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Re: Check out FPSE on 4.1
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actually, I ( still )don't have a "proper" CD-Drive, right now I borrowed one and created an iso-image. So, I used the iso image to start Forsaken. This worked without configuring anything


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Re: OpenArena 0.8.1 released!
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\cg_drawfps does work and as I said .. the framerate is LOW, to be more exact 0 FPS! So, I was right with 0.5 to 1 fps

But then I realized that the framerate depends on the arena, I choose.

0 fps I get for the first Arena (Tier 1),

The third arena (Tier 1) is much more fun, because here I get 18-30fps

Strange, that the speed is so different in these arena-levels.

Unfortunately, the game is still not playable. Even with 30 fps, you only can move forwards/backwards/left/right very, very slowly. (Seems that the keyboard input is catched too slow??). Looking around with the mouse is fast , though.

Moreover, after installing OpenArena and starting it, everything is "green", means GL-Mode doesn't seem to work. In Software-rendering the textures, etc. look old-fashoned/unnice -- don't know how to describe it.
In Addition, after switching to NON-GL-Mode, It's not possible to switch back. In the settings, you can set GL-Mode to ON but appearently this has no effect. The screen re-initialises, but the "look" stays the same.


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Re: Check out FPSE on 4.1
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Take the version from the author's homepage (can't remember the url right now) not the os4depot.net version!

I tested it with Forsaken! It's amazingly great on my Sam440ep & AOS4.1!
I'm really impressed. Works great even with my USB-Joypad and AmigaInput


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Re: OpenArena 0.8.1 released!
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Hans wrote:

Also, can you please check if something is spitting out debug information while you're playing the game ("dumpdebugbuffer ram:log.txt"); there shouldn't be, but that would slow things down.

I tried that and there's an output to ram:log.txt then.
Some errors (like soundfile not found or something like that) can be found in that log file and everything which is outputed to the quake-console (like "player was killed by ..") can also be found in that log-file.

The log-file is not too big and I wouldn't expact that this slows things down (so much).

Moving the mouse in the quake menu after starting a "fight" is also terribly slow.

Typing "cg_drawfps 1" or "set cg_drawfps 1" in the quake-console has no effect. The only thing that happens is, that

"unnamedplayer: cg_drwafps 1"

is displayed in the console window (and in log.txt ) .


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Re: OpenArena 0.8.1 released!
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I installed OpenArena on Sam440ep/AOS4.1.
It works! But it is far to slow -- even on lowest possible resolution and gfx-details. I guess, I get 1 or 0.5 Frames per second :)

Unbelievable that it should be playable on a A1@800Mhz.

Anyway, good job! works without crashes


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Re: OWB 2.14
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just have downloaded owb 2.14 via AmiUpdate and installed it without problems this way.

Unfortunately, OWB 2.14 crashes at some pages now whereas OWB 2.13 never crashed for me.

I use OWB on AOS4.1 and Sam440ep.

e.g. at


crashed everytime during loding the page.

I hope, you can fix this bug


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Re: [SAM] GLQuakeWOS Beta 10 and Amiga OS 4.1
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Rogue wrote:

There's no AOS4 verson of all hyperion games (Shogo,HereticII,Freespace..) or am i wrong?

There is a version of Freespace, but without 3D hardware support, which isn't too much of a problem since the game already ran in software mode on the 604, and works fast enough on any next-gen hardware.

Thanks for that hint. I'll give it a try!


So, for games WOS is still a must.

Are you talking about Quake I or II? I am quite sure that there is a new version of Quake II. No idea about Quake I, I somewhat given up on brown castles and brown sewers.

Yes, Quake I. The Quake-AddON MALICE is the greatest quake-game ever . It does not work with Quake_AOS4 (with or without gl on SAM or A4000. A GreamReaper appears and the game crashes). But MALICE does work with GLQuakeWOS on AOS4.0/A4000/Voodoo4500.

QuakeII, I still have to give it a chance


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Re: [SAM] AmigaOS4.1 & DVPlayer
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freddix wrote:
With AmigaOS4.1 on a SAM440ep motherboard ?

Yes with SAM440ep and AOS4.1. I didn't install any plugin from aos4depot.net. So, I guess, that DVD was not encrypted. I just gave it a quick try and i could playback all tracks of the DVD and fastforward to some position in the movie. I had no error with DVPlayer. But SAM is not fast enough to enjoy watching DVDs anyway.


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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joerg wrote:

But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?
Do you have a sound card in your classic Amiga?

I have, but it's not supported by AOS4.0, only by AOS3.9. (TerraTec 512i)


If not a part of the problem is AHI. No idea why, but AHI causes problems in nearly all WarpOS games, for example background music has to be disabled in FreeSpace, Herertic II and Shogo or they crash. Try if disabling sound helps in other games as well.

For WipeOut2097 and SAM/warposemu, I couldn't find a setting which works. It crashes quickly after starting a racing (and it does not on AOS4.0/A4000/warposemu).


When using hardware 3D it should be obvious why there are much more problems on Radeon cards than Voodoo and Permedia: There was no Warp3D support for Radeon gfx cards yet when these games were written and they could only be tested with Permedia and Voodoo cards, bugs which don't cause problems on these cards couldn't be found.

I see. Some Hardware-rending seem to work, though (like in Wipeout2097 (at least for a short time)).

Thanks for the explanation.


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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yes, with this option Quake works far better (but it doesn't look so nice anymore).


Payback68k and PaybackWOS works in software rendering mode with AOS4.1 smoothly if you rename the audio- and video-file in the video-drawer of payback. Afterwards, payback doesn't try to playback the video but simply skips it.

So Payback is my first WOS-Games, that works on SAM with warposemu-lib Great! Cannot say anything about music because i had not switched on my stero for testing. But at least it works! (turning Gouraud shading throws a GrimReaper, but it can be ignored. Afterwards, the game is even faster).


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Re: [SAM] AmigaOS4.1 & DVPlayer
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no. DVPlayer works for me and DVDs. At least that one test DVD worked fine It doesn't work without frameskips but it works without error


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Re: [SAM] GLQuakeWOS Beta 10 and Amiga OS 4.1
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But plainly, for the few WOS programs around where there is no AmigaOS 4.x native version, I am not going to bother with these.

There's no AOS4 verson of all hyperion games (Shogo,HereticII,Freespace..) or am i wrong?

The only Game, I'm aware of which comes in a AOS4 version is Quake. But in Quake AOS4, textures are missing, so you can't play it. GlQuake_AOS4 works, but has strang drops in the framerates, such that GLQuakeWOS on AOS4.0 classics works better then GLQuake_AOS4 on SAM & AOS4.1.
Also, the AddOn-Pack Malice doesn't work with any AOS4-Quake-version.

So, for games WOS is still a must.


AFAIK the only Warp3D game without software 3D support is WipeOut2097 and that one is working (the 3D gfx parts, not everything else of it). On Voodoo3 without any problems, and IIRC only very minor gfx errors were reported on Radeon cards.

True, on AOS4.0 and Voodoo 4500 it works great. On AOS4.1 & Sam it works amazingly fast and only minor gfx errors are there. But on Sam & AOS4.1 it crashes very soon. There seem to be a cruial differnce between warposemu on AOS4.0classic&A4000/Voodoo and AOS4.1&SAM.


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Warposemu doesn't work at all for me with my SAM. On AOS4 classics (and a A4000, 604e/233Mhz, MediatorPCI, Voodoo 4500) it works great!

I tested the following software on SAM:


It starts and it's really fast as hell. Never imagined that Wipeout could be so fast Unfortunately, the games freezes the entire system after not even a full round during playing. I tried every possible combination in the setting. No luck. It always freezes the System. It works great and without problems with AOS4 classics.

(It's a pity that it doesn't work on SAM as it's my favourite game!)


GLRendering doesn't work at all. I only see screen with green colours in the left upper corner and right lower corner which changes slowly to red/yellow at the middle diagonal line.

Software Rendering works untill the intro movie starts. Then the game freezes (not the system), so you only can see the initial picture of the movie.

Payback works perfectly on AOS4 classic.


It works, but you don't see any textures and there's a refreshing problem. You also can't see the fonts, so it's impossible to quit the game again.

GLQuake_AOS4 (no warpos emu) works, but even though it's fast, it's not constantly fast. Framrates drop dramatically (even in small rooms) in constant Intervalls.

All in all, GLQuackeWOS on AOS4 classic works even better than GLQuake_AOS4 (which doesn't work at all on AOS4 classic).

1) Quake_AOS4 (not the gl-version) has also texture problems which makes it unplayable.
2) The GREAT Quake-extension MALICE doesn't work with any quake version on AOS4.1 & Sam. A grimreaper appears immediately. Malice perfectly works on AOS4.0 classics

Freespace/shogo/Heretic II: I was not yet able to install it on SAM. Installation breaks after a while.

Tales Of Tamar:

Works on AOS4 classics without problems with (and without) warposemu. On SAM I get during startup a GrimReaper which cannot be ignored, so the game doesn't work with SAM.

I keep on going to find something which works on SAM and warposemu
But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?


Edited by nexus on 2008/11/12 11:22:57
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