Game package for AmiCygnix 1.6

Date 2020/11/10 21:00:32 | Topic: Software News

The game package for AmiCygnix is now available in a revised version. There are a total of 24 games included. Most are board or card games, but a shoot 'em up and fractal explorer are also included.

New in version 1.6 compared to V1.0:

* New game "Pioneers", a clone of "Settlers of Catan".
* New versions:
- Ace 1.4 instead of version 1.2. The card game "Spider" has been added and the card game "Solitaire" offers new possibilities. The GUI tool for starting the individual games has been revised and optimized for standalone start.
- XEmeraldia 0.4.3 instead of version 0.4.1. The graphics have been optimized.
- XGalaga instead of version 2.0.34. The playing field is now bigger and a variation called "Hyperspace" is now included.
- The xMahjongg GUI tool has been revised and optimized for standalone start.
* All programs have been recompiled. Programs that require GTK+ 2 now use GTK+ 2.24.32.
* All programs can now be started "Standalone".
* The icon set has been updated. Thanks to Thomas Blatt!

List of games included:

* The Ace of Penguins: A collection of 11 simple solitaire games:
- canfield - a card game
- freecell - a card game
- golf - a card game
- mastermind - the popular code breaker game
- merlin - a logic game similar to "lights out"
- minesweeper - the well-known logic game
- pegged - a board game
- solitaire - a card game
- spider - a card game
- taipei - a game similar to mahjongg
- thornq - a card game
* BomberClone (Bomberman clone with network support)
* GLightOff (puzzle game)
* gSoko (Sokoban clone)
* gTans (tangram game)
* GtkAtlantic (an implementation of "Monopoly" with network support)
* Pioneers (an implementation of "Settlers of Catan" with network support)
* Sudoku-Savant (numbers game)
* XaoS (fractal explorer)
* XEmeraldia (Tetris variation)
* XGalaga (Shoot 'em up)
* XLightOff (puzzle game)
* XMahjongg (The ancient Chinese board game)
* xtris (multiplayer Tetris with network support)

Except for the games contained in "The Ace of Penguins", all games can be installed individually.

Download: amicygnix-games.lha


Original Image The Ace of Penguins, xMahjongg and gSoko

Original Image Pioneers

This article comes from The Amigans website

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