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You've got spammers!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Re: Games working (or not) on OS4 Final
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Toaks said once (ages ago) that it only worked with a particular update. He was unable to tell me which one (and there's about six of them or something, and you probably can't get hold of the old ones easily)


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Re: Blitter Emulator (HELP NEEDED)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Well, I'd say a full-featured AGA emulator would help with running some old apps and games...

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Own up... who broke the UK locale?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

The United Kingdon locale is reporting "metric" for the measuring system!

Can OS4 no longer cope with our weird system of using both metric and imperial measurements depending on the context?

Whoever changed this must own up or face a day in the stocks!


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Re: Base datatype classes in OS4
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


I posted this... elsewhere... but as well as 16-bit and proper streaming support for sound.datatype, we also need the following classes:
Drawing: for 2D structured drawings (IFF DR2D etc)
Object: for 3D objects (Lightwave etc, not sure if there is any IFF standard)
Music: for music modules, MIDI files etc (this already exists as a defined class, but there is no datatype superclass corresponding to it)
There are probably others...

Datatypes could also do with the ability for individual datatypes to add some form of interaction, so if you have (for example) a Flash animation datatype, you could listen to the mouse clicks, keyboard input and change the display accordingly. This only needs to be supported for embedded objects of course.


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Re: The A1Floppy thread
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Thanks. DD disks work fine, it just doesn't recognise HD. The drive is ok as I've used HD disks on Linux in the past.


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Re: RAPlay and TuneNet
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


In theory, yes. But I need to figure out how the code works and what it does first.

I'm tempted to play around with RTSP and see if I can get things streaming to it, before considering TuneNet plugins.


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Re: Known software problems in OS4final
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


http-handler (even the WebDAV version) and GuideML work a treat. Even SGE works, which I thought would cause problems.

I don't think I've tried anything else of mine.


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Re: Looking for free/cheap A1200 HDD
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


You'll have to collect it - my teleporter is broken.


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Re: Known software problems in OS4final
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


No, it's just crashing using your method. Could you send me that source code please? It might help.

Also: shouldn't BMF_DISPLAYABLE align it properly?


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Re: TuneNet Midi Plugin released
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


It would make it easier if it was my sourcecode.

As it isn't, I need to try and figure out what is going on to make it into a plugin.

Plus RTSP needs to be in TuneNet, and HTTP streaming won't work with plugins currently.


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Re: TuneNet Midi Plugin released
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


The problem with RealAudio is you need to support RTSP as well. Actually, RTSP is easy, but you also need to figure out RTP and some other stuff, as well as the codec.

MPlayer will happily stream RealAudio over RTSP. I don't know how easy it is to get the relevant bits out of the code and put them in a plugin, but the RTSP stuff needs to be in TuneNet direct.

btw, I've ported RAPlay - it'll turn up on Aminet shortly. It won't stream over RTSP though. I'll see if it is possible to make it into a plugin (unless someone else beats me to it - can't get my head around it at the moment)

Some resources for RTSP:
http://www.rtsp.org (try the RFCs)
http://www.vovida.org (check out librtp)
Good luck!


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Re: Known software problems in OS4final
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


I suspect the alignment is the problem, I didn't know that on account of there being practically no documentation for pointerclass.

Odd that it worked before... hmm... I'll give it a try.


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Known software problems in OS4final
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

1. Wet's ARexx interface doesn't work - DSI in arexx.class when you attempt to access it.

2. In ArcEm (latest CVS - not checked the public build, but I suspect it is the same) the pointer image is corrupted. Possibly problems with ARexx too, but I'm not 100% sure on that yet (no ARexx in the public build anyway)

I've taken a look at the pointer problem and I think something has changed in pointerclass. Certainly the bitmap I'm feeding it is correct, so this may have to wait until I get to poke around the new SDK.

If you spot anything not working correctly please post here... and remember which forum you are in!


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Re: TuneNet SR1 (for OS4 Final)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


The plugin API will be updated further so that misc info can be reported back into the info window also, so that sample names for MODS etc... will be possible.

Cool, that'll enable me to add the extra info I can get from datatypes....

...not that the sound datatypes bother to report it. I can see AUTH etc chunks in my 8SVX (and other) files but if I request the data it doesn't come. The only one that it reports is the name, and sometimes even that doesn't work. There's a bug in the sound datatypes somewhere, but whether it is in the superclass or the datatypes themselves I couldn't say.

On an entirely different subject, I was trying out the shuffle play feature and after around an hour and a half of playing, it stopped. No amount of clicking on Next would get it onto another track, I had to manually start playing another one to get it to continue. and, before you ask, no it hadn't finished playing through the entire list.


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Re: The A1Floppy thread
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Well, I've just shoved a disk in to see if it works, and it appears to pick it up as DD rather than HD (format shows 720K for FD0 and PC0). Can I somehow tell it it is a high density disk?

Even for DD that seems a bit rubbish - why is it limited to 720K when AROS manages 800K for FFS on PC hardware?

Is the AROS format compatible with the OS4 one?

Hmm... is there any chance that auto-detect and something like the USB Mass Storage manager (ctrl-alt-m) could become standard for all removeable devices? It's always been a problem that different format disks have several mountlists and icons appearing on screen, or if the driver auto-detects there is no way of formatting to the correct format. Perhaps just having a filesystem selector on the format tool would be sufficient - and then let the drivers handle auto-detect themselves.


Edited by Chris on 2006/12/31 12:56:09
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Re: OS4 won't boot
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Could be device timeout? Check your IDE port settings in U-Boot. If you can, hook a null modem cable up and see what you get before the delay.


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Re: TuneNet SR1 (for OS4 Final)
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

I've released a working Datatypes plugin for this version of TuneNet:

This will allow you to play file types that you have Datatypes for (eg. WAV, 8SVX, etc)


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Re: OS4 won't boot
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Boot from the CD, and change the tooltypes of devs/monitors/radeon on your boot partition.

You will find one reads interrupt=yes. change this to interrupt=no and reboot.


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Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender


Can't you use wa_Lock "foo:bar" and wa_Name "dir" if the directory that is being dragged doesn't really exist?

That should fix it for programs that are just appending .info, and others that really do want a dir will just return an error that you have dragged a file in (or it doesn't exist, or whatever)?

Seems simple enough, probably something I've overlooked.


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