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Software News : Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Posted by eliyahu on 2012/11/30 15:10:00 (4153 reads) News by the same author
Software News

See http://blog.hyperion-entertainment.biz for complete details.

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Published: 2012/11/30 16:35  Updated: 2012/11/30 16:35
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: Canada
Comments: 986
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
No it was not released. I accidently published the file. Please do not install.
Published: 2012/11/30 16:43  Updated: 2012/11/30 16:43
Home away from home
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

No sweat...though i hope nothing bad stems out from being already installed? :-/
Published: 2012/11/30 16:56  Updated: 2012/11/30 16:56
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From: Tarsus IV
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
I have already installed it since noon. Now what? Copy over the Update5 files back obviously?
Published: 2012/11/30 17:15  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:16
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

If you installed and nothing broke I wouldn't worry about it, Trying manually undo it might cause more accidental problems.

If you have a problem though then yes revert the files to the previous ones.
Published: 2012/11/30 17:18  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:18
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From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Actually I didn't encounter any problems so far. It just installed AmiUpdate on SYS:System directory, and a new menu-item in the Workbench pull-down menu, apart from the updated(?) calculator (via AmiUpdate now).
Published: 2012/11/30 17:24  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:24
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

What are you talking about your "X1000 got fried" after the update over at amigaworld.net then?


Just installed and my X1000 got fried.

Spreading FUD already?
Published: 2012/11/30 17:25  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:25
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From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
You don't have a slight sense of humour, do you?
Published: 2012/11/30 17:28  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:28
Not too shy to talk
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

guys, i'm really sorry about this. i clearly jumped the gun. my apologies.

-- eliyahu
Published: 2012/11/30 17:32  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:33
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6


You don't have a slight sense of humour, do you?

No, nor do I. Please dont post crap, even in jest, or you do make it more obviously a joke! (smiley, or only joking a few lines after etc)

Just imaging if we took your comment seriously and wasted ages trying to work out why?
Published: 2012/11/30 17:32  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:33
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From: Gravity well
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Ah well, I suppose the update 6 installer will notice it has a job to do. When it is released. And I apply it to the system as it is now.
Published: 2012/11/30 17:32  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:34
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Nevermind, not worth it...
Published: 2012/11/30 17:34  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:35
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From: Gravity well
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Published: 2012/11/30 17:38  Updated: 2012/11/30 17:38
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From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
@ Raziel

I changed the emoticon (sorry, chose the wrong one before) to show that's a joke.
Published: 2012/11/30 18:30  Updated: 2012/11/30 18:35
Just can't stay away
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From: Pennsylvania, USA
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 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Do you think a car company would think it's funny if you falsely reported that the car you just bought blew up as you drove it off the dealers lot?? I think it more likely that they would sue you into the poor house. We all have some sense of humor but yours is warped.
P.S. You need to do more than add a smiley. Eliminate the original statement and replace it with the true result of your update6 installation.
Published: 2012/11/30 18:34  Updated: 2012/11/30 18:34
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From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
@ xenic

Just changed it. There are a lot of trolls around, so I don't want to feed them actually.
Published: 2012/11/30 18:37  Updated: 2012/11/30 18:37
Just can't stay away
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From: Pennsylvania, USA
Comments: 1356
 Re: Hyperion Releases AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Thank you. I'm sure Solie will appreciate the change too.
Published: 2012/11/30 19:47  Updated: 2012/11/30 19:47
Amigans Defender
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From: Canada
Comments: 986
 Re: Hyperion HAVE NOT Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Sorry about that guys.

I have one last bug to fix for X1000 users. Everybody else would not be affected.

Anyway, the real archive will be available in a few hours.
Published: 2012/11/30 23:20  Updated: 2012/11/30 23:20
 Re: Hyperion HAVE NOT Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
STrange news indeed.
Well, hope new update system via OS will be presented
Published: 2012/11/30 23:42  Updated: 2012/11/30 23:42
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: Canada
Comments: 986
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
The correct archive is now published and ready for download. News can be found on the blog, Hyperion's web site and www.amigaos.net. Enjoy!
Published: 2012/12/1 0:37  Updated: 2012/12/1 0:37
Home away from home
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Comments: 2638
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Nice work.
Published: 2012/12/1 9:35  Updated: 2012/12/1 9:35
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Thanks ssolie and all involved :) I had to add update server in the new amiupdate. Didnt see it there after install.
Published: 2012/12/1 11:27  Updated: 2012/12/1 11:27
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From: Gravity well
Comments: 739
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Kicko: The update server is in the update.prefs provided in this update though.
Published: 2012/12/1 11:37  Updated: 2012/12/1 11:37
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From: Tarsus IV
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 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
...located in ENVARC:Sys.
Published: 2012/12/1 13:12  Updated: 2012/12/1 13:12
Just popping in
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Comments: 33
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Can we add future in ami-update option "hide this update" - because not all updates I want execute. It should also be option "show hidden updates".
Published: 2012/12/1 13:24  Updated: 2012/12/1 13:24
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From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
@ mrdarek2

There is that option, to exclude a specific update and put it in a separate list so that AmiUpdate will not show it again.
Published: 2012/12/2 2:27  Updated: 2012/12/2 2:27
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From: Canada
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 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
Installed udate 6 last night.
Published: 2012/12/2 16:00  Updated: 2012/12/2 16:00
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3205
 Re: Hyperion Released AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
thanks to the all parties! update 6 went like a charm

though I must admit I miss the old gears icon
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