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Re: Face of Qt 6
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Just popping in

"Yes", I surely hope so at least ;)

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Re: Cmake and adtools
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Wow can't wait for Qt update :) I did play around with old 4.7 version, but Qt has progressed so much since that.

Keep up the work!

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Re: Promote projects for donations
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Just popping in


Thanks for linking the old conversation - made my donation for AmiCygnix :)

And in general - good idea, for example I've completely missed the AmiCygnix support from my side.

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Re: Amiga Developer Blog
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Just popping in

Didn't really see where my question about development active leads... but nice to see the answers.

Actually my interest is towards ExecSG and also the Enhancer package - and ofcourse the official 4.1 development. The official 4.1 update late last year was a really nice surprise, but for me would be *very* nice to know that how things are going...

About the Enhancer - when I installed my x5000 first time and then installed Enhancer on top of that I soon realized that it broke the sound settings, so I've already used to install Enhancer with carefully selected items.

For me Enhancer is essential package including all the drivers etc. and I'm happy to pay for that - as I would be happy to pay for OS4.x major updates too.

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Re: Amiga Developer Blog
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Just popping in

I was wondering what's ongoing with OS4.1 / ExecSG etc. development, then with small search I found this post (http://blog.amigadeveloper.com/), but surprisingly (not?!?) there are alraedy almost 6 months since the last update.

Any news you could share with us?

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Re: Wharever happened to Libre Office for OS4?
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Just popping in


Actually even Amiga Writer with little improvements could've worked,...

I remember using WordWorth back at 90's with my A1200, it was more than sufficient to manage my studies... actually something equivalent to Word97 would be enough (with little bit improved doc support).

Shame that all "once so good softwares" have deceased...

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Re: Wharever happened to Libre Office for OS4?
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Just popping in

They (Hyperion) were actually showing it at Amiga34, it took some time to start (running on Pegasos2), but I was able to write some text lines of formatted text... (took some pictures as a proof too ;)

As I'm able to run office.com (Wayfarer on MorphOS), I would say that the speed under Wayfarer (G5 Mac) vs. LibreOffice (Peg2) is way slower... so I surely hope they'll find some resources to finalize the work with the LibreOffice.

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Re: PageStream 5 (PPC) Working with Latest OS4.1 Update
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Just popping in


Ok, let's then wait for the promised 5.x update... you never know, I didn't expect the latest update (OS4.1 FE update that is) either :)

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Re: PageStream 5 (PPC) Working with Latest OS4.1 Update
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Just popping in


Thank you for sharing this information - very useful, as an owner of the old 68k version, I've thought about buying the 'new' version (I believe version 5 is already years old ;) - but reading it's being so unstable I haven't bought it.

Maybe I need to find time for a fresh/clean OS4.1FE installation for my x5000 and then buy the OS4 native version...

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Just popping in


the changelog seems so huge that it might take even two glasses :) - I'll follow your example :D


As Matthew has been active lately here - let's hope there'll be at least some reaction...

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Just popping in
Just popping in

Wow, this is what I call Christmas miracle :)

Kas1e, nice video about the update.

Have anyone tried it on top of Enhancer or should I go with fresh install... or maybe fresh backup isn't so bad idea after all :)

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Re: Latest ImageFX from AmigaKit on OS4. Anyone tried it?
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Just popping in

Actually it is released (68k version), you can download it from AmiStore. Haven't tried/bought it though, so cannot really say how well it behaves...

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Gaming Leaderboards - Submit your scores here
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Just popping in


Wow, now just re-implement similar as an SDK and let's find a server for highscrores :) - and of course find developers to use it on their games.

I have to find time to test your port on my x5000...

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Gaming Leaderboards - Submit your scores here
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Just popping in


Just had to beat your score :)

Would be nice to have 'SDK' for Amiga developers to add online highscore support directly to the games - there are ofcourse proprietary online highscores for some games like ones from EntwicklerX or Daniel (the excellent Voxel Bird for example), but one unified place for Amiga games....

Ofcourse it would require server etc., but would surely make nice addon to (hopefully) upcoming games.

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Gaming Highscores Online - Competitions etc.
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Just popping in


Excellent idea! Games doesn't have to be free - anyway some of the games that 328gts mentioned are at AMIStore only few euros...

Maybe this will also motivate developers to develop some games for NG platforms (OS4/MorphOS)...

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Re: emotion media player
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Just popping in


thanks for your detailed answers, I surely hope you'll come back to OS4 product development - I just love M.A.C.E. - my favourite OS4 game...

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Re: Company<->User communication...Is it still a thing today?
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Just popping in

I was actually quite happy about the announcements, the Enhancer Core available immediately gives me hope that 2.0 release will also come in promised schedule...

A1222, well - everyone expects to see it as soon as possible...

Thanks everyone involved - at least I'm excited for the next few months...(again) :)

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Re: Company<->User communication...Is it still a thing today?
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Just popping in


First thank you for supporting community, this Enhancer Core was really a nice surpise.

I have Enhancer packages already, but just wanted to check the AmiSphere login for a while - when I login I get empty page with A-EON top bar telling my username: xxxxxx and nickname: and edit profile-link and some credits that I have at AmiStore... but I just cannot see anything to download.

Maybe a small note to users that 'please register the product to see it under downloads' might help, I actually had to open the PC as I thought my x5000 Odyssey had issues - but no it was just stupid user issue :)

Anyway as I had AmiSphere open I tried once again register my Personal Paint (I ordered few years back from AmigaKit) - but serial just doesn't work - whom I should contact to get updates for this PPaint CD - version? I've got one response so far just telling 'please login and register the product', but that just doesn't work...

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Re: Company<->User communication...Is it still a thing today?
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Just popping in

About Enhancer updates (we probably cannot expect OS4.1 updates any time soon):

- is there a change log somewhere? I occasionally check updates and if any - and usually just install (I do have backup available 'just in case'), would be essential know if there are new features available, bug fixes or even somethign completely new...

And sorry if this is obvious and release notes are somewhere, I just couldn't find it...

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Re: Company<->User communication...Is it still a thing today?
Just popping in
Just popping in

>Just to make absolutely sure:
>You are sure you mean Updater and not AmiUpdate, right? >They are two completely different things.

Yep, sorry I didn't realize that 'updates' available were just couple of gadgets :D (and Multiviewer update). I was looking something bigger... like Warp3DNova update or something :)

Really active forum-item we managed to get - and to get back on topic (from my side atleast), I would really like to get some updates about:
- Office tools, are we getting anything (OO for surely not, but anything else) - yes we have AmiCygnix (but it just seems to be more unstable with new release on my x5000)
- Anything else that's ongoing there - any other projects that people are working on that we're not aware of?

I myself have lost already some motivation for OS4 as it's coming more and more obsolete especially because of the browser, but hey now I have time to get my classic machines back on track...Personal Paint and AmIRC works on my A4000 and A2000 as well as it does on x5000 :D

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