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Re: combo USB/SATA/IDE
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I haven't been able to find much. Only one such combo card which is in "phase out" status

Any other combo I could find is not the usb/ise/sata trifecta.

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Re: combo USB/SATA/IDE
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[Quote]I'm sorry to be the bringer of sad tidings, but the multifunction Sii cards that I have seen do not support booting (I looked into that option myself). They may be good for storage drives, but you won't be able to boot into anything.[/quote]

Do you know if that is something about the cards or does uboot not know how to boot into them? Are they singlenchip things or do the boards have a pci bridge to various chips onboard? Do you have a model number or link to buy one?

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Re: OS4 netbook!
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Considering the Timberwolf discussions make it sound like an enormous amount of RAM is required for it to run, I really do hope that the people behind the netbook will include enough RAM to be able to run that. I had to go back to the beginning of this thread to remember that someone "thinks" that the prototypes have 512MB, we've seen elsewhere that 256MB was about the minimum that Timberwolf at the time would even consider to function.

yes, I understand that this netbook is not meant to be the high-performance laptop I really wish for, but I do hope that it will be capable of Timberwolf when I can buy one. A portable is my only realistic opportunity to use AmigaOS again, and I am really hoping that timberwolf will be possible on it.

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Re: Qt Native News
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alfkil wrote:
Uh and yes, today I installed OS4.1 Classic on my good old faithful A1200 with my newly upgraded 330MHz-603/60MHz-060 BPPC card... Thanks to stachu100 for doing the upgrade!!


Neat! Any compatibility or heat issues? Did it need a bigger fan than original? I wonder what's the best my CSPPC could do. :) (It's only a 200)

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Re: Video editing software bounty?
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I'd take either OpenOffice or LibreOffice. They're the same thing regardless, and LibreOffice is simply a fork of to keep somethin open-source in case Oracle proprieterized OOo. Oracle has since given OOo to Apache Foundation so it's safe from that fear anyway.

I have both OOo and LibreOffice installed on my Windows PC. Both go by the name OpenOffice under the Open With file menu of Windows Explorer, I don't even know which one I pick until it loads up.

Edited by billt on 2012/1/9 17:33:16
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Re: CMake progress
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ChrisH wrote:
not that I know anything about CMake

There's a webinar Intro to Cmake Wednesday 9 Nov next week.


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Re: Your Next Amiga Hardware Purchase will be...
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While I do want the performance of X1000, I don't want the being chained to a desk of it. I do not want the low-performance or too-small screen for my eyes of a NetBook, but I do want the being able to use it at all aspect of it. NetBook wins.

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Re: OS4 netbook!
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Chris wrote:

billt wrote:
But please at least give us a touchpad with at least two "mouse" buttons. The single button on Macs is really my biggest complaint about them. But since AmigaOS natively uses 2 or 3 buttons I'm hopeful this will be OK.

Given that the second button is *required* for opening menus I'd be very surprised if it only had one!

I guess I'm also concerned about he recent trend toward buttonless "touch" things. I've seen laptops with no actual buttons at all now, just a bigger touchpad. I really hate the right-side area of the pad that is by default a "scrollwheel", that was always jumping all over the place until I finally figured out how to turn it off. Similar areas for "buttonless-buttons" I think would frustrate me just as much. I'm happy to see Rogue's post about the 2 buttons. :)

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Re: OS4 netbook!
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- It's NOT used Mac hardware"

My used iBook G4 might still be a wish for me then. Either that or a future "laptop" choice in addition to this netbook which I will plan to buy.

I like the 15inch laptop size. I really like that they have keyboards with proper numeric keypads now. I like that I can see things better than on a tiny screen, I think 14inch is about minimum for my eyesight. (my 20inch screen at work looks like 17inch when wearing my glasses, and is of course unseeable without my glasses) 12inch will to me look like maybe 10inch. :/

But please at least give us a touchpad with at least two "mouse" buttons. The single button on Macs is really my biggest complaint about them. But since AmigaOS natively uses 2 or 3 buttons I'm hopeful this will be OK.

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Re: OS4 netbook!
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Oh, wow! How can I be any happier today? Even though this sounds like a low-performance thing and I'd very much prefer a decent performance laptop, I'm so buying one of these! I haven't realy been able to do Amiga stuff, not OS4 stuff anyway, for quite some time. Being tethered to a desk has been a huge obstacle for the past few years, and my XE is in storage mode without a desk to be tethered to. A laptop, netbook, whatever will finally set me free and I'll be able to use something at all again! Thank you!

If a higher-performance laptop ever does make it out, I'll be very excited again, but this will hold me over until then. :)

Rogue wrote:
- It's a netbook. That means it isn't intended to compete with a desktop system. It is using an integrated graphics chip. No RadeonHD. No PA Semi.

:( A 15inch laptop with numeric keypad keyboard would hold those.

- Price point will be the complete system, including AmigaOS 4. Hopefully, it will be around $300, but we cannot say this for sure yet so calculate a price of $300 to $500.


- The prototypes have built-in Wireless and wired ethernet. Whether both or just one of them will be on the final device I do not know yet.

I think you'll all be forgiven if it only has wireless.

- Internal mass storage. Don't ask me about the capacity, few gigs AFAIR.

If anyone can't fit whatever capacity it ships with, will this be upgradable?

- The prototypes have 512 MB memory -I think-. No idea about the size of the final product.

512MB should be adequate. Much less and I want an upgrade option.

- AmigaOS *is* running on the device, although in a very early state. There are questions to be answered still, so the tentative release date is somewhere near the middle of 2012.

That's all I can say right now without getting punishment from the Hyperion management :)

Thank you Hans-Joerg! And tell whoever got this to happen thank you as well!

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Re: JamVM ?
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And I personally would like Java on Amiga to be truly Amiga. We're discussing on implementing a MUI toolkit, since that allows us to use it with AmigaOS4, OS3, Aros and MorphOS.

I can agree with that and/or Reaction being the best goal for jAmiga. I think I misunderstood the other poster's suggestion, wrote my post about wx and QT et al, then looked at his post again and realized I think I had understood him wrong. But left my post anyway. :p The more layers there are, the slower it will go, and I think we'd all like as much speed as we can get.

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Re: What happened to Qt??
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ChrisH wrote:
I'm afraid I see no problem with saying that Gallium3D will be the new OpenGL/MESA implementation.

I think that Mesa is to Gallium as MiniGL is to Warp3d. One is an apps side API, the other is a hardware driver. They can mate in the middle, or they can each mate to other things with the same middle API. MESA could be ported on top of Warp3d instead of Gallium, and use it instead of MiniGL (which is not part of Warp3d) , and then you'd be using Mesa without even porting Gallium at all.

This is the difference between ISA and HASA, and it's not correct to shrug it away and ignore it.

I could take the EJ257 engine out of my Impreza and put it in my wife's Forester, but neither of us would say we drive an EZ257. I drive an Impreza and she drives a Forster. My car HASA EJ257 engine, but my car NOT ISA EJ257 engine.

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Re: JamVM ?
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ChrisH wrote:
Seems to me it *might* make more sense to put effort into writing class libraries for a portable & fast VM, where many people keep the VM up-to-date, rather than have class libraries running on an Amiga-only VM for (what might eventually become) an ancient version of Java?

OTOH, maybe it would be better to spend effort on (class libraries for) our existing VM, and get "some" result, rather than 'waste' some (alot?) of it porting them a different VM, and end-up never finishing...

The class libraries should work with whatever VM we have, interpreted, JIT, this, that, whatever.

If I understand you suggestion (and i now don't think i did)to somehow use some more general class libraries that can be common to different OSes, and thus combine resources with them, that's an interesting idea. I'm not sure how practical it is, as I don't know that Java targets such a thing. it might be interesting to port Java to wxWidgets, as wxWidgets is a cross-platform API enveloping most of what you'd do (GUI, GL, network, file access, etc) and also look native to whatever OS you're using, rather than QT apps always looking like QT no matter what OS you're using. But we'd have to do such a thing and get other people interested in it for resource combining with them. And this would be a little slower performance than OS4 native class libraries due to yet another wrapper in between.

And we'd need wxWidgets or whatever common API to target completed on AmigaOS first. Which common APIs are completed to that level here? Maybe some via AmiCygnix, maybe QT. I'm not sure how far QT goes with things Java would want to call, or how complete it is at this point on all aspects.

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Re: JamVM ?
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The VM isn't the problem. The class libraries are, and what we need there is OS-specific. This is the part that takes forever.

P.S. Nothing for Jamiga is being ported from "x86". The jamiga VM is new from scratch. The class libraries are being ported from Gnu Classpath (GPL, not sure if it's Linux-only or not) or later OpenJDK's class libraries. Those are OS-Specific translations from Java to your own OS, so when a java program wants to open a window or write a file or print some text, it has to call your OS (ie. Reaction, MUI, dos.library, whatever) and the class libraries do this stuff. It doesn't matter which class library you port from, they're all foreign to AmigaOS, so it all needs redone regardless. I don't know that Linux is easier than Windows, and I'm not sure you'd see a difference between PPC and x86 there. Maybe endianness of something, but since it all readlly needs ripped out and started over anyway, doesn't make a big obstacle.

Edited by billt on 2011/10/2 3:01:09
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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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corto wrote:

Hum ... I don't know who and which projects would need dmake. First I want to be sure this port is good enough, then I think there is no interest in putting it on os4depot.

Making sure it's a good port, debugging, etc. I can understand as a good thing.

But to say there is no interest in seeing it on os4depot? I disagree that no one wants it there. Put a readme pointing to the ooo4k repository to find latest sources perhaps, but I do think it makes sense to have binary on os4depot. If no one else, at least I think my own interest is more than none... :)

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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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samo79 wrote:
btw how about uploading also on OS4Depot ?

Indeed, in case someone else who needs it doesn't know to look inside ooo4k repository to find it.

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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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broadblues wrote:
There is a port of dmake within the OOo source tree, which (after a small mod to the configure file) builds natively, so I assume this is cortos port.

Once built an installed it seems to use amiga native paths ie foo:bar/bash not /foo/bar/bash

OpenOffice seems to have adopted dmake since the original maintainer's website vanished.

If that's all you need to do, neat. What is this configure change?

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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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Mrodfr wrote:
Billt has made this bounty.

Why not taken this one ? You will received, at least, some money from me (and hope from other people too)

If Corto's port is a recent version of dmake, then the bounty may be void. All I could find available were old 3.x versions of dmake on aminet for OS3.x though. Or if Corto is talking about a new port that I just haven't seen the download for, then again no need for bounty. If all that exists is the old 3.x 68k thing on aminet, and it is not sufficient to build OOL/OOfK then I think there's still room for the bounty.

Edited by billt on 2011/9/26 22:44:46
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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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n fact, dmake is already ported : I did it and it was not so easy to manage the launch of several processes at the same time. Fortunately, some recent functions in OS4 allowed to fulfill this part.

Is this available somewhere? I couldn't find it on the depot.

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Re: Openoffice.org for Kids, OS4 porting
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He sent me a bug report about perl within the last fortnight, so that suggests he's still working....

I'll take that as very good news. :)

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