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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
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Not too shy to talk

Fantastic, thanks This will surely lead to further improvement!

EDIT: improvements added Now all the ones you sent me are detected correctly too.
Had to add support for OpAccessChain and variants to catch component-wise assignments, add support for OpLoopMerge to be able to add some special treatment for stuff like for-loops, and added a hack to detect inout-variables (unfortunately SPIR-V doesn't decorate those).
Code grew from 150 to 180 lines

Also another shader to discuss, maybe from visuall look some assumtion can be done so i can made proper BZ about. So, shader: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tsjBRw

Phew, honestly: as soon as a bug is so severe that the GPUs internal CU workings are visually revealing and as soon as the shader gets more complex, I wouldn't waste my time on it considering the known register handler's state.

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/10 12:52:10
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/12 9:14:55
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/12 9:16:03
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
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Not too shy to talk

Do you think that one also broken: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tlXcR4

No, looks okay to me.

Maybe we need to create Shadertoy accounts and start reporting these issues :)

Good idea! I just started, come join

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Re: New Member Introduction
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Not too shy to talk

Welcome and cheers! Well chosen setups and forum

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
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Not too shy to talk

I have to repeat it (edit: oops, did you edit your text?):
Those shaders are not standard compliant! Why waste time and resources cleaning up after those?
And where would it end? Take a look at that mod(x,0) thing, same:
this shader relies on non-standard compliant drivers! Some Windows drivers (e.g. my NVidia here) silently help it by not returning NaN or whatever. Other drivers (e.g. Capehill's Radeon) dont. So this shader doesn't even just not work on our side.
Do you also want this behaviour to be changed to match my NVidias? Why? Really, it doesn't make sense. The standard and its definitions are there for a reason, one reason being that the answer to your request can be a clear "No"

Intersting also, how costly it will be to add "unitialized variable = 0" not from ogles2 side, but from Nova ?

Once the uninit var detector works reliable, I could add extra OpStore init commands with ease. But with "costly" I mean shader execution time. If the detector is not 100% perfect (and it probably won't) then you eventually add needless initializations for other vars. IMO it's just a waste to do any such action just to fix broken shaders.

Because testing many shaders (and they all didn't seems false positive with your last libs), many of them do use unitialized variables

I doubt that. Please do as I asked you, send them over. I know for sure that the uninit detector doesn't work reliable enough yet and it will produce wrong positives as well as let stuff through undetected.

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/10 6:17:52
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
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Not too shy to talk


No, you are wrong.
First of all you unrolled it wrong. You replaced i by 1, 2 and 3 but it should be replaced by 0, 1, 2.
Then lets take a look at the math if we put in a 0 for i:

1.0 / abs(mod(st.y + st.x, 0.1 * 0) * 1000.) * 1.;
= 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y + st.x, 0.0) * 1000.) * 1.;

So we end up with a mod(x,0). This is undefined math!
mod is evaluated like this:

mod(x,y) = x-y * floor(x/y).

And in our case here y is 0, so we got a nice division by zero
So with your false unrolling you accidentially fixed the broken shader

This of course also explains why it fails on Windows for you

However, I fail to explain why your own unrolled do while version works. Random driver magic or luck, I guess

Anyway, another shader that turns out to be crap, Nova is all good here and a black screen is a pretty valid result for such a thingy...
All this in turn means that if you correct the loop to run like

for (float i = 1.; i < 4.; i++) {

which is what you falsely unrolled it to , then it works because the hidden division by zero is gone.

When I unroll the corrected loop this way

float i=1.0
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y + st.x, 0.1 * i) * 1000.) * 1.;
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y - st.x, 0.5 * i) * 10.) * 1.;
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y + st.x, 0.1 * i) * 1000.) * 1.;
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y - st.x, 0.5 * i) * 10.) * 1.;
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y + st.x, 0.1 * i) * 1000.) * 1.;
r += 1.0 / abs(mod(st.y - st.x, 0.5 * i) * 10.) * 1.;

Then I get an ugly Nova compilation error
Need 263 VGPRS, which exceeds the maximum of 256.
So there is a good old Nova register bug after all

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes, you are correct. In the context of Shadertoy iOS this shader is broken and will only work with drivers which are silently initializing the rgb components too.
But I suggest not to complicate the matter by referencing other systems / other applications:
in our case in your ShaderJoy implementation the variable is being set to 0,0,0,1, so in our context the shader is valid and Nova produces garbage.

EDIT: I stand corrected! What Nova does here is not wrong. I overlooked that your shader's variable is an out and not an inout. Therefore the initialization in main is not being of any use. So we have no Nova bug in this case here! But the shader is broken everywhere, only that other drivers silently fix it (which is sth. Nova should not do IMHO, don't encourage people to write wrong code)

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/9 10:02:26
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/9 10:03:43
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/9 10:07:58
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Ouch! You know what's happening here?
Nova ignores the vec4(0,0,0,1) assignment in the shader's main (what you pasted here is just the mainImage func). The variable o is initialized before this function call. However, Nova apparently forgot about that. If you add the redundant and unnecessary line o=vec4(0.0); at the function's start, then it will work with Nova.
Obviously Hans messes up function parameters or better the respective registers. That's absolute core functionality which is broken.

EDIT: That was a wrong anaylsis from my part, see here

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/9 10:06:27
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

smoothstep is a basic GLSL function.

Can it be issues in ?

Who knows. As always: with this broken register allocator everything is possible.
I suggest to simply report it as another seperate bug, just like you did before, symptoms plus shader code.

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Re: Shaderjoy 1.8
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Because there quite a lot of shaders with unitialized variables there and there (included those which works)

We'll see how many are uninitialized for real As I said it's likely that this beta detector still produces false positives, after all you're the first one who tests it for real Just send over the respective shaders in question.
But yes, of course ShaderJoy should use 1 for this mode, not 2.

Will check more if some rendering issues are cause of this

Don't waste your time with this until I verified that the detector didn't return a false positive! Which is actually more likely than lots of uninitialized vars Just send em over and let me take a look.

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Re: Shaderjoy 1.8
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Great, thanks, looking forward to 1.9! You may want to download another fresh lib version. More optimizations for the SPIRV uninit var detector, resulting in even higher performance and less C++ code (now 159 tiny lines incl. class defs, no STL, no clib, just one dyn memory allocation (plus those for the warning string, if there's any)). I'm really curious if you can even measure any glCompile difference between enabled / disable var checker.

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Re: Shaderjoy 1.8
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Great, thanks
IIRC you have beta access to my FTP (if not, drop me a PM). If you want you can already download the fresh includes and the beta ogles2 3.0 lib from there and already implement support for two new aglCreateContext / aglSetParam options:

- OGLES2_CCT_DEBUG_SHADER_LOG: If set to TRUE then the library asks Nova for extra shader compiler info. A detailed log will be returned even on successful shader compilation. If this flag is set to FALSE (default) then only the usual standard error log will be returned.

- OGLES2_CCT_DETECT_UNINITIALIZED_GLSL_VARS: If set to 1 or 2 (default 0) then ogles2.lib will analyze the generated SPIR-V code and look for uninitialized shader variables. If set to 1 then it will only put a warning in the log and continue, if set to 2 then glCompileShader will return with an error if something suspicious is being detected.

Note: OGLES2_CCT_DETECT_UNINITIALIZED_GLSL_VARS is beta, I wrote it yesterday. It's certainly not perfect (altogether less than 150 small lines of code, incl. the SPIRV parser, no kidding ) but seems to do a decent job so far - obviously not tested toooo much though. So if you encounter a shader which gives wrong results, throw it into a mail or on my FTP please.
You'll also find an updated glslangvalidator_redux on my FTP which has that feature.

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/6 15:28:46
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/7 16:26:11
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/7 18:05:53
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/7 18:11:20
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Re: Shaderjoy 1.8
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Here's one entry of my wishlist if you don't mind
Apparently Shaderjoy's verbose logging only spits out the shader-log if an error occured. I think it would be better if you'd always print it in "verbose" mode (maybe check GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH).

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes, that's what I meant.

But somekind of an "offline" analysis using some GLSL validator might be possible.

Offline sucks

Should check what is out there... Khronos at least has lots of software on Github.

AFAIK they don't support that feature.

myself: "And such a analysis is not trivial and not for free"

Hm, have to correct myself: actually a good-enough-for-our-purpose analysis should be pretty easy to do, almost trivial and without any severe impact (at least that impact should be small enough to not increase Nova's rather long shader compilation time by any significant measurable additional amount). With good-enough-for-us I mean that stuff like this missing col initialization in those previous shaders would be detected.
EDIT: added this feature to ogles2.lib. SPIRV is such a clean and extremely simple and easy to handle format, it was almost a no-brainer to do.

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/6/8 10:18:01
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Imho also not worth , because it mean take manual actions.

It's nice to have, not vital of course. But if it's a flag for e.g. CompileShader I could make it switchable via an aglFunction. Would be a nice feature for ShaderJoy. It would also help to quickly check whether a shader with buggy output produces its pixel garbage because of an uninitialized variable or not.

can be unitialized variable set to 0 cause any issues in compare with being random as it now ?

No. It has no negative side-effects (other than a certain performance loss, if that's measurable is another question).

I mean, of course, shaders can be buggy and rely on undifened behaviours, but will setting unitialized value to 0 , cause any problems for any other possible shaders ? Imho no ? Then if no, why not ?:)

No, because you essentially change a purely undefined state to a well defined state. And that defined state is a subset of all the possible random states it could have had before

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It would be nice to get a warning from compiler about potentially uninitialized variables in cases like this.

This behaviour is not just allowed but also not considered to be worth a warning. Nova is not buggy here, so I have to second Hans that there is no action to be taken. Yes, it would be nice but on the other hand it also will result in unnecessary warnings. And such a analysis is not trivial and not for free. After all there are very valid reasons - unlike in those broken shaders - not to initialize a variable right upon declaration.

I not sure what is it mean : that unitialized variables on win32 are always set to 0.0 but on os4 random values ?

No, it's just that some (maybe even most, or even all, doesn't matter) Windows OpenGL drivers apparently set uninitialized variables to 0 even though the standard explicitly does not require it. Or to put it simple: the respective shaders are buggy, not Nova. Those shaders rely on something they simply must not rely on.
However, since real-life shaders often seem to falsely rely on this behaviour, maybe a Nova feature request for an init-vars-to-zero-toggle (default off like now) is a good compromise.

Question is : is that the same issue everywhere, or they different ones ?

Novas register handling is still broken and therefore all sorts of fun can happen. You or I cannot say for sure which exact issue it is. We cannot even say for sure if it has to do with the register allocator, it's likely but we cannot be sure. Maybe it's a different bug with familiar looking symptoms. The thing is: with those Shaderjoy shaders it is natural that whatever is the problem results in pixels being falsely colored, simply because Shadertoy is all about pixel colors and nothing else ;)
Anyway, either create one bug-report named "All sorts of pixel garbage" and then extend it with more and more links to shadertoy-shaders - or create one report for each buggy shader, maybe with a not that you somewhat guess that it may be related to bug or report xyz. But don't try to be smart and to categorize further After all you are a reporter. It's Hans job to fix that stuff and it's also his job to analyse and eventually merge or split your bug reports.

I start to think, that it's all different bugs all the time. I.e. bug the same : wrong content in registers, and their wrong compare/use , and it didn't looks like some single particular issue. Just visually it looks pretty much the same like colors swapped, but it all can be different.

IMHO a rewrite of the register allocator is due. From what I see things get fixed in lib release A only to reappear in a slightly different form or the fixes cause other problems as sideeffects. And then there is also the missing register spilling etc.
For the upcoming ogles2 lib version I threw away and rewrote the whole program introspection system Yes, certainly no fun but sometimes you have to admit to yourself that what you did before was no good and that a rewrite with a fresh head is the far better choice, instead of putting even more patchs on that old rag rug.
In my experience this always pays off.

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I guess it's not a general "and" doesn't work but simply depends on situation, which register used when etc. After all an && in this case here will certainly result in two conditional branches, just like at least the 1st working variant. It's worthless to speculate more, if register allocation is messed up everything is possible.

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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

to me this looks like similar issues, I bet it's some register mess up in each case.
Btw.: I played a bit with the previous one.

// original statement which produces pixel garbage here
if (.72+&& p.0.0) ++i;
// same semantic variants which work here
if (.72+b) if(p.0.0) ++i;
if (
.72+bi+=(p.0.0) ? 0;
if (
p.0.0i+=(.72+b) ? 0;
i+=(.72+b) ? (p.0.0) ? 0;

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/5/30 18:40:24
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Re: Warp3DNova shader bugs thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

That's some new severe bug introduced in Warp3D Nova 1.70. Check it out, with 1.68 it still renders fine.
Apparently the reason now is an "if" not working correctly anymore. In case of this shader it's this one:

// stop if outside
if (
.72+&& p.0.0) ++i;

I checked d, b and p.y, they seem to be valid.

and that one not related to the other issues we reported.

I'd not be so sure about that. Looking at all those recent bugs the main broken component of Nova seems to be the register allocator which can result in all kinds of funny stuff. I mean, maybe the above "if" is simply comparing the wrong register.

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/5/30 8:07:54
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/5/30 13:28:34
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Re: The OpenGL ES 2.0 thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

There is a small typo in GL_VENDOR string

LOL, indeed, thanks

how to interpet the GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION string?

Well, not at all. The thing is that I didn't really know what to put there because Nova lacks commands etc. which are mandatory, that's why I put this 0.9 there, to refect this. I will re-check current Nova state and reconsider this string's content for the upcoming ogles2 update.

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Re: Atomic Bomberman Fan Rewrite
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Not too shy to talk

thanks & cheers, mate

I watched on 2nd screen

New Atomic Bomberman version 2.10 (network protocol version 13) is now available (via auto-updater or get it from my homepage )
This update mostly contains the first pile of stuff which we noticed yesterday evening when doing an intense atomic session

- new gameplay option: no sleepy players. If a player has been inactive for 15 seconds, it will auto-drop a bomb... Highly recommended, especially for network games!

- networking: the master can now manually increase / decrease the waiting-for-clients-countdown by tapping left / right. Yesterday we had a situation where I missed exactly that feature: ErnstEiswürfel was about to join but only 15 seconds remained, so he just missed it and everybody had to quit and rejoin.

- Fix (was uncritical, but...): "toilet mode" isn't a configurable input mapping anymore Forgot to set the non-editable flag for this fixed mapping, which is why the auto-configuration system of my framework made it configurable in the controls menu.

- (maybe) fix, networking: ddni and ErnstEiswürfel reported a weird issue that to me looks as if their network connection was sometimes so instable that some crucial state change packages would pile up - and then suddenly be executed one after the other without any delay. That resulted in situations where it looked as if the scenery was changing all of a sudden - although other players experienced it as what it was: matchend, result-screen, next round. But for them it was more like matchend (or shortly before matchend) -> next round, the result-screen would essentially be skipped or visible as a black screen for one frame. Well, that's my guess because I don't have another explanation So to work around that I extended the network protocol by dedicated sync-commands for those screen-changes. Crossing fingers, untested
Thanks to ddni for recording a video of that phenomenon!

- (maybe) fix, networking: for some Amiga players at least a hard master drop would result in their client to appear frozen. It didn't crash though, it was simply waiting for a TCP timeout on the socket which was closed by the master. Apparently it's no good idea to rely on the TCPIP stack's error handling here. Therefore the master now sends an explicit "server-death"-message to all clients before shutting down. Only tested on Windows so far.
Thanks to ErnstEiswürfel and ddni for reporting!

- made 4711 the default network port for no particular reason other than that I chose it for testing Yes, I know that it's used by other services (just like probably every TCP port) and I don't care at all.

- Windows, auto-updater: the self-deletion of the update installer eventually triggered some stupid antivirus software :P Disabled the self-deletion step, hope that does the trick.
Thanks to Valentin for reporting and analyzing!

- Windows, auto-updater: now 64 bit executable.

Cheers to Krusher, amosian, ErnstEiswürfel, ddni and aPEX (who was a bit too late, but there was a will!), kill you soon!

Daytona675x / Inqui / Daniel

Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/5/27 13:36:41
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