Warposemu doesn't work at all for me with my SAM. On AOS4 classics (and a A4000, 604e/233Mhz, MediatorPCI, Voodoo 4500) it works great!
I tested the following software on SAM:
It starts and it's really fast as hell. Never imagined that Wipeout could be so fast

Unfortunately, the games freezes the entire system after not even a full round during playing. I tried every possible combination in the setting. No luck. It always freezes the System. It works great and without problems with AOS4 classics.
(It's a pity that it doesn't work on SAM as it's my favourite game!)
GLRendering doesn't work at all. I only see screen with green colours in the left upper corner and right lower corner which changes slowly to red/yellow at the middle diagonal line.
Software Rendering works untill the intro movie starts. Then the game freezes (not the system), so you only can see the initial picture of the movie.
Payback works perfectly on AOS4 classic.
It works, but you don't see any textures and there's a refreshing problem. You also can't see the fonts, so it's impossible to quit the game again.
GLQuake_AOS4 (no warpos emu) works, but even though it's fast, it's not constantly fast. Framrates drop dramatically (even in small rooms) in constant Intervalls.
All in all, GLQuackeWOS on AOS4 classic works even better than GLQuake_AOS4 (which doesn't work at all on AOS4 classic).
1) Quake_AOS4 (not the gl-version) has also texture problems which makes it unplayable.
2) The GREAT Quake-extension MALICE doesn't work with any quake version on AOS4.1 & Sam. A grimreaper appears immediately. Malice perfectly works on AOS4.0 classics
Freespace/shogo/Heretic II: I was not yet able to install it on SAM. Installation breaks after a while.
Tales Of Tamar:
Works on AOS4 classics without problems with (and without) warposemu. On SAM I get during startup a GrimReaper which cannot be ignored, so the game doesn't work with SAM.
I keep on going to find something which works on SAM and warposemu

But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?
Edited by nexus on 2008/11/12 11:22:57