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Main : Backdrops »» Events »» Hardware »» AmigaOS Screenshots »» Other  Tabs in NetSurf

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Tabs in NetSurf
Tabs in NetSurfPopular
SubmitterChrisMore Photos from Chris   CategoryOther   Last Update2008/10/5 1:33
Hits4327 Comments4   
WIP screenshot of tabs in NetSurf

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Author Thread
Published: 2008/10/5 12:57  Updated: 2008/10/5 12:57
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Croatia
Comments: 608
 Re: Tabs in NetSurf
Its nice man!!!
Published: 2008/10/6 10:31  Updated: 2008/10/6 10:31
Just popping in
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: South Wales, UK
Comments: 206
 Re: Tabs in NetSurf
Published: 2008/10/8 17:40  Updated: 2008/10/8 17:40
Just popping in
Joined: 07/28/2008
Comments: 46
 Re: Tabs in NetSurf
Great stuff!

Looking forward to try the new version of Netsurf.

One thing I'm curious about, the font and size seem to the same for all text. May I ask why
this is the case?
Published: 2008/10/11 23:57  Updated: 2008/10/11 23:57
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: England
Comments: 3426
 Re: Tabs in NetSurf

There are fonts defined for each style (serif, sans-serif, monospaced etc), it doesn't take notice of any explicitly requested fonts (maybe I can get it to do that, but I can't see where such data is stored yet). Bold, italic is applied to these (and visible in the screenshot). As for the font size, I can only guess that amigans.net uses broadly similar font sizes on the page, as the larger text on the NetSurf welcome page is clearly rendered here.

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