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Re: SDL-1.2.11-20080121 flaw
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BTW, did you ever have a look at the double-buffering problem with OpenGL? I emailed you a while back, but I don't know if it got through.

Basically, in OS4, the surface-flip function isn't waiting for the currently displayed surface to finish outputting to screen before returning. As a result, MiniGL starts clearing/drawing to the back-buffer while it's still the front buffer. The syncing isn't working as it should. This causes horrible flickering in OpenGL demos/games. I've currently suggested that people stick a WaitTOF() in their code as a simple workaround. It would be nice if this were fixed.


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Re: Amiga hires Jamie
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Troels wrote:
AVD was AFAIK a sparetime project it might still be or it might be that Amiga Inc wants to take it under their wings. If they do the latter and get it finished, it means they are actually showing some interest in OS4 (maybe because there is no OS5 ;)

It started out as a full-time project, but eventually he needed to do other work in order to eat.


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Re: Amiga hires Jamie
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rwo wrote:
And I can't see why AInc made a press release about hiring a programmer.. unless they had no one to begin with.. for then they can start saying its now moving in the rigth direction and we can await a new relase in about 50 years.

Well, I can see a reason for this press release. Jamie has released OS4 programs and a lot of people within the OS4 community respect him. This adds some credibility to A. Inc. that they've hired someone who's coding ability we trust.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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abalaban wrote:

This reminds me that I have some work to do here... But I must admit I'm a bit overbooked this time...

Aren't we all.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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TSK wrote:

I have a couple of thoughts anyway. Wasn't there WxWidgets ported already to Cygnix ? And did I understand correctly you guys was going to start porting from some Winblows version ? Why don't you use Cygnix port if it's already running on OS4 ?

The Cygnix port uses GTK. It doesn't matter if we use the windows, Mac, GTK, or PalmOS port as a starting point, we need to write an OS specific layer. I actually think that the PalmOS version might be the easiest to start with, as it's not as advanced as the others and can be stripped down to a framework.


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Re: Transmission
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K-L wrote:

Ctorrent has been working on Amiga OS 4 for a looong time now.

Moreover, I dont see any GUI with Transmission so I keep using CTorrent.

You haven't seen the latest version of transmission then.


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Re: Deneb under OS 4?
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Rogue wrote:


Hans wrote:

Of course, the memory under OS 4 need not be continous, so scatter/gather DMA support is required from a device, but that is not a bug but rather a feature.

I thought that there was a method to allocate a block of RAM that was continuous in physical memory, but that this feature wasn't available in the current SDK. Then devices without scatter/gather support wouldn't have a problem. Did I get this wrong?


Yes, you can use AllocVecTags with the AVT_Contiguous tag item to allocate such a block. Unfortunately we haven't updated the SDK yet.[/quote]

Ok, good.


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Re: Deneb under OS 4?
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Rogue wrote:

Of course, the memory under OS 4 need not be continous, so scatter/gather DMA support is required from a device, but that is not a bug but rather a feature.

I thought that there was a method to allocate a block of RAM that was continuous in physical memory, but that this feature wasn't available in the current SDK. Then devices without scatter/gather support wouldn't have a problem. Did I get this wrong?


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Re: Moovid 1.7Beta
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COBRA wrote:
... I want to ensure that what I release is of good quality, stable and complete, I don't want to release half-finished, buggy things, I hope you understand. Apart from WMV support there are countless bugfixes and several smaller new features. Adding 2 new formats will be top priority after that, those are MOV and FLV. I haven't decided which will come first.

Good. I prefer quality releases.


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Re: DiscreetFX is evaluating toolkits for Aladdin 4D OS 4.0 version.
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DiscreetFX wrote:

Thanks for this information, we did not know about this GUI toolkit. Bummer that the Amiga version is not further along, how many coders are working on it? How does wxWidgets compare to MUI, ReAction or Feelin?

Its functionality is greater than all of the above. The Amiga version would actually use MUI/Reaction wherever possible in order to get that native look-and-feel, using custom gadgets only where no native gadget is available. You could always try asking DaveAE, author of Audio Evolution about his experience in using it (see his comments here). Currently there are 5 developers with full access to the CVS of the Amiga OS port (that's OS4, OS3 & MOS). We all have other projects taking up time though.


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Re: DiscreetFX is evaluating toolkits for Aladdin 4D OS 4.0 version.
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MichaelMerkel wrote:

different platforms need different guis. a "professional" application should use the default gui of the platform it runs on.

so this would be
reaction for os4
mui for mos
whatever for the other platforms.

take a look at pagestream. deron also handles it like that.
currently the os4 version uses mui as a start but later this will change to reaction.

WxWidgets does just that, but enables you to use one code-base for all platforms instead of having to write a new GUI from scratch for each one. Unfortunately the Amiga OS wxWidgets implementation is still in its early stages. Sigh, we need more programmers on this project.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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The MESA port? Rogue will have to answer that, as I'm only involved in MiniGL. AFAIK, he isn't giving a projected release date at this point. Having said that, don't expect it to be released for at least half a year, if not longer.

Like I said, if it's a small addition to MiniGL that's needed, we should be able to add it in a reasonable timeframe, so it can be used until MESA is ported. Just let us know what you need.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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What functionality is missing that Aladdin4D needs? If you or your developers have specific functions/features, we can look at adding them. If you're really in a hurry, MiniGL is open-source; Rogue could give write access to the code repository to some of your developers.

Please remember that MiniGL is going to be replaced with a complete MESA port which will provide a full OpenGL implementation. There's no point in spending months improving it, as it's going to be replaced.

So, just let us know which missing functions you need.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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Spirantho wrote:

Motivated, yes. spare time, no. Very little. However, I do have an xmas break coming up, so if you want to give me write access feel free and I'll see if I can do anything to help!

You'll need to give him a sourceforge user-ID so that he can add you. It's a large project so help is appreciated. Right now only a few OS4 developers (ignoring those who started the project) have expressed an interest in helping out. Absolutely no response over on a.org from OS3/AROS/MOS develpers.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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Helge wrote:


Hans wrote:

I hope so. I'm struggling to get any developer interest in bringing wxWidgets to the Amiga. There are certain kinds of apps that I'd like to develop (video-editing), but I can't even start on that yet because the animation datatype needs to be updated to support modern video formats, and I need wxWidgets so that I can easily port it to other platforms too (otherwise the market's just too small).

I think the point is the TYPE of apps that we can expect from developers. These are mainly hobby peoples, so the development will be focused on smaller apps and utilities. Further, there will be ports of existing apps.
There are some glorious exceptions however, like Wookiechat for example.
But in general, and what keeps me thinking is that there won't be many "special Amiga apps" that don't exist on other OS and that made Amiga so special.
Amiga was famous for video editing for example. These times are over now...

Which is why I'm trying to encourage people to help out with things such as wxWidgets and extending some of the systems components. If Amiga OS already had a video codec system in place, I could have written a basic VirtualDub style app already.

WxWidgets would allow programmers that don't just code in their free time to make money in other OS markets, and provide an Amiga version. For example, Davy Wentzler ported Audio Evolution over to windows using wxWidgets. Now version 5 is windows only. If we had wxWidgets, Audio Evolution 5 (and up) could return without the prohitive amount of effort that it would take otherwise.

So that's an option that new (and existing) developers should think about, writing - or helping out with - support libraries that could be used to write larger apps.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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Rogue wrote:

But I agree with Rigo, an updated SDK is urgently needed!

What is it that would prevent any willing developer to use the current one? Why is the current SDK suddenly not good enough? What do people actually expect from the new one?

People developing drivers using DMA, and those wanting to write blankers are the only two groups I can think of that need some of the features that are missing in the current one.


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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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I hope so. I'm struggling to get any developer interest in bringing wxWidgets to the Amiga. There are certain kinds of apps that I'd like to develop (video-editing), but I can't even start on that yet because the animation datatype needs to be updated to support modern video formats, and I need wxWidgets so that I can easily port it to other platforms too (otherwise the market's just too small). I don't like the way that other toolkits work on multiple platforms. There's also no firewire, which I can do without for now and I need an up-to-date OpenGL implementation (which is coming).

I've started on an animation datatype replacement, but it's far from finished. Right now it can play video (minus audio) without a GUI. It's using a wrapper for the old API to use the old animation datatypes (I haven't written a new one yet), and doesn't have a GUI yet. I haven't even started on the video saving API yet.

If I had a few others working on some of these external components, then I could focus on the actual app, instead of writing the base libraries that I need just to get started. My free time is way to small for me to be able to write an app and the support libraries that it requires.


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Re: Betatesters wanted
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You seem to have most things covered. However, what decides if a project has a make a donation button or not? Only the Allegro project does, which is listed as "open." I can understand suggested projects not having it, but "assigned" projects probably should have as well.

BTW, a quick explanation of the various project status levels might be helpful. It is mostly intuitive, but it's a simple addition. One other interesting behaviour is when I click on "open" or "assigned" in the status column (after clicking on either of them in the menu on the left), it jumps to showing all suggested projects. Is this the desired behaviour?


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Re: Betatesters wanted
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Thanks. I'll start adding some projects to the suggested list to see how things work. If there's anything in particular that you want tested, just let me know.


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Re: Betatesters wanted
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I tried to create a user profile on your test-site an hour or so ago, but I still haven't received a confirmation email, not even in the junk-mail folder. You might want to check if the confirmation emailing system is working. Another possibility would be that hotmail has whatever server is sending the email black-listed.


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