Not too shy to talk
I was used to do that (on classic 68k) to obtain an asm source from a C sources that is mixed with the original C source
gcc -noixemul -O3 -S fillpoly.c gcc -Wa,-adhln -g -noixemul -O3 -c fillpoly.c > fillpoly-mixed.c
So I can read the C instruction and how it was converted to asm
But this syntax dont seems to works for GCC/ppc/OS4 Do you know a gcc version that still support this ?
For information it was giving a "mixed" source like that
271:fillpoly.c **** Frag[1].L.u=Frag->L.u + du; 1209 .stabd 68,0,271 1210 039a 2428 000C movel a0@(12),d2 1211 039e D48C addl a4,d2 1212 03a0 2142 003C movel d2,a0@(60)
272:fillpoly.c **** Frag[1].L.v=Frag->L.v + dv; 1213 .stabd 68,0,272 1214 03a4 2428 0010 movel a0@(16),d2 1215 03a8 D487 addl d7,d2 1216 03aa 2142 0040 movel d2,a0@(64)