USB Audio on OS4

Date 2023/8/27 11:47:23 | Topic: Software News

Ever wonder why OS4 doesn't have USB audio support (or webcams)?

It turns out that streaming audio and video use a different type of transfer that we had only very limited support for. Thanks to a lot of recent work by Thomas Graff Thoger, we now have isochronous transfers working!!
In the uploads queue at OS4Depot is a program called USBAudio2, which should support devices using the "Audio2" standard. (more details in the readme file). It won't work with all USB audio devices, but later or more advanced devices may work.

It's a simple shell command for recording and playback, no GUI, and no fancy extras. Just the basics, with source code included in case anyone wants to expand on it, or even try a webcam viewer or other isochronous transfers.

It does include built in support for a VU meter (audio level). theres another program in the queue there for that, source also included.

I'd love to hear about devices that work with this program.

Make Beautiful Music,

This article comes from The Amigans website

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