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AmigaWorld.net SSL Certificate Expired
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Hi All,

Tried to view AmigaWorld.net and the SSL cert has ran out:

Resized Image

I don't mind paying for one if they need it. Alternatively there is a free LetsEncrypt service you can use for SSL certificates, details here: https://letsencrypt.org/getting-started/

Let's get AmigaWorld back up! Although I do like Amigans too of course...

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: The IRC Lockdown Re-union Event (Wednesday 27th of May)
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Old but good...

What do you call a series of FDIV instructions on a Pentium? Successive approximations.

I may join if I remember, hopefully on the A1200 as it's back on the net now.

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Amiga 25th Anniversary Wallpaper
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*** Updated the centred versions - Some of the text wasn't centred properly... ***

New wallpaper will be released soon...

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Amiga 25th Anniversary Wallpaper
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Glad it's working ok now, I can try and make one for your resolution soon, working on a new wallpaper too, but in the mean time...

*** UPDATE ***

- Small change made to original widescreen version (edges)

- *** NEW *** centred logo version(s)

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Amiga 25th Anniversary Wallpaper
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Hey, yeah I can try and make a version for that type of monitor... I didn't know what sizes to make the wallpaper so made a super-big widescreen to try and cover all WS monitors and the same for standard monitors.

Personally I use the WS version on my 1680x1050 monitor scaled.

And about the vertical pixels - I totally agree. I started seeing that trend coming in about 2004-5 in laptop screens and then PC... I dunno why, I prefer vertical resolution much more except for when viewing videos/DVDs (rare for me).

Infact I want to try and get a WS screen monitor (Something like this) that allows portrait mode eventually... then I can have a regular monitor and the portrait one for documents/coding


- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Amiga 25th Anniversary Wallpaper
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I like the other wallpapers their too


LOL... Well, if Amiga gets mentioned on Click maybe I can make a wallpaper with LJ Rich

Resized Image

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Amiga 25th Anniversary Wallpaper - Updates
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I recently noticed no-one has made a wallpaper for Amiga's 25th Birthday.... and I wanted one!

So I made these, been tweaking them for the past couple of days, if you think anything should be different just ask.

The first is for widescreen monitors, (2560x1600,1920x1080,1680x1050 etc):


Resized Image

Full Size: View Full Size

The second is for standard monitors, (1600x1200, 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600 etc):

Resized Image

Full Size: View Full Size

*** NEW ***

Updated WS version (fixed edges) - see above


*** NEW *** Centred Version, Widescreen:

Resized Image

View Full Size: View Full Size

*** NEW *** Centred Version, Standard:

Resized Image

View Full Size: View Full Size


People can use them for whatever... feel free to use the logo or whatever.

If people like these I may make more... I was thinking something with all Amiga models up the current date would be cool...

Just posting this here incase people don't read AW...


Edited by DBAlex on 2010/6/30 18:35:08
Edited by DBAlex on 2010/7/2 21:43:59
Edited by DBAlex on 2010/7/2 21:48:25
Edited by DBAlex on 2010/7/2 21:59:19
Edited by DBAlex on 2010/7/3 14:38:13
- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: LibVLC anyone ?
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MorphOS has a beta port of VLC Player.

Maybe you can contact the guys that did that port?

As i'm assuming LibVLC is used by VLC Player.

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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I'm guessing we will get a proper press release style announcement either today or tomorrow... Hopefully the price will be announced then!

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Now to crash amigans too!

Hehe j/k :P

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Netsurf development
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What you talking about...

Its working fine:

http://img28.picoodle.com/data/img28/ ... _WorkingFinem_d26738e.jpg


OK, I can't get thumbnails working...

- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: Amigans.net Membership is a joke!!!!!!!!!
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- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: OWB 2.6
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Very cool...

Will the 68K version ever get an update??

It *is* slow though so maybe not worth it...

Edited by DBAlex on 2008/8/26 18:17:55
Edited by DBAlex on 2008/8/26 18:19:43
- A1200, Blizzard 1260 w/ 64MB RAM, 1.2GB HD, PCMCIA WiFi, AGA w/ RGB Adapter, OS3.9
- Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz, 512MB, Radeon 9200se, 80GB HD, WiFi Card
- Ryzen 5 2400g, 8GB, 256GB SSD, WinUAE/Icaros
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Re: DevKit for AmiKit, help needed
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Theres a package for OS3.x called Develop here: http://shinkuro.altervista.org/amiga/guida/english/index.htm

It's basically an install of GeekGadgets/GCC for AmigaOS... I'm going to try and see if it solves my problems... Maybe AmiKit could use this?


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Re: ANT Meeting 10/08/08
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Cool pics & video... Mikey_C did a good job... shows off some of the cool things & gives people an idea of what 4.1 is/will be like...

E.g. Didn't know that the window was only transparent when dragging... hehe

Also older apps like AmigaAmp still run fine which is cool...

Also, Is the fact that MPlayer can now real-time resize a video down to cairo or just MPlayer being improved...?

Cheers, Alex.

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Re: New Amiga Web Browser in Development - Netsurf.
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Ok Cool...

Maybe add a line:

amigaFontSize == cssFontSize * 1.5;


Wish I had an OS4 machine & could help on this... even if I'm somewhat not familiar with porting... maybe i'll have a stab at installing NetSurf on Ubuntu tonight.


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Re: ANT Meeting 10/08/08
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I have a 1.5GHZ PPC Mini... I call it "Moana"...


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Re: AW.net down?
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actually, must have been my router...



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