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Re: os4 japanese support
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Tetisoft could you please help Olfa to port JKFF on OS4?

Well, I can try. Basically porting an 68k AmigaOS system patch to OS4 requires
the ability to build PPC binaries with the OS4 SDK. The first thing to do is
to "port" the sourcecode from SAS/C to gcc. The second is to "port"
the sourcecode from gcc/68k to gcc/PPC. This includes using OS4 interfaces
instead of OS3 library bases. This is explained in

SDK:Documentation/Developer Info/General/os4_migration_guide.pdf

The third and important step is to add a SetMethod() call
everywhere where a SetFunction() call exists, because SetFunction()
only affects function calls done from inside 68k programs.
The fourth step is to replace the old 68k replacement functions
with 68k stubs which call the new PPC functions. FDTrans (part of
the SDK) can be used to create such stubs.

At this point the program should either work, at least a bit,
or crash. When it crashes, debug binaries linked with -g and
GrimReaper logs should help to find the problem. When it works,
there should be made some adjustments to the new OS4 functions,
e.g. antialiasing, usage of truetype fonts, support for UTF-8
catalogs etc.

Olfa, feel free to contact me in private mail.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in


When you write a detailed list of problems with the swedish
catalog files and send it to your favourite swedish translator,
swedish betatester, translator, betatester, developer or to me
it will hopefully be forwarded to the OS4 bugzilla database and
the swedish translators.

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Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
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Just popping in



When using norwegian characters,when i open my mp3 drawer,

With which application?

the drawers are alphabetical order. Except for the
norwegian ??? which should appear below z.
But shows up here and there. Anyone experienced similar???

The norwegian language driver is aware of the norwegian sorting rules.
It depends on your application if its author did read the autodoc
of StrnCmp() which states for SC_COLLATE2:

This is the type of comparison to use when sorting data
to be presented to the user.

Many applications use strcmp() or Stricmp() only, which
dont respect (all) language-specific sorting rules.
Did a quick test here and both the Dir command and the
Workbench are able to sort norwegian.

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Re: Num Lock, at boot up
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Just popping in


Quoting Documentation/Keyboards.doc:

X) Setting the default state for the NumLock key
With PS/2 keyboards, the UBoot environment variable "kbddev_numlock"
can be used to specify if NumLock shall be switched on or off during
boot. If set to 'off' or '0', NumLock will be off (arrows keys).
If set to 'on' or '1', you'll get the default mode (number entry).

With USB keyboards, the environment variable
ENVARC:usb/hid.keyboard/numlockoff can be set to "1" to turn off NumLock
by default, "0" (or not present) to enable NumLock by default.

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Re: OS4 missing parts?
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Just popping in

Did anybody notice that CGTimes, CGTriumvirate and LetterGothic are "fakes"?
No? Fine

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Re: map ALT to WIN-keys
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Just popping in


in the U-Boot prefs there is a keyboard mapping table but I could not find any
documentation on how to do it!

See Documentation/Keyboards.doc on the OS4Final CD.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in


About the tilde on the superscript key, that's really strange because I've never seen that on french PC keyboard

Maybe you missed that I've edited my answer, sorry.
Just thought that placing a tilde on Shift-SuperScript2
would be a good idea, there existed no non-dead tilde
on the MicroSoft keymap and no(!) character on the shifted
key so I've added it, just in case somebody may need it,
and just in case some french Amiga user would expect it
there (the french Amiga keyboard has it at this position).

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in



I can break things down here so that eg. temperatures
are in Celsius, long distances are in miles and short distances
are in metres. Of course, that is worthless if the UK locale
is telling me to only use metric units.

When you know better than the OS how an UK locale should look
like, you are IMHO allowed to ignore the metrics system flag and to
use your own ideas about the UK measuring system. The ISO
3166 Alpha-3 cp_CountryCode is "GBR".

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Re: os4 japanese support
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Just popping in


I have some question. Do OS4 have input stream?
On OS3.9, JKFF insert input handler to input.device
with command IND_ADDHANDLER.

This command is still mentioned in the input.device autodocs
which are part of the OS4 SDK.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in


In fact on the keyboard I'm using right now at work,
the only one which is mentionned is the one on the eacute key,
my <superscripttwo> mention just that (the superscript two),

Utilities/KeyShow should show you how OS4 expects a PC keyboard
to look like. I've never seen a french PC keyboard, only the
MicroSoft keyboard layout web pages, I wondered why there
is no non-dead tilde on the french keyboard and no character
at Shift-SuperScriptTwo so I've added a tilde there for convenience...

like my 'j' key that mention only the 'j'...

Well, ask Commodore why all their keymaps had
those standardized deadkeys but none of their keyboards
had them printed on the keycaps... I've just tried to be
backwards compatible here.

About the combining possibilities I'll check but I would have sworn that I already used the dead circ combinated with e to produce the eCirc (?).

BTW CubicIDE can be tried using the demo version from the author's site.

Just tried MicroGoldEd, it supports deadkeys but it doesnt
support deadkeys followed by space, it handles space as
a special key, it has config options for the special keys,
ask Dietmar why a space bar is a non-deadable special key
in MicroGoldEd, IMHO thats a bad idea. This breaks compatibility
to nearly all existing OS3 and OS4 keymaps.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in


there is no such thing as a charset in IRC

Thanks for telling me, didnt assume anybody could be able
to design such a protocol and to forget to support different
charsets. It seems everything is possible And you just
outed me, yes, I've never used IRC.


Please test if IRC in cyrillic works better when you select
"Russian (Euro sign)" as preferred language in the Locale
prefs editor and use the normal ISO-8859-5 bulgarian keymap.
If yes, you need a bulgarian language driver in Amiga-1251
charset which is more similar to windows-1251 (probably
used by your chat partners) than to ISO-8859-5. If not,
please ask your chat partners about their charset.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in



As your are speaking of keyboards here, I'll ask you to
explain how I can do to obtain the character '~' in CubicIDE:
I've noticed that the character won't be issued under the
editor while it's being displayed and i can copy/paste an
existing one where I want.
(BTW, I'm using a french keyboard with euro where the
character is a dead key you can acces using Alt+2 then
space. I have to mention that it's working in the shell,
does the programmer have something to setup/do ?)

You are probably talking about KEYMAPS:f_ISO-8859-15.
When I look at this file it tells me that you can type
a tilde by typing <Shift><SuperScriptTwo> and that
the SuperScriptTwo key is the key just below the Escape

Other possibilities are typing <DeadTilde> plus <Space>.
The french keyboard has two DeadTilde keys, the first
is <Alt><eAcute> which you described, the second is <Alt><J>.

When CubicIDE (I dont have that) doesnt work with your DeadTilde
deadkey, its IMHO very likely that it doesnt work with any
deadkey at all. To test that, the default deadkeys for Amiga
keyboards, as described in Documentation/Keymaps.doc on the
OS4Final CD, are

Alt-F DeadAcute
Alt-G DeadGrave
Alt-H DeadCaron
Alt-J DeadTilde
Alt-K DeadDiaeresis

and with ISO-8859-1 or -15 as system default charset those
five default deadkeys should all affect e.g. an "a" typed
after them. When CubicIDE doesnt work with such deadkeys its
author should have a second look at the MapRawKey() autodoc,
maybe something is called wrong.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
Just popping in
Just popping in



the swedish locale is broken too.
right amiga + . does not clean up icons.

Because its also the keyboard shortcut for displaying the last error message. Will report that. Thanks.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
Just popping in
Just popping in



Don't worry, the bulgarian locale is borked too.
When selecting bulgarian and typing cyrilic it produces
characters, which only people with AmigaOS 4 can read,
but not the folks on the IRC, so I had to make my own
keyboard with the correct letters produced acordingly.

Its IMHO not the problem of OS4 but the problem of either your
IRC client which fails to tell the outer world that you
are using ISO-8859-5 or the problem of the IRC clients
of the other folks which dont know how to convert ISO-8859-5
to their current system default charset.

When you need a bulgarian language driver with a different
charset than ISO-8859-5, read Charsets.doc, this will explain
you that the only other option is Amiga-1251. KOI8-R or
windows-1251 cant be used as system default charset.
But IMHO ISO-8859-5 should be supported by more IRC clients
in the outer world than Amiga-1251.

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Re: Own up... who broke the UK locale?
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Just popping in



The United Kingdon locale is reporting "metric" for the measuring system!

Can OS4 no longer cope with our weird system of using both metric and imperial measurements depending on the context?

Whoever changed this must own up or face a day in the stocks!

Thats me, the betatesters wanted me to change that:

United Kingdom 51.5 (20.3.2006) (dwuerkner)

- Changed the measuring system from british to ISO. Thanks to Bill Eaves
and Martin McKenzie for the reports.

Sorry but it seems OS4 is not prepared for "our weird system...".

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Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
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Just popping in


I get quite often "Input.device" crash, but like you can
expect i cannot get grim output out since no mice or kb answering...

When the keyboard answers to Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga you should be able to grab
the crash report from the default kernel debug output memory console with the
DumpDebugBuffer command.

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Re: Kara colour Fonts and OS4
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Just popping in


Is there a way to use fonts such as the Chislescript and
karagranite fonts with OS4?

Yes, OS4 is backwards compatible.

Right now OS4 will not see them with any app.

I bet it sees them in NotePad as ISO-8859-1 fonts.

I used ot use them in paint programs like
personal paint, arteffect and tv paint now they do not even
show up in the font lists. But they are in the font drawer.

When you have a font problem you could read Documentation/Fonts.doc
on the OS4Final CD. Quoting it:

Any old bitmap font file without charset information is assumed to be
in ISO-8859-1, the AmigaOS default charset.

But when you try to load a bitmap-only
font that does not exist in a variant for the requested (or system default)
charset, this will fail in most cases

However, for backwards compatibility to old applications that were
distributed with their own fonts in ISO-8859-1 only, diskfont.library
does accept a request without charset specification of a bitmap font that
is not available in the current system default charset when the current
system default charset is not ISO-8859-1, it does load the ISO-8859-1
variant of the bitmap font in this case and does remap the font to the
current system default charset.

To force the usage
of a specific charset with non-charset-aware applications, you can add
_MIME-NAME to the font name.

Or in shorter words, when you want to use an ISO-8859-1
bitmap font in an application which is not charset aware,
you can either switch the system default charset to ISO-8859-1,
or you can type in (not click at) the fontname in the font
requester to get the font remapped to the current system default
charset, or you can type fontname_ISO-8859-1 in the font requester
to load the font without remapping it.

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