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AmigaOS4 FE update2 + all beta updated on 2022/03/24
kas1e AmigaOS Screenshots 2022/3/24 17:35
1255 1
On the screenshot you can see:
AmigaOS4 FE update2 + all beta updated on 2022/03/24
DvPlayer 54.9 decoding video with hardware acceleration (va.library) on RadeonRX v2.11 playing video which is h264 3840x2160x30fps with no CPU loading
On top bar you can see those amidock-dockies: Zita-ftpd, network, keyaboard-switcher, CPU, RAM, GFX and Temp dockies. 4 of them (cpu , ram, gfx and temp one) are clicked on, and spawn additional window in form of windowses which can be seen as well.
Also under DVPlayer window you can see Odyssey browser is running. Used version are 1.23r5 (01/02/2022).
And bottom you can see amidock panel too, but this one is not dockie ones as it done for "top bar", but pure panel, so used as a launcher panel. There you can see (in the order from left to the rigth) : Odyssey, VPDF, Dopus4, Dopus5, Filler, DiskImage, Sketchblock, Ranger, Sysmon, Exchanger, Multiedit, VIM, shell, Mplayer, DvPlayer, Emotion, AmigaAmp, Tunent, Updater, AmiUpdate, ZitaFTP, DosBox and ScummVm.
On the right side of the screen it also Amidock panel, and also used as a laucher panel. But in this one all the "debug" programms i use. There they are in order from top to the bottom: glSnoop, db101, Stacker, Zaphod, Snoopy, ProcessScaner, Sashimy, Profiler and SpotLess.
You also can see that i have "morphos" partition too, that one is used if i want to boot on my x5000 into morphos. |
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DJBase |
Published: 2022/8/28 21:57 Updated:
2022/9/23 21:42
Just popping in
Joined: 01/07/2007
From: Germany
Comments: 127
Too bad this Temp docky isn't available for the X1000...
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