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Re: Making IBrowse v2.4 great again - errrmmmmm - I mean - a bit more usable today...
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Just can't stay away

In the Ibrowse YAHOO maillist

Oliver Roberts posted this regarding IBrowse 2.5 on 08/02/2015

"Lots of work still to do, but at least I am now in a position to do it
again. I imagine Stefan will pretty much leave release matters mostly
up to me, so nothing too much to worry about there."

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Re: YAM and HTML
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Just can't stay away

I am not sure, but i believe the solutions given are for clicking on a link in a YAM message. Right?

If so there is another problem i solved sort of::
an html message is seen as a text message in YAM. You can save it s "part 1.2 | html file" though. it is saved under a name such as YAMm00000064-p2.2 You have however to add a .htm or .html extension or Odyssey
won't load it.

I automated the process using Gui4Cli's xNOTIGY event.

IF $RepNotify = -1
cd t:yam
CLI 'list >env:.YAM__htm lformat="%N"'
IFexists FILE $.YAM__htm
copy $.YAM__htm t:$.YAM__htm\#.htm
.YAM__htm = $.YAM__htm\#.htm
CLI "URLOPen file:///t:$.YAM__htm"

RepNotify = $(-$RepNotify)

I do save the html part in a t:yam directory, the file gets an extension and URLOpen is called to load the file in Odyssey
Using Odysselauncher2 will work too of course

If a previous file is allready in that directory i use the save requester to first delete that file, before savint the new one.

Not perfect but still

The code resides in background Gui4CLI program, that i start up early. It could be launched on startup or a YAM script could launch it when loaded.

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Re: About YAM configuring issues
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Just can't stay away

Wellcome back then,

I do use 3 mail accounts one being my gmail account

1) first steps
here i did put my
- "real name"
- email address witth main provider
- main provider's server name im my case
- user name
- password
both as known with this provider

2) tcp/ip settings with the 2 tabs Receive mail (POP3) and
send mail (SMTP)
2.1) SMTP settings
You need at least one smtp I did use only one, that of my main provider (am not sure if you can use gmail here)
The elements you have to know iare
The server address (mine is smtp.scarlet.be) and the port nr (scarlete uses 465)

2.2) Pop3 settings
here i addded sucessively the 3 receiving accounts
again elements to know are
- server
- port
- user name
- password

for gmail the
- server is pop.gmaiLcom
- port is 995

(As connection security i useSSL/TLS & authentifications Plain password. don't know if this is optimal)

In ths configuratione my outgoing reply mails may not have the address i did receive them with; Maybe tha'ts possible, i don't know.

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Re: Convert with OCR number only scanned pages
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Just can't stay away

@amogo1 & Raziel thanks for suggestions

I just dicovered gcor has an option for onverting only to numbers
-C "0123456789"
There are other options that may be usefull to finetune the conversion
Studying their effect

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Re: Convert with OCR number only scanned pages
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Just can't stay away

Thanks i posted links with PM

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Convert with OCR number only scanned pages
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Just can't stay away

I hav a lot of pages scanned in from old statistics to convert to digital format.

I have used gocr but the conversion is so full of errors (confusion with alphabetic characters) that i wonder if nobody ever wrote a digital characters only OCR program.

Anybody a hint?

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Re: emotion media player
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Just can't stay away


could you add some free streaming url's to test out that baby?

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Amissl v4.0
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Just can't stay away

Yam latest dev is feclaiming amissl v4.0
Where can i get it?

Found it here
https://github.com/jens-maus/amissl/re ... wnload/4.0/AmiSSL-4.0.lha

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

had a look at the template of amipdf (non- AEON version) and of vpdf

3.OS4.1FE:> appdir:amipdf ?
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf ?

tested the vpdf template

13.OS4.1FE:> run appdir:vpdf
[CLI 12]
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf newapp // a new vpdf windos opens
//closing the second window
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf // nothing happens
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf apptofront // nothing happens
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf bijlagen.pdf // the file is opened in the existing window (nice)

13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf PVEverificatie.pdf // file is loaded in second tab of open window
13.OS4.1FE:> appdir:vpdf PVEverificatie.pdf newapp // new window is opened and file is loaded

Very nice


Can onyone cnirm the AmiPDF enhancer software versonhas still the same template?

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/5 8:38:20
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Re: vpdf v amipdf
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Just can't stay away

If jumping to a geven page number can be added to the arexx port that would-be be splendid

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


yes ok i see what you meant

i was aware of this. dragging possibility.

Also clicking in the slider lets you jump to next or previous page. That is as good as a next or previous button

Dragging the slider completely to left ot right gives you a "first" & "last" page possibility, which i like a bit less. than corresponding button buttons.

Typing in the desired page number in a textin gadget as in AMiPDF is really usefull if you are studying a large pdf document.
AmiPDF has also a back button that works well together with this direct pagenumber jump possibility

Neither VPDF nor AmiPDF has an arexx port. This is not Amigalike and would be very usefull for prepring a giving presentations., adding a gui.

In their present states dding a decent port will be somewhat less work for AmiPDF than for VPDF

In this evaluation & comparison we should also remember Ghostscript possivnities where you can switch pages from the shell; Here too you can add a gui (eg written in Gui4Cli - i think i did this some years ago before starting to use AmiPDF)

=== Some more general considerations

I use my Amiga OS4 machine mainly for gathering information, studying, organizing my thoughts and editing webpages.and programming , mainly in Gui4Cli or in C to maintain Gui4Cli

The Amiga is still a very good "learning & info organizing machine" thanks to pdf support . As we don't have pdf editing possibilities I will (very often) save the pdf document as text, work on the text , add html formatting tags and save it with links to internet files, to local iles

Odyssey is part of this,it has excellent html 5 & canvas support:you can have graphical and mathematical representations in your pages, and you have javascript programming support built in .
With online libraries (eg mathjax) you are able to produce Latex pages with nice mathematical constructs.

What i really miss and what wouldn't be a big deal to add to the OS is automatic indexing of text pages, so that local searches would be as usefull as say google searches. I

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The search works fine, the red rectangle always appears but is positioned too low. (some 4, 5 lines)

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I missed the "mark" button,

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

edited the comparison.

But what you mean about "not positioned correctly" ?

The red rectangle is positioned e few lines below the text found

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Re: vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I don' see what you mean "drag the page number in the same slider"

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vpdf v amipdf
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

vpdf is a great addition to Amipdf, I use them both now
It would be useful to compare vpdf with Amipdf

this could be done by editing this post if you post additionaal points

VPDF Plus points
1ability to rotate pages(1)
2 able to read the PDF bank statements that you can't read with AmiPDF (1).
3 outline with thumbnails of pages
4 more than one file accessible through tab
5 different page views (1, 2 side by side, 2 below each other, 4 pages )possible
6. Rudimentaire arexx port
7. History of loaded files maintained: you can select a recently loaded file

VPDF lacking

1 saving as textfile
2 textin gadget to jump to a page by number
3 button to jump to first and last page

VPDF Not working well:
1 search results ared rectangle) are not positioned correctly
2 clipboard selection of text

(1) both possible with AmiPDF enhancer software AEON

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/3 8:55:27
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/3 17:13:17
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/3 17:25:33
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/3 17:32:12
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/3 17:35:00
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/2/4 14:04:10
Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/8/6 17:37:22
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Re: AmiCygnix OS4FE update1 problems?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


i did put the xdummy crashlog from yesterday here:

today i rechecked starting abiword with the .bat icon, first thing after booting

i got a crash this time on Esetroot
crashlog & snoopy log are here

http://users.online.be/AD/Crashlog_Es ... t_2017-01-31_09-24-02.txt

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/1/31 8:35:57
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Re: AmiCygnix OS4FE update1 problems?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

the xdummy you sent me with private mail still fails when i launch abiword with the "Start_AmiCygnix.bat

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Re: AmiCygnix OS4FE update1 problems?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I tried out the new xdummy

It still get a crash when saving myx11setup this time pointing to lxpanel
It only occurs when asking to open AmiCygnix.

Whn i launch myx11setup i observed the recurring line

00512 : myx11setup : FAIL = [exec] FindPort("XGeekPort.0") [22uS]

I guess it has nothing to do with the crash, but still...

Crash log for task "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module lxpanel at address 0x7BBC239C
Type of crash
program exception
Alert number

Register dump
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
07BC6C614 56ED8BC0 00000000 574C153C 56AC9BE8 4C545200 64656661 4C545200 
64656661 00000083 56AC9BE8 00000083 000007A8 574C2D94 00000000 59B99000 
7BB2C60C 00000001 57ACB010 5696C6C0 02340000 02340000 00000000 56ED8CB8 
6FFAB180 00000001 56ED8CBC 56ED8C68 56AC9BDC 5696C7C0 574BBF40 56AC9BDC 

(Floating Point RegistersNaN Not a Number):
0:              nan              nan    -1.72287e+206     -3.1129e+268 
:              nan     -2.2698e+260           148500               27 
:               94               65             1356               30 
:       4.5036e+15             1378     -1.4853e-182    -5.34694e+256 
:     -4.25662e+33     -1.50488e+13    -9.98185e+123     -5.0023e+307 
:    -2.12436e+288     -4.14389e+09     -1.2834e+307        -0.366461 
:     -4.41646e+18    -6.03601e+192      -2.8715e-10     -2.99192e+38 
:    -5.04065e+298    -2.04348e+142    -8.12532e+298    -1.63196e+212 

(Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82004000

(Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
(cr) : 0x598DB0FC
      Instruction Pointer 
(ip) : 0x7BBC239C
       Xtended Exception 
(xer) : 0x59933018
(ctr) : 0x6FF6E4D0
(lr) : 0x7FBBD920
            DSI Status 
(dsisr) : 0x59932DD0
            Data Address 
(dar) : 0x01A817E8

680x0 emulated registers
DATA00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info
Instruction pointer 0x7BBC239C belongs to module "lxpanel" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BBC239C (section 5 0xA3378)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BC6C618 (section 5 0x14D5F4)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BC6C1C0 (section 5 0x14D19C)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BC6C238 (section 5 0x14D214)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BC6C290 (section 5 0x14D26C)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel at 0x7BB2C688 (section 5 0xD664)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
    native kernel module newlib
    native kernel module newlib
:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel:_start()+0x170 (section 1 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8
    native kernel module kernel
    native kernel module kernel

PPC disassembly
7bbc239400000000   .word             0x00000000
00000000   .word             0x00000000
*7bbc239c00000000   .word             0x00000000
00000000   .word             0x00000000
0000574c   .word             0x0000574C

System information

 CPU speed
1100 MHz 
 FSB speed
220 MHz 

 Machine name
2097152 KB 
bus.pci bus.pcie 

Expansion buses 
:04.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3512 
   Range 0
00001000 - 00001008 (IO
Range 1: 00001008 - 00001010 (IO
Range 200001010 - 00001018 (IO
Range 3: 00001018 - 00001020 (IO
Range 400001020 00001030 (IO
00:06.0 Vendor 0x126F Device 0x0501 
   Range 0
84000000 88000000 (MEM
Range 188000000 88200000 (MEM
05:00.0 Vendor 0xACBE Device 0x0001 
:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x6779 
   Range 0
A0000000 B0000000 (PREF.MEM
Range 2B0000000 B0020000 (MEM
Range 400002000 00002100 (IO
06:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAA98 
   Range 0
00000000 00004000 (MEM

ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
english-british_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1 
exec.library V53.89 
cgxvideo.library V42.1 
sysvipc.library V51.4 
ilbm.datatype V53.3 
xpicasso96wb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96pip.library V9.1 
xpicasso96clonewbdb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96clonewb.library V9.1 
xpicasso96.library V9.1 
xcybergraphx.library V9.1 
bzip2.library V53.4 
Pixmap.mui V21.5 
Lamp.mcc V21.5 
btree.library V53.3 
Objectmap.mui V21.5 
asyncio.library V50.3 
Gauge.mui V21.5 
Dtpic.mui V21.5 
Popasl.mui V21.5 
Calltips.mcc V21.5 
String.mui V21.6 
Listtree.mcc V21.8 
Title.mui V21.10 
openurl.library V7.17 
codesets.library V6.20 
pthreads.library V53.11 
wav.datatype V53.5 
sound.datatype V53.6 
getscreenmode.gadget V53.8 
minigl.library V2.21 
Warp3D.library V53.27 
W3D_Avenger.library V53.1 
W3D_Napalm.library V53.1 
W3D_Permedia2.library V53.4 
W3D_Picasso96.library V53.12 
texteditor.gadget V53.24 
simplehtml.datatype V0.18 
device.audio V6.2 
filesave.audio V6.5 
sm502.audio V6.5 
WWSpell.library V1.1 (Legacy
0x60951036digitafont.library V2.2 (Legacy
0x5f717366digitaintellifont.library V2.2 (Legacy
0x5f7172b0palette.gadget V53.6 
mathffp.library V52.1 (Legacy
0x5f885e04Drawing Tools V1.0 (Legacy
0x5f7d34f4Picture V1.0 (Legacy
0x5f892824Table V1.0 (Legacy
0x5f7449c4TextEffects V1.0 (Legacy
0x5f4c76dewwcore.library V3.0 (Legacy
0x5fcd1840mathieeedoubtrans.library V52.2 
WWReq.library V1.0 (Legacy
0x60004a20ascii.datatype V53.7 
text.datatype V53.10 
expat.library V53.4 
speedbar.gadget V53.12 
radiobutton.gadget V53.9 
fuelgauge.gadget V53.8 
CPUDock.docky V51.0 
RAMDock.docky V51.1 
Aboutbox.mcc V21.5 
GFXDock.docky V51.1 
NetDock.docky V52.0 
TextEditor.mcc V15.47 
KeymapSwitcher.docky V52.3 
Boopsi.mui V21.5 
BWin.mcc V22.0 (Legacy
0x60494358DateTime.docky V52.9 
datebrowser.gadget V53.7 
muigfx.library V21.5 
Spacer.docky V53.2 
SubDock.docky V53.1 
muimaster.library V21.34 
Separator.docky V53.2 
slider.gadget V53.15 
getfont.gadget V53.9 
arexx.class V53.5 
getfile.gadget V53.12 
requester.class V53.18 
space.gadget V53.6 
integer.gadget V53.12 
bitmap.image V53.9 
clicktab.gadget V53.44 
screenblanker.library V53.6 
chooser.gadget V53.21 
penmap.image V53.5 
checkbox.gadget V53.9 
asl.library V53.49 
listbrowser.gadget V53.62 
string.gadget V53.20 
scroller.gadget V53.14 
usergroup.library V4.30 
bsdsocket.library V4.307 
mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
textclip.library V53.1 
xpkmaster.library V5.2 
xadmaster.library V13.2 
hid.usbfd V53.12 
button.gadget V53.21 
glyph.image V53.3 
window.class V54.7 
popupmenu.class V53.2 
popupmenu.library V53.11 
label.image V53.13 
drawlist.image V53.3 
layout.gadget V54.2 
bevel.image V53.6 
png.datatype V53.10 
picture.datatype V53.7 
timezone.library V53.8 
application.library V53.12 
ft2.library V53.2 
Picasso96API.library V54.18 
workbench.library V53.53 
gadtools.library V53.7 
commodities.library V53.7 
datatypes.library V54.6 
icon.library V53.16 
z.library V53.5 
version.library V53.15 
iffparse.library V53.1 
locale.library V54.2 
diskfont.library V53.9 
petunia.library V53.6 
diskcache.library V3.30 
dos.library V53.158 
usbprivate.library V53.12 
massstorage.usbfd V53.83 
bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3 
bootmouse.usbfd V53.3 
hub.usbfd V53.10 
mounter.library V53.19 
usbresource.library V53.12 
hunk.library V53.4 
elf.library V53.27 
intuition.library V54.26 
keymap.library V53.9 
cybergraphics.library V43.0 
RadeonHD.chip V2.4 
PCIGraphics.card V53.15 
graphics.library V54.226 
layers.library V54.12 
rtg.library V54.90 
nonvolatile.library V53.5 
newlib.library V53.30 
utility.library V54.1 
expansion.library V53.1 
rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy

clipboard.device V53.3 
ahi.device V6.6 
audio.device V53.3 
ppc460ex_eth.device V53.3 
diskimage.device V53.4 
usbdisk.device V53.83 
usbsys.device V53.12 
ehci.usbhcd V53.24 
ohci.usbhcd V53.21 
uhci.usbhcd V53.13 
sii3512ide.device V53.20 
console.device V53.99 
ramdrive.device V52.6 
input.device V53.5 
keyboard.device V53.11 
timer.device V53.2 

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Task (Waiting
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Process (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
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Task (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
sii3512ide.device chip 0 port 1 (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00008000 
Task (Waiting
ppc460ex_eth Unit 0 (Waiting
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SignalsSigRec 0xf6003000SigWait 0x00000000 
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hid.usbfd (Waiting
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Process (Waiting
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Stack0x61e94004 0x61ea3ffcpointer 0x61ea3f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD1/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x61f10004 0x61f1fffcpointer 0x61f1ff30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x630a4004 0x630a7ffcpointer 0x630a7f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH1/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62f8b004 0x62f8effcpointer 0x62f8eeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
DH3/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x6fc8c004 0x6fc8fffcpointer 0x6fc8feb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
DH0/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62eb3004 0x62eb6ffcpointer 0x62eb6eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
reaper.task (Waiting
Stack0x628d7004 0x628deffcpointer 0x628dee50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6203e004 0x62045ffcpointer 0x62045e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Keyboard (Waiting
Stack0x61ffd004 0x6200cffcpointer 0x6200cf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x90001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAM/ram-handler 53.172  (Waiting
Stack0x627dd004 0x627e0ffcpointer 0x627e0d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
rhd_gc (Waiting
Stack0x6fec6000 0x6fece000pointer 0x6fecdf70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000001SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
pager (Waiting
Stack0x628b3004 0x628d2ffcpointer 0x628d2ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF0/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61f6d004 0x61f7cffcpointer 0x61f7ced0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF1/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x620d0004 0x620dfffcpointer 0x620dfed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fd01000 0x6fd09000pointer 0x6fd08ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe4009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d59004 0x61d68ffcpointer 0x61d68ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
URL/launch-handler 53.38  (Waiting
Stack0x61da2004 0x61e1cffcpointer 0x61e18fb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting
Stack0x6fccd004 0x6fcd0ffcpointer 0x6fcd0ad0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40001000SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x57b7b004 0x57b8b004pointer 0x57b8aed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x59774004 0x59783ffcpointer 0x59783e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x597a8004 0x597b7ffcpointer 0x597b7e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x59892004 0x598a1ffcpointer 0x598a1e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x59960004 0x5996fffcpointer 0x5996fe20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x59994004 0x599a3ffcpointer 0x599a3e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x59a3c004 0x59a4bffcpointer 0x59a4be20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ENV/env-handler 54.5  (Waiting
Stack0x628ab004 0x628aeffcpointer 0x628aeef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5f043004 0x5f052ffcpointer 0x5f052e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6164b004 0x6165affcpointer 0x6165ae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6166f004 0x6167effcpointer 0x6167ee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x61747004 0x61756ffcpointer 0x61756e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6045e004 0x6046dffcpointer 0x6046de20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60584004 0x60593ffcpointer 0x60593e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60617004 0x60626ffcpointer 0x60626e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x606fc004 0x6070bffcpointer 0x6070be20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6079e004 0x607adffcpointer 0x607ade20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60840004 0x6084fffcpointer 0x6084fe20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6279b004 0x627aaffcpointer 0x627aae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61d39004 0x61d49004pointer 0x61d48ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
APPDIR/appdir-handler-in-dos 53.158  (Waiting
Stack0x62847004 0x6284effcpointer 0x6284edc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62d8b004 0x62d92ffcpointer 0x62d92e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAW/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62da3004 0x62daaffcpointer 0x62daae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62dc7004 0x62dceffcpointer 0x62dcee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting
Stack0x6fcdd004 0x6fce0ffcpointer 0x6fce0f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_lock_handler (Waiting
Stack0x6fd0d004 0x6fd10ffcpointer 0x6fd10f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RexxMaster (Waiting
Stack0x61c78004 0x61c88004pointer 0x61c87f70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 4 (Waiting
Stack0x61e65004 0x61e78ffcpointer 0x61e78c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 5 (Waiting
Stack0x61ee1004 0x61ef4ffcpointer 0x61ef4c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x61f4d004 0x61f60ffcpointer 0x61f60c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 1 (Waiting
Stack0x61f81004 0x61f94ffcpointer 0x61f94c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d75004 0x61d84ffcpointer 0x61d84eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlanker Library. (Waiting
Stack0x60671004 0x60681ffcpointer 0x60681f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb4001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench (Waiting
Stack0x6145c004 0x6146bffcpointer 0x6146bea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting
Stack0x6092f004 0x6093effcpointer 0x6093ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [stock:Gestion_Fichiers/Filer/Filer] (Waiting
Stack0x599f2004 0x59a23ffcpointer 0x59a23860 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf6001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ramlib (Waiting
Stack0x627fd004 0x62815ffcpointer 0x62815f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ProcLister [stock:Gestion_Fichiers/Filer/Filer] (Waiting
Stack0x59806004 0x59837ffcpointer 0x59837860 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf6001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting
Stack0x600e5004 0x600f4ffcpointer 0x600f4f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Sys:Utilities/Notepad] (Waiting
Stack0x5f225004 0x5f234ffcpointer 0x5f234920 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting
Stack0x603d7004 0x603e6ffcpointer 0x603e6d10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x5f200004 0x5f218ffcpointer 0x5f218f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [stock:Gestion_Fichiers/Filer/Filer] (Waiting
Stack0x616cd004 0x616feffcpointer 0x616fc120 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x01001000SigWait 0xb0000000 
Process (Waiting
TextEditor.mcc clipboard server (Waiting
Stack0x602da004 0x602ddffcpointer 0x602ddea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
string.gadget server (Waiting
Stack0x6090b004 0x6091affcpointer 0x6091adb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x61b70004 0x61b7fffcpointer 0x61b7ff00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
RinghioServer (Ready
Stack0x60598004 0x605b7ffcpointer 0x605b7370 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x10000100 
Process (Ready
AmiDock (Waiting
Stack0x6085c004 0x6086bffcpointer 0x6086b910 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00100000 
Process (Waiting
xpicasso96clonewbdb render process (Waiting
Stack0x57e2c004 0x57f20ffcpointer 0x57f20eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0004000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd79004 0x6fd80ffcpointer 0x6fd80f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd89004 0x6fd90ffcpointer 0x6fd90f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
TCP/IP Control (Waiting
Stack0x6108c004 0x61180ffcpointer 0x61180dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8009080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/XGeekPPC] (Waiting
Stack0x58902004 0x589f6ffcpointer 0x589f6650 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ELF Collector (Waiting
Stack0x630c0004 0x630cfffcpointer 0x630cfe70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/openbox] (Waiting
Stack0x5777d004 0x57871ffcpointer 0x57871770 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Mounter GUI (Waiting
Stack0x6212e004 0x62141ffcpointer 0x62141e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy] (Waiting
Stack0x58710004 0x58804ffcpointer 0x58804750 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/sbin/esd] (Waiting
Stack0x578b0004 0x579a4ffcpointer 0x579a3dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
OWBTimer (Waiting
Stack0x5e814004 0x5e823ffcpointer 0x5e823ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Odyssey [Odyssey] (Waiting
Stack0x5d5fd004 0x5d7e5ffcpointer 0x5d7e5c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x03e0d000SigWait 0x08000080 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting
Stack0x61185004 0x61279ffcpointer 0x612799f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd0000080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBIconDatabase (Waiting
Stack0x5d295004 0x5d314ffcpointer 0x5d314e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBJavaScriptCore::BlockFree (Waiting
Stack0x5d211004 0x5d290ffcpointer 0x5d290ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting
Stack0x6127e004 0x61372ffcpointer 0x61372e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus (Waiting
Stack0x6062b004 0x6063affcpointer 0x6063ac80 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0001000SigWait 0x0c000000 
Process (Waiting
UnArc (Waiting
Stack0x59c01004 0x59c10ffcpointer 0x59c10ae0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
application.library messageserver (Waiting
Stack0x624c7000 0x624c7fa0pointer 0x624c7f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60033004 0x60042ffcpointer 0x600424b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60085004 0x60094ffcpointer 0x600944b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x601d5004 0x601e4ffcpointer 0x601e44b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60223004 0x60232ffcpointer 0x602324b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60280004 0x6028fffcpointer 0x6028f4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote (Waiting
Stack0x6047a004 0x60489ffcpointer 0x604894b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting
Stack0x60718004 0x60727ffcpointer 0x60727be0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
« IPrefs » (Waiting
Stack0x62561004 0x62570ffcpointer 0x62570980 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x20000100 
Process (Waiting
Ww2 (Waiting
Stack0x5efeb004 0x5effb004pointer 0x5effadb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Wordworth (Waiting
Stack0x5f5b0004 0x5f5c0004pointer 0x5f5bfce0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x60000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AsyncWB (Waiting
Stack0x607de004 0x607edffcpointer 0x607edeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
KeymapSwitcher.docky (Waiting
Stack0x602fa004 0x60309ffcpointer 0x60309ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAWBInfo (Waiting
Stack0x6075d004 0x6076cffcpointer 0x6076cec0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
DefIcons (Waiting
Stack0x607ba004 0x607c9ffcpointer 0x607c9dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Log (Waiting
Stack0x61470004 0x61564ffcpointer 0x61564f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [DH0:c/picdtpatch] (Waiting
Stack0x61854004 0x61949004pointer 0x61948f40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ConClip (Waiting
Stack0x61cf1004 0x61d00ffcpointer 0x61d00eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack Process (Waiting
Stack0x62146004 0x62155ffcpointer 0x62155ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting
Stack0x6fe01000 0x6fe08d00pointer 0x6fe08c70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
datatypes.library (Waiting
Stack0x623d8004 0x623e7ffcpointer 0x623e7e30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DST watcher (Waiting
Stack0x6241b004 0x6242affcpointer 0x6242af10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd4d004 0x6fd54ffcpointer 0x6fd54f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel] (Crashed
Stack0x56de4004 0x56ed8ffcpointer 0x56ed8bc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Crashed
Mounter Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fe09000 0x6fe17a60pointer 0x6fe17970 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting
Stack0x6215f004 0x6216effcpointer 0x6216ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ramlib.support (Waiting
Stack0x6281a004 0x62832ffcpointer 0x62832f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_signal_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcd5004 0x6fcd8ffcpointer 0x6fcd8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_appdir_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcc1004 0x6fcc8ffcpointer 0x6fcc8d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready
Stack0x5fe86000 0x5fe8a000pointer 0x5fe89ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0xc0000000 
Task (Ready
idle.task (Ready
Stack0x6ff64000 0x6ff65000pointer 0x6ff64fd0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Ready)

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2017/1/30 9:50:48
Go to top

Re: AmiCygnix OS4FE update1 problems?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

can it be SAM460ex related?
I still have had problems even after having disabled desktopmanager.
The one i can document now:
When saving the myx11setup i get a grimreaper
Crash log for task "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module xdummy at address 0x7CC3FFB4
Type of crash
program exception
Alert number

Register dump
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
002330000 5BF04BB0 00000000 5BF04CD8 00000000 00000000 00000000 5BF04CE8 
598B60A0 5BCA0000 5BCA37F8 5BF04C40 000007A8 5BCAF120 00000000 5C329340 
7CBDF368 00000001 5C2A19D0 598B60A0 5BCA37F8 00000001 5BF04CD8 00000000 
6FFAB180 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 5BF04CE8 598B6068 00012841 

FPR (Floating Point RegistersNaN Not a Number):
0:              nan              nan    -1.72385e+206    -3.92904e+239 
:              nan    -2.26992e+260           148500               64 
:               64                1               64               64 
:              256       4.5036e+15    -6.66034e-226      -4.639e+238 
:     -1.54108e+19     -1.00425e+18     -3.03054e+85    -3.62498e+307 
:    -2.12444e+288     -4.11008e+09    -1.11698e+289    -4.91344e+153 
:     -4.41646e+18    -8.31723e+192     -2.47986e-87     -3.20439e+38 
:    -2.04463e+125    -2.04344e+142    -8.12532e+298    -1.57936e+212 

(Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82000000

(Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
(cr) : 0x00000001
      Instruction Pointer 
(ip) : 0x7CC3FFB4
       Xtended Exception 
(xer) : 0xFFFFFFFF
(ctr) : 0x80080008
(lr) : 0x5C2A22FC
            DSI Status 
(dsisr) : 0x80080009
            Data Address 
(dar) : 0x5C2A2368

680x0 emulated registers
DATA00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info
Instruction pointer 0x7CC3FFB4 belongs to module "xdummy" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CC3FFB4 (section 5 0x60F90)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CC01DDC (section 5 0x22DB8)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CBF30C0 (section 5 0x1409C)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CBDF444 (section 5 0x420)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
    native kernel module newlib
    native kernel module newlib
:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy:_start()+0x170 (section 1 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8
    native kernel module kernel
    native kernel module kernel

PPC disassembly
7cc3ffac83fed9f4   lwz               r31,-9740(r30)
7cc3ffb083615bca   lwz               r27,23498(r1)
7cc3ffb47c087474   .word             0x7C087474
83815bca   lwz               r28,23498(r1)
7cc3ffbc83a1f814   lwz               r29,-2028(r1)

System information:

 CPU speed
1100 MHz 
 FSB speed
220 MHz 

 Machine name
2097152 KB 
bus.pci bus.pcie 

Expansion buses 
:04.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3512 
   Range 0
00001000 - 00001008 (IO
Range 1: 00001008 - 00001010 (IO
Range 200001010 - 00001018 (IO
Range 3: 00001018 - 00001020 (IO
Range 400001020 00001030 (IO
00:06.0 Vendor 0x126F Device 0x0501 
   Range 0
84000000 88000000 (MEM
Range 188000000 88200000 (MEM
05:00.0 Vendor 0xACBE Device 0x0001 
:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x6779 
   Range 0
A0000000 B0000000 (PREF.MEM
Range 2B0000000 B0020000 (MEM
Range 400002000 00002100 (IO
06:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAA98 
   Range 0
00000000 00004000 (MEM

ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
english-british_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1 
exec.library V53.89 
cgxvideo.library V42.1 
device.audio V6.2 
filesave.audio V6.5 
sm502.audio V6.5 
sysvipc.library V51.4 
ilbm.datatype V53.3 
xpicasso96wb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96pip.library V9.1 
xpicasso96clonewbdb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96clonewb.library V9.1 
xpicasso96.library V9.1 
xcybergraphx.library V9.1 
getscreenmode.gadget V53.8 
Lamp.mcc V21.5 
asyncio.library V50.3 
Dtpic.mui V21.5 
Popasl.mui V21.5 
Calltips.mcc V21.5 
openurl.library V7.17 
expat.library V53.4 
texteditor.gadget V53.24 
speedbar.gadget V53.12 
btree.library V53.3 
Objectmap.mui V21.5 
Gauge.mui V21.5 
Rawimage.mcc V21.5 
Pixmap.mui V21.5 
String.mui V21.6 
Listtree.mcc V21.8 
Title.mui V21.10 
codesets.library V6.20 
pthreads.library V53.11 
CPUDock.docky V51.0 
RAMDock.docky V51.1 
GFXDock.docky V51.1 
NetDock.docky V52.0 
KeymapSwitcher.docky V52.3 
Aboutbox.mcc V21.5 
DateTime.docky V52.9 
datebrowser.gadget V53.7 
TextEditor.mcc V15.47 
Spacer.docky V53.2 
SubDock.docky V53.1 
Boopsi.mui V21.5 
Separator.docky V53.2 
BWin.mcc V22.0 (Legacy
0x603c6758muigfx.library V21.5 
slider.gadget V53.15 
getfont.gadget V53.9 
muimaster.library V21.34 
getfile.gadget V53.12 
arexx.class V53.5 
requester.class V53.18 
space.gadget V53.6 
integer.gadget V53.12 
bitmap.image V53.9 
clicktab.gadget V53.44 
screenblanker.library V53.6 
chooser.gadget V53.21 
penmap.image V53.5 
checkbox.gadget V53.9 
asl.library V53.49 
listbrowser.gadget V53.62 
string.gadget V53.20 
scroller.gadget V53.14 
usergroup.library V4.30 
bsdsocket.library V4.307 
mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
textclip.library V53.1 
xpkmaster.library V5.2 
xadmaster.library V13.2 
hid.usbfd V53.12 
button.gadget V53.21 
glyph.image V53.3 
window.class V54.7 
popupmenu.class V53.2 
popupmenu.library V53.11 
label.image V53.13 
drawlist.image V53.3 
layout.gadget V54.2 
bevel.image V53.6 
png.datatype V53.10 
picture.datatype V53.7 
timezone.library V53.8 
application.library V53.12 
ft2.library V53.2 
Picasso96API.library V54.18 
workbench.library V53.53 
gadtools.library V53.7 
commodities.library V53.7 
datatypes.library V54.6 
icon.library V53.16 
z.library V53.5 
version.library V53.15 
iffparse.library V53.1 
locale.library V54.2 
diskfont.library V53.9 
petunia.library V53.6 
diskcache.library V3.30 
dos.library V53.158 
usbprivate.library V53.12 
massstorage.usbfd V53.83 
bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3 
bootmouse.usbfd V53.3 
hub.usbfd V53.10 
mounter.library V53.19 
usbresource.library V53.12 
hunk.library V53.4 
elf.library V53.27 
intuition.library V54.26 
keymap.library V53.9 
cybergraphics.library V43.0 
RadeonHD.chip V2.4 
PCIGraphics.card V53.15 
graphics.library V54.226 
layers.library V54.12 
rtg.library V54.90 
nonvolatile.library V53.5 
newlib.library V53.30 
utility.library V54.1 
expansion.library V53.1 
rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy

ahi.device V6.6 
clipboard.device V53.3 
ppc460ex_eth.device V53.3 
diskimage.device V53.4 
usbdisk.device V53.83 
usbsys.device V53.12 
ehci.usbhcd V53.24 
ohci.usbhcd V53.21 
uhci.usbhcd V53.13 
sii3512ide.device V53.20 
console.device V53.99 
ramdrive.device V52.6 
input.device V53.5 
keyboard.device V53.11 
timer.device V53.2 

.device Unit Process (Waiting
Stack0x586a7004 0x586b6ffcpointer 0x586b6f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf000c000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ClickToFront (Waiting
Stack0x606b6004 0x606c5ffcpointer 0x606c59f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe000d000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
input.device (Waiting
Stack0x6fea6000 0x6feb6000pointer 0x6feb5f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
SFS DosList handler (Waiting
Stack0x630d4004 0x630d7ffcpointer 0x630d7f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack (Waiting
Stack0x6febe000 0x6fec2000pointer 0x6fec1f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fdf9000 0x6fe01000pointer 0x6fe00f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fdd5000 0x6fddd000pointer 0x6fddcf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
sii3512ide.device chip 0 port 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fe74000 0x6fe7c000pointer 0x6fe7bf30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x20000000 
Task (Waiting
page_sweep (Waiting
Stack0x6fe1c004 0x6fe23ffcpointer 0x6fe23e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
sii3512ide.device chip 0 port 1 (Waiting
Stack0x6fe4c000 0x6fe54000pointer 0x6fe53f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00008000 
Task (Waiting
ppc460ex_eth Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x617c7004 0x617d6ffcpointer 0x617d6e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf6003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6201d004 0x62024ffcpointer 0x62024e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Mouse (Waiting
Stack0x61fe1004 0x61ff0ffcpointer 0x61ff0f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH3/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x6fc8c004 0x6fc8fffcpointer 0x6fc8feb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x61e94004 0x61ea3ffcpointer 0x61ea3f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD1/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x61f10004 0x61f1fffcpointer 0x61f1ff30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x630a4004 0x630a7ffcpointer 0x630a7f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH0/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62eb3004 0x62eb6ffcpointer 0x62eb6eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
reaper.task (Waiting
Stack0x628df004 0x628e6ffcpointer 0x628e6e50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH1/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62f8b004 0x62f8effcpointer 0x62f8eeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6203e004 0x62045ffcpointer 0x62045e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Keyboard (Waiting
Stack0x61ffd004 0x6200cffcpointer 0x6200cf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x90001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAM/ram-handler 53.172  (Waiting
Stack0x627dd004 0x627e0ffcpointer 0x627e0d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
rhd_gc (Waiting
Stack0x6fec6000 0x6fece000pointer 0x6fecdf70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000001SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
pager (Waiting
Stack0x628bb004 0x628daffcpointer 0x628daef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 6 Process (Waiting
Stack0x5f69f004 0x5f6deffcpointer 0x5f6deeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 7 Process (Waiting
Stack0x5c35e004 0x5c39dffcpointer 0x5c39deb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF1/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x620d0004 0x620dfffcpointer 0x620dfed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF0/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61f6d004 0x61f7cffcpointer 0x61f7ced0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fd01000 0x6fd09000pointer 0x6fd08ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe4009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d59004 0x61d68ffcpointer 0x61d68ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
URL/launch-handler 53.38  (Waiting
Stack0x61da2004 0x61e1cffcpointer 0x61e18fb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e7b7004 0x5e7c6ffcpointer 0x5e7c6e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting
Stack0x6fccd004 0x6fcd0ffcpointer 0x6fcd0ad0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40001000SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x5984c004 0x5985c004pointer 0x5985bed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ENV/env-handler 54.5  (Waiting
Stack0x628b3004 0x628b6ffcpointer 0x628b6ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5eef6004 0x5ef05ffcpointer 0x5ef05e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e4f2004 0x5e501ffcpointer 0x5e501e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5f09e004 0x5f0adffcpointer 0x5f0ade20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e76d004 0x5e77cffcpointer 0x5e77ce20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x604af004 0x604beffcpointer 0x604bee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x605ad004 0x605bcffcpointer 0x605bce20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60661004 0x60670ffcpointer 0x60670e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6071c004 0x6072bffcpointer 0x6072be20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x607be004 0x607cdffcpointer 0x607cde20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60860004 0x6086fffcpointer 0x6086fe20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6279b004 0x627aaffcpointer 0x627aae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61d35004 0x61d45004pointer 0x61d44ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
APPDIR/appdir-handler-in-dos 53.158  (Waiting
Stack0x6284f004 0x62856ffcpointer 0x62856dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62d8b004 0x62d92ffcpointer 0x62d92e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAW/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62da3004 0x62daaffcpointer 0x62daae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62dc7004 0x62dceffcpointer 0x62dcee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting
Stack0x6fcdd004 0x6fce0ffcpointer 0x6fce0f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_lock_handler (Waiting
Stack0x6fd0d004 0x6fd10ffcpointer 0x6fd10f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RexxMaster (Waiting
Stack0x61c98004 0x61ca8004pointer 0x61ca7f70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 4 (Waiting
Stack0x61e65004 0x61e78ffcpointer 0x61e78c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 5 (Waiting
Stack0x61ee1004 0x61ef4ffcpointer 0x61ef4c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x61f4d004 0x61f60ffcpointer 0x61f60c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 1 (Waiting
Stack0x61f81004 0x61f94ffcpointer 0x61f94c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d75004 0x61d84ffcpointer 0x61d84eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench (Waiting
Stack0x6128a004 0x61299ffcpointer 0x61299ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlanker Library. (Waiting
Stack0x605f6004 0x60606ffcpointer 0x60606f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb4001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting
Stack0x6094f004 0x6095effcpointer 0x6095ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ramlib (Waiting
Stack0x62805004 0x6281dffcpointer 0x6281df20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x5f1fa004 0x5f212ffcpointer 0x5f212f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting
Stack0x603ac004 0x603bbffcpointer 0x603bbd10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
string.gadget server (Waiting
Stack0x6092b004 0x6093affcpointer 0x6093adb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting
Stack0x5ff27004 0x5ff36ffcpointer 0x5ff36f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TextEditor.mcc clipboard server (Waiting
Stack0x603e1004 0x603e4ffcpointer 0x603e4ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x61b90004 0x61b9fffcpointer 0x61b9ff00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/XGeekPPC] (Ready
Stack0x5baa5004 0x5bb99ffcpointer 0x5bb99650 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001080SigWait 0x00000180 
Process (Ready
xpicasso96clonewbdb render process (Ready
Stack0x5bd0f004 0x5be03ffcpointer 0x5be03eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0004000SigWait 0x20000000 
Process (Ready
RinghioServer (Ready
Stack0x605c9004 0x605e8ffcpointer 0x605e8370 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x10000100 
Process (Ready
TCP/IP Control (Waiting
Stack0x610ac004 0x611a0ffcpointer 0x611a0dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8009080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AmiDock (Waiting
Stack0x6087c004 0x6088bffcpointer 0x6088b910 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00100000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel] (Waiting
Stack0x5859e004 0x58692ffcpointer 0x586924f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/openbox] (Waiting
Stack0x59417004 0x5950bffcpointer 0x5950b4f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd89004 0x6fd90ffcpointer 0x6fd90f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60146004 0x60155ffcpointer 0x601554b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
vpdf (Waiting
Stack0x5e256004 0x5e34affcpointer 0x5e34a220 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0f801000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd79004 0x6fd80ffcpointer 0x6fd80f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
ELF Collector (Waiting
Stack0x630c0004 0x630cfffcpointer 0x630cfe70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Mounter GUI (Waiting
Stack0x6212e004 0x62141ffcpointer 0x62141e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/sbin/esd] (Waiting
Stack0x5954a004 0x5963effcpointer 0x5963ddc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Shell Process (Waiting
Stack0x5e7cb004 0x5e7daffcpointer 0x5e7daba0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting
Stack0x6129e004 0x61392ffcpointer 0x613929f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd0000080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting
Stack0x61397004 0x6148bffcpointer 0x6148be10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBTimer (Waiting
Stack0x5df0d004 0x5df1cffcpointer 0x5df1ced0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Odyssey [Odyssey] (Waiting
Stack0x5f714004 0x5f8fcffcpointer 0x5f8fcc50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x03e0d000SigWait 0x08000180 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus (Waiting
Stack0x60675004 0x60684ffcpointer 0x60684c80 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0001000SigWait 0x04000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBIconDatabase (Waiting
Stack0x5e6e1004 0x5e760ffcpointer 0x5e760e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBJavaScriptCore::BlockFree (Waiting
Stack0x5e8e8004 0x5e967ffcpointer 0x5e967ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote (Waiting
Stack0x604c3004 0x604d2ffcpointer 0x604d24b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
application.library messageserver (Waiting
Stack0x624c7000 0x624c7fa0pointer 0x624c7f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6020d004 0x6021cffcpointer 0x6021c4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60255004 0x60264ffcpointer 0x602644b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6029c004 0x602abffcpointer 0x602ab4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6034c004 0x6035bffcpointer 0x6035b4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting
Stack0x60738004 0x60747ffcpointer 0x60747be0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x00000010 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [guis:Gui4Cli] (Waiting
Stack0x5f051004 0x5f060ffcpointer 0x5f060870 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x7e000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [sys:utilities/NotePad] (Waiting
Stack0x5e652004 0x5e66affcpointer 0x5e66a920 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
IconX (Waiting
Stack0x5f53f004 0x5f54effcpointer 0x5f54eaf0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Log (Waiting
Stack0x61490004 0x61584ffcpointer 0x61584f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AsyncWB (Waiting
Stack0x607fe004 0x6080dffcpointer 0x6080deb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
KeymapSwitcher.docky (Waiting
Stack0x602c4004 0x602d3ffcpointer 0x602d3ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAWBInfo (Waiting
Stack0x60779004 0x60788ffcpointer 0x60788ec0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
DefIcons (Waiting
Stack0x607da004 0x607e9ffcpointer 0x607e9dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
« IPrefs » (Waiting
Stack0x62561004 0x62570ffcpointer 0x62570980 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x20000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [DH0:c/picdtpatch] (Waiting
Stack0x61874004 0x61969004pointer 0x61968f40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ConClip (Waiting
Stack0x61cf9004 0x61d08ffcpointer 0x61d08eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack Process (Waiting
Stack0x62146004 0x62155ffcpointer 0x62155ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting
Stack0x6fe01000 0x6fe08d00pointer 0x6fe08c70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
datatypes.library (Waiting
Stack0x623d8004 0x623e7ffcpointer 0x623e7e30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DST watcher (Waiting
Stack0x6241b004 0x6242affcpointer 0x6242af10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd4d004 0x6fd54ffcpointer 0x6fd54f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy] (Crashed
Stack0x5be10004 0x5bf04ffcpointer 0x5bf04bb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Crashed
Mounter Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fe09000 0x6fe17a60pointer 0x6fe17970 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting
Stack0x6215f004 0x6216effcpointer 0x6216ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ramlib.support (Waiting
Stack0x62822004 0x6283affcpointer 0x6283af00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
VPDF]: Rendering process (Waiting
Stack0x5e064004 0x5e158ffcpointer 0x5e158d10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
VPDF]: Printing process (Waiting
Stack0x5e15d004 0x5e251ffcpointer 0x5e251d50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
dos_signal_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcd5004 0x6fcd8ffcpointer 0x6fcd8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_appdir_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcc1004 0x6fcc8ffcpointer 0x6fcc8d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready
Stack0x5fd13000 0x5fd17000pointer 0x5fd16ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0xc0000000 
Task (Ready
idle.task (Ready
Stack0x6ff64000 0x6ff65000pointer 0x6ff64fd0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Ready
Crash log for task "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module xdummy at address 0x7CC3FFB4
Type of crash
program exception
Alert number

Register dump
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
002330000 5BF04BB0 00000000 5BF04CD8 00000000 00000000 00000000 5BF04CE8 
598B60A0 5BCA0000 5BCA37F8 5BF04C40 000007A8 5BCAF120 00000000 5C329340 
7CBDF368 00000001 5C2A19D0 598B60A0 5BCA37F8 00000001 5BF04CD8 00000000 
6FFAB180 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 5BF04CE8 598B6068 00012841 

FPR (Floating Point RegistersNaN Not a Number):
0:              nan              nan    -1.72385e+206    -3.92904e+239 
:              nan    -2.26992e+260           148500               64 
:               64                1               64               64 
:              256       4.5036e+15    -6.66034e-226      -4.639e+238 
:     -1.54108e+19     -1.00425e+18     -3.03054e+85    -3.62498e+307 
:    -2.12444e+288     -4.11008e+09    -1.11698e+289    -4.91344e+153 
:     -4.41646e+18    -8.31723e+192     -2.47986e-87     -3.20439e+38 
:    -2.04463e+125    -2.04344e+142    -8.12532e+298    -1.57936e+212 

(Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82000000

(Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
(cr) : 0x00000001
      Instruction Pointer 
(ip) : 0x7CC3FFB4
       Xtended Exception 
(xer) : 0xFFFFFFFF
(ctr) : 0x80080008
(lr) : 0x5C2A22FC
            DSI Status 
(dsisr) : 0x80080009
            Data Address 
(dar) : 0x5C2A2368

680x0 emulated registers
DATA00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info
Instruction pointer 0x7CC3FFB4 belongs to module "xdummy" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CC3FFB4 (section 5 0x60F90)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CC01DDC (section 5 0x22DB8)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CBF30C0 (section 5 0x1409C)
module Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy at 0x7CBDF444 (section 5 0x420)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac
    native kernel module newlib
    native kernel module newlib
:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy:_start()+0x170 (section 1 0x16C)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8
    native kernel module kernel
    native kernel module kernel

PPC disassembly
7cc3ffac83fed9f4   lwz               r31,-9740(r30)
7cc3ffb083615bca   lwz               r27,23498(r1)
7cc3ffb47c087474   .word             0x7C087474
83815bca   lwz               r28,23498(r1)
7cc3ffbc83a1f814   lwz               r29,-2028(r1)

System information:

 CPU speed
1100 MHz 
 FSB speed
220 MHz 

 Machine name
2097152 KB 
bus.pci bus.pcie 

Expansion buses 
:04.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3512 
   Range 0
00001000 - 00001008 (IO
Range 1: 00001008 - 00001010 (IO
Range 200001010 - 00001018 (IO
Range 3: 00001018 - 00001020 (IO
Range 400001020 00001030 (IO
00:06.0 Vendor 0x126F Device 0x0501 
   Range 0
84000000 88000000 (MEM
Range 188000000 88200000 (MEM
05:00.0 Vendor 0xACBE Device 0x0001 
:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x6779 
   Range 0
A0000000 B0000000 (PREF.MEM
Range 2B0000000 B0020000 (MEM
Range 400002000 00002100 (IO
06:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAA98 
   Range 0
00000000 00004000 (MEM

ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
english-british_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1 
exec.library V53.89 
cgxvideo.library V42.1 
device.audio V6.2 
filesave.audio V6.5 
sm502.audio V6.5 
sysvipc.library V51.4 
ilbm.datatype V53.3 
xpicasso96wb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96pip.library V9.1 
xpicasso96clonewbdb.library V9.2 
xpicasso96clonewb.library V9.1 
xpicasso96.library V9.1 
xcybergraphx.library V9.1 
getscreenmode.gadget V53.8 
Lamp.mcc V21.5 
asyncio.library V50.3 
Dtpic.mui V21.5 
Popasl.mui V21.5 
Calltips.mcc V21.5 
openurl.library V7.17 
expat.library V53.4 
texteditor.gadget V53.24 
speedbar.gadget V53.12 
btree.library V53.3 
Objectmap.mui V21.5 
Gauge.mui V21.5 
Rawimage.mcc V21.5 
Pixmap.mui V21.5 
String.mui V21.6 
Listtree.mcc V21.8 
Title.mui V21.10 
codesets.library V6.20 
pthreads.library V53.11 
CPUDock.docky V51.0 
RAMDock.docky V51.1 
GFXDock.docky V51.1 
NetDock.docky V52.0 
KeymapSwitcher.docky V52.3 
Aboutbox.mcc V21.5 
DateTime.docky V52.9 
datebrowser.gadget V53.7 
TextEditor.mcc V15.47 
Spacer.docky V53.2 
SubDock.docky V53.1 
Boopsi.mui V21.5 
Separator.docky V53.2 
BWin.mcc V22.0 (Legacy
0x603c6758muigfx.library V21.5 
slider.gadget V53.15 
getfont.gadget V53.9 
muimaster.library V21.34 
getfile.gadget V53.12 
arexx.class V53.5 
requester.class V53.18 
space.gadget V53.6 
integer.gadget V53.12 
bitmap.image V53.9 
clicktab.gadget V53.44 
screenblanker.library V53.6 
chooser.gadget V53.21 
penmap.image V53.5 
checkbox.gadget V53.9 
asl.library V53.49 
listbrowser.gadget V53.62 
string.gadget V53.20 
scroller.gadget V53.14 
usergroup.library V4.30 
bsdsocket.library V4.307 
mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
textclip.library V53.1 
xpkmaster.library V5.2 
xadmaster.library V13.2 
hid.usbfd V53.12 
button.gadget V53.21 
glyph.image V53.3 
window.class V54.7 
popupmenu.class V53.2 
popupmenu.library V53.11 
label.image V53.13 
drawlist.image V53.3 
layout.gadget V54.2 
bevel.image V53.6 
png.datatype V53.10 
picture.datatype V53.7 
timezone.library V53.8 
application.library V53.12 
ft2.library V53.2 
Picasso96API.library V54.18 
workbench.library V53.53 
gadtools.library V53.7 
commodities.library V53.7 
datatypes.library V54.6 
icon.library V53.16 
z.library V53.5 
version.library V53.15 
iffparse.library V53.1 
locale.library V54.2 
diskfont.library V53.9 
petunia.library V53.6 
diskcache.library V3.30 
dos.library V53.158 
usbprivate.library V53.12 
massstorage.usbfd V53.83 
bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3 
bootmouse.usbfd V53.3 
hub.usbfd V53.10 
mounter.library V53.19 
usbresource.library V53.12 
hunk.library V53.4 
elf.library V53.27 
intuition.library V54.26 
keymap.library V53.9 
cybergraphics.library V43.0 
RadeonHD.chip V2.4 
PCIGraphics.card V53.15 
graphics.library V54.226 
layers.library V54.12 
rtg.library V54.90 
nonvolatile.library V53.5 
newlib.library V53.30 
utility.library V54.1 
expansion.library V53.1 
rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy

ahi.device V6.6 
clipboard.device V53.3 
ppc460ex_eth.device V53.3 
diskimage.device V53.4 
usbdisk.device V53.83 
usbsys.device V53.12 
ehci.usbhcd V53.24 
ohci.usbhcd V53.21 
uhci.usbhcd V53.13 
sii3512ide.device V53.20 
console.device V53.99 
ramdrive.device V52.6 
input.device V53.5 
keyboard.device V53.11 
timer.device V53.2 

.device Unit Process (Waiting
Stack0x586a7004 0x586b6ffcpointer 0x586b6f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf000c000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ClickToFront (Waiting
Stack0x606b6004 0x606c5ffcpointer 0x606c59f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe000d000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
input.device (Waiting
Stack0x6fea6000 0x6feb6000pointer 0x6feb5f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
SFS DosList handler (Waiting
Stack0x630d4004 0x630d7ffcpointer 0x630d7f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack (Waiting
Stack0x6febe000 0x6fec2000pointer 0x6fec1f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fdf9000 0x6fe01000pointer 0x6fe00f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fdd5000 0x6fddd000pointer 0x6fddcf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xbe009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
sii3512ide.device chip 0 port 0 (Waiting
Stack0x6fe74000 0x6fe7c000pointer 0x6fe7bf30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x20000000 
Task (Waiting
page_sweep (Waiting
Stack0x6fe1c004 0x6fe23ffcpointer 0x6fe23e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
sii3512ide.device chip 0 port 1 (Waiting
Stack0x6fe4c000 0x6fe54000pointer 0x6fe53f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00008000 
Task (Waiting
ppc460ex_eth Unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x617c7004 0x617d6ffcpointer 0x617d6e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf6003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6201d004 0x62024ffcpointer 0x62024e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Mouse (Waiting
Stack0x61fe1004 0x61ff0ffcpointer 0x61ff0f20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH3/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x6fc8c004 0x6fc8fffcpointer 0x6fc8feb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x61e94004 0x61ea3ffcpointer 0x61ea3f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ICD1/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x61f10004 0x61f1fffcpointer 0x61f1ff30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CD0/CDFileSystem 53.4  (Waiting
Stack0x630a4004 0x630a7ffcpointer 0x630a7f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH0/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62eb3004 0x62eb6ffcpointer 0x62eb6eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
reaper.task (Waiting
Stack0x628df004 0x628e6ffcpointer 0x628e6e50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DH1/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting
Stack0x62f8b004 0x62f8effcpointer 0x62f8eeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000100SigWait 0x10000000 
Process (Waiting
hid.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6203e004 0x62045ffcpointer 0x62045e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
HID Keyboard (Waiting
Stack0x61ffd004 0x6200cffcpointer 0x6200cf10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x90001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAM/ram-handler 53.172  (Waiting
Stack0x627dd004 0x627e0ffcpointer 0x627e0d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
rhd_gc (Waiting
Stack0x6fec6000 0x6fece000pointer 0x6fecdf70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000001SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
pager (Waiting
Stack0x628bb004 0x628daffcpointer 0x628daef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 6 Process (Waiting
Stack0x5f69f004 0x5f6deffcpointer 0x5f6deeb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
WinFrame 7 Process (Waiting
Stack0x5c35e004 0x5c39dffcpointer 0x5c39deb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xff800000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF1/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x620d0004 0x620dfffcpointer 0x620dfed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
IDF0/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61f6d004 0x61f7cffcpointer 0x61f7ced0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa8000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fd01000 0x6fd09000pointer 0x6fd08ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe4009000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d59004 0x61d68ffcpointer 0x61d68ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
URL/launch-handler 53.38  (Waiting
Stack0x61da2004 0x61e1cffcpointer 0x61e18fb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e7b7004 0x5e7c6ffcpointer 0x5e7c6e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting
Stack0x6fccd004 0x6fcd0ffcpointer 0x6fcd0ad0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40001000SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x5984c004 0x5985c004pointer 0x5985bed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ENV/env-handler 54.5  (Waiting
Stack0x628b3004 0x628b6ffcpointer 0x628b6ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5eef6004 0x5ef05ffcpointer 0x5ef05e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e4f2004 0x5e501ffcpointer 0x5e501e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5f09e004 0x5f0adffcpointer 0x5f0ade20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x5e76d004 0x5e77cffcpointer 0x5e77ce20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x604af004 0x604beffcpointer 0x604bee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x605ad004 0x605bcffcpointer 0x605bce20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60661004 0x60670ffcpointer 0x60670e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6071c004 0x6072bffcpointer 0x6072be20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x607be004 0x607cdffcpointer 0x607cde20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x60860004 0x6086fffcpointer 0x6086fe20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x6279b004 0x627aaffcpointer 0x627aae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting
Stack0x61d35004 0x61d45004pointer 0x61d44ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
APPDIR/appdir-handler-in-dos 53.158  (Waiting
Stack0x6284f004 0x62856ffcpointer 0x62856dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62d8b004 0x62d92ffcpointer 0x62d92e20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAW/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62da3004 0x62daaffcpointer 0x62daae20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CON/con-handler 53.78  (Waiting
Stack0x62dc7004 0x62dceffcpointer 0x62dcee20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xa0000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting
Stack0x6fcdd004 0x6fce0ffcpointer 0x6fce0f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_lock_handler (Waiting
Stack0x6fd0d004 0x6fd10ffcpointer 0x6fd10f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RexxMaster (Waiting
Stack0x61c98004 0x61ca8004pointer 0x61ca7f70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 4 (Waiting
Stack0x61e65004 0x61e78ffcpointer 0x61e78c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 5 (Waiting
Stack0x61ee1004 0x61ef4ffcpointer 0x61ef4c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 0 (Waiting
Stack0x61f4d004 0x61f60ffcpointer 0x61f60c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
diskimage.device unit 1 (Waiting
Stack0x61f81004 0x61f94ffcpointer 0x61f94c50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.1  (Waiting
Stack0x61d75004 0x61d84ffcpointer 0x61d84eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench (Waiting
Stack0x6128a004 0x61299ffcpointer 0x61299ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlanker Library. (Waiting
Stack0x605f6004 0x60606ffcpointer 0x60606f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb4001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting
Stack0x6094f004 0x6095effcpointer 0x6095ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ramlib (Waiting
Stack0x62805004 0x6281dffcpointer 0x6281df20 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x5f1fa004 0x5f212ffcpointer 0x5f212f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting
Stack0x603ac004 0x603bbffcpointer 0x603bbd10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
string.gadget server (Waiting
Stack0x6092b004 0x6093affcpointer 0x6093adb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x40000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting
Stack0x5ff27004 0x5ff36ffcpointer 0x5ff36f30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TextEditor.mcc clipboard server (Waiting
Stack0x603e1004 0x603e4ffcpointer 0x603e4ea0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting
Stack0x61b90004 0x61b9fffcpointer 0x61b9ff00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/XGeekPPC] (Ready
Stack0x5baa5004 0x5bb99ffcpointer 0x5bb99650 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001080SigWait 0x00000180 
Process (Ready
xpicasso96clonewbdb render process (Ready
Stack0x5bd0f004 0x5be03ffcpointer 0x5be03eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0004000SigWait 0x20000000 
Process (Ready
RinghioServer (Ready
Stack0x605c9004 0x605e8ffcpointer 0x605e8370 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x10000100 
Process (Ready
TCP/IP Control (Waiting
Stack0x610ac004 0x611a0ffcpointer 0x611a0dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8009080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AmiDock (Waiting
Stack0x6087c004 0x6088bffcpointer 0x6088b910 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00100000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/lxpanel] (Waiting
Stack0x5859e004 0x58692ffcpointer 0x586924f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/openbox] (Waiting
Stack0x59417004 0x5950bffcpointer 0x5950b4f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd89004 0x6fd90ffcpointer 0x6fd90f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60146004 0x60155ffcpointer 0x601554b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
vpdf (Waiting
Stack0x5e256004 0x5e34affcpointer 0x5e34a220 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0f801000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd79004 0x6fd80ffcpointer 0x6fd80f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
ELF Collector (Waiting
Stack0x630c0004 0x630cfffcpointer 0x630cfe70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Mounter GUI (Waiting
Stack0x6212e004 0x62141ffcpointer 0x62141e10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80007000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/sbin/esd] (Waiting
Stack0x5954a004 0x5963effcpointer 0x5963ddc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001080SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Shell Process (Waiting
Stack0x5e7cb004 0x5e7daffcpointer 0x5e7daba0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x80000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting
Stack0x6129e004 0x61392ffcpointer 0x613929f0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd0000080SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting
Stack0x61397004 0x6148bffcpointer 0x6148be10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf8003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBTimer (Waiting
Stack0x5df0d004 0x5df1cffcpointer 0x5df1ced0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xf0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
Odyssey [Odyssey] (Waiting
Stack0x5f714004 0x5f8fcffcpointer 0x5f8fcc50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x03e0d000SigWait 0x08000180 
Process (Waiting
ContextMenus (Waiting
Stack0x60675004 0x60684ffcpointer 0x60684c80 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xe0001000SigWait 0x04000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBIconDatabase (Waiting
Stack0x5e6e1004 0x5e760ffcpointer 0x5e760e90 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
OWBJavaScriptCore::BlockFree (Waiting
Stack0x5e8e8004 0x5e967ffcpointer 0x5e967ed0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote (Waiting
Stack0x604c3004 0x604d2ffcpointer 0x604d24b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
application.library messageserver (Waiting
Stack0x624c7000 0x624c7fa0pointer 0x624c7f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6020d004 0x6021cffcpointer 0x6021c4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x60255004 0x60264ffcpointer 0x602644b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6029c004 0x602abffcpointer 0x602ab4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
FastNote [APPDIR:FastNote] (Waiting
Stack0x6034c004 0x6035bffcpointer 0x6035b4b0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x5f001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting
Stack0x60738004 0x60747ffcpointer 0x60747be0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xd8001000SigWait 0x00000010 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [guis:Gui4Cli] (Waiting
Stack0x5f051004 0x5f060ffcpointer 0x5f060870 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x7e000000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [sys:utilities/NotePad] (Waiting
Stack0x5e652004 0x5e66affcpointer 0x5e66a920 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
IconX (Waiting
Stack0x5f53f004 0x5f54effcpointer 0x5f54eaf0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000100SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
TCP/IP Log (Waiting
Stack0x61490004 0x61584ffcpointer 0x61584f00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
AsyncWB (Waiting
Stack0x607fe004 0x6080dffcpointer 0x6080deb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
KeymapSwitcher.docky (Waiting
Stack0x602c4004 0x602d3ffcpointer 0x602d3ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
RAWBInfo (Waiting
Stack0x60779004 0x60788ffcpointer 0x60788ec0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
DefIcons (Waiting
Stack0x607da004 0x607e9ffcpointer 0x607e9dc0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80009000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
« IPrefs » (Waiting
Stack0x62561004 0x62570ffcpointer 0x62570980 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x20000100 
Process (Waiting
Background CLI [DH0:c/picdtpatch] (Waiting
Stack0x61874004 0x61969004pointer 0x61968f40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00001000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
ConClip (Waiting
Stack0x61cf9004 0x61d08ffcpointer 0x61d08eb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
USB stack Process (Waiting
Stack0x62146004 0x62155ffcpointer 0x62155ee0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting
Stack0x6fe01000 0x6fe08d00pointer 0x6fe08c70 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
datatypes.library (Waiting
Stack0x623d8004 0x623e7ffcpointer 0x623e7e30 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
DST watcher (Waiting
Stack0x6241b004 0x6242affcpointer 0x6242af10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xc0000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
hub.usbfd (Waiting
Stack0x6fd4d004 0x6fd54ffcpointer 0x6fd54f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x30000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Background CLI [Cygnix:CygnixPPC/X11R6.3/bin/xdummy] (Crashed
Stack0x5be10004 0x5bf04ffcpointer 0x5bf04bb0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000010SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Crashed
Mounter Task (Waiting
Stack0x6fe09000 0x6fe17a60pointer 0x6fe17970 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0xb0001000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Waiting
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting
Stack0x6215f004 0x6216effcpointer 0x6216ef40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80003000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
ramlib.support (Waiting
Stack0x62822004 0x6283affcpointer 0x6283af00 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
VPDF]: Rendering process (Waiting
Stack0x5e064004 0x5e158ffcpointer 0x5e158d10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
VPDF]: Printing process (Waiting
Stack0x5e15d004 0x5e251ffcpointer 0x5e251d50 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00003000SigWait 0x00000100 
Process (Waiting
dos_signal_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcd5004 0x6fcd8ffcpointer 0x6fcd8f10 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x0000f000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
dos_appdir_server (Waiting
Stack0x6fcc1004 0x6fcc8ffcpointer 0x6fcc8d40 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80005000SigWait 0x00000000 
Process (Waiting
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready
Stack0x5fd13000 0x5fd17000pointer 0x5fd16ef0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x80000000SigWait 0xc0000000 
Task (Ready
idle.task (Ready
Stack0x6ff64000 0x6ff65000pointer 0x6ff64fd0 (Cookie OK
SignalsSigRec 0x00000000SigWait 0x00000000 
Task (Ready)

Amicygnix opens though & using the abiwordDT.bat icon i can open & use abiword, then close it & close Amicygnix

(BTW now that i have Amicygnix set to WBscreen resolution switcing screesns is so much faster. I wonder why i never asked before)

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