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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Information Update:

I had some problems with sound and cpu object files not compiling/linking (the system not even TRYING to compile them) which I at the end found out was a bug I introduced when updating the highly complicated Mame Makefile to the latest version. I fixed that once I found out the problem. Some more problems (again due to the makefile) that then sounds were TWO TIMES linked in.

Just trying to link again, more errors of that kind (some compilers ignore duplicate definitions, the one I use doesn't), so more work on the makefile.

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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in


I can only say that on an Amiga 4000 with CybPPC I never saw such a thing as you describe. And again: That later versions of Mame are "somewhat" slower is natural. Mame gets slower and slower once more emulations and emulations "closer to the original" come in. The original authors are PC coders who deal with "current PCs" and don't give a damn about "slower systems". If you'd compile an SDL version of both old Mame and new Mame you would as well notice that huge speed difference. And with the A1200 hardware not the best (especially memory access wise) at one point it goes too slow.

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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in


I am aware of the SAM. It is just that it has always been done in the Amiga Community to overclock and things like that. And usually there are different options for CPU Clock for boards (that is something where I am really not sure of the Sam, I admit, how far there are other options to CPU speed).

So I could not be sure which frequency the system is clocked with unless I asked.

One thing I can answer you though, for Emulation two things
are mainly important: Memory access speed and CPU speed.
While in case of memory access after what I heard the Sam
should be superior to the A1, in terms of CPU speed obviously it isn't. And this plays a big role on Mame sadly.

As to MUI: Well, there is an external MUI UI since quitre a while which works together with my Mame port.

@all: Nice to see some of the same people like in the "good old times" are still on at Amiga forums


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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in


Hmmm, that is weird. Such games were running nicely on my 800 MHz G4 AmigaOne. What sort of CPU does your Board use?

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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in


Well about inspiring... well not that, but I could *really* use a programmer experienced with MUI to help with WarpSNES.

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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in


Thanks, yes I do. It was just a really bad cold.

About the question on SDL/native: I am compiling the SDL version. And asides from maybe some little advantages on blitting I highly doubt there is much difference. This is more an "idiological" debate than one effecting much of a speedup. Which version of Mame is compiling is much more important in to the effect on speed. The whole "SDL is so slow" originates from a time when the SDL implementation on Amiga was not very good (Actually the *implementation* of SDL used has more influence than *if* SDL is used). Internally SDL for Amiga also uses native calls, so it is not as if this would be some Emulation-of-native-call or anything like that

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Re: MAME any progress on a new version?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Some issues in my life reduced my available time considerably.
Still, I am working on Mame OS4 since a while again. Originally wanted to finish a testable
version till xmas '08, but this was defeated by getting ill. At the point nearly all the files
compiled already, though, so hopefully it should not be much still required, and I plan
to continue on it the next days.

Mame OS 4 actually included AmigaInput support BTW, just the version released to the public was
linked with a non-AmigaInput linker library.

BTW: Anyone willing to help with WarpSNES? I have a nearly compiling version there, too, but
some issues with MUI (the latest version got a MUI UI added by a different programmer, and I
never got that compiling on my own system, and as I outlined above, my time is these days
more limited then it used to be in the earlier times...).

Steffen Haeuser/MagicSN

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