1222.audio and oxygenhd.audio devices. Currently on an A1222 launching the Mixer results in a 'no cards found' message.

Is there someone I should contact directly?

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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