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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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With that in mind, is nobody unarchiving files? What are you all using?

I'm still putting my list together, but to answer your question, I use Voodoo-X for unarchiving.

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Great question. The key tools I use regularly are:

* Odyssey
* IBrowse
* StormCEd
* Ignition
* DvPlayer
* Emotion
* AmiPhoto
* pFTP
* Digital Universe
* AmiUpdate
* UnArc
* MediaVault
* AmigaAMP

I use others, too, of course, but these are the ones I use the most on my X5000 or A1222.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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trixie wrote:@Chris

I'm surprised that Unarc isn't on here more often

Used on a daily basis here of course; I didn't include it in my list because I thought (wrongly, as it appears) that standard OS components don't count

I saw "Shell" on people's lists multiple times, so I figure nothing is off limits!

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Here's my list. I've included some stuff that comes with the OS, as well as third-party applications and utilities.

Used regularly:

MPlayer (via MPlayer-GUI)
ZDR (Zooming Done Right; called by AllKeys)
lpr.device (for network printing)
PowerOff (called by Workbench menu added by AddMenu.rexx)

I used to use YAM regularly, until my email provider switched to OAuth 2 for login, which YAM doesn't support. So now I use the email's Web interface via Odyssey.

Used less regularly, but still often:

SSDR (Screen Switching Done Right; called by AllKeys)
Reboot (called by Workbench menu added by AddMenu.rexx)

Utilities that are always running:

GfxDock docky
RAMDock docky
X1KTemp docky
CPUInfo docky

When developing:

SDK (GCC and tools)
SDK Browser

When developing or troubleshooting:


Anyone customized their ENV:ContextMenu.cfg/ ??

Indeed I have. I've updated the System, Utilities, and Preferences submenus of the Workbench context menu to match the programs I have in those drawers, and added Enhancer's Exchanger in addition to Exchange.

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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If I may ask, what is "Heddley"?

I've not heard of it...


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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Heddley is a WYSIWYG tool for creating AmigaGuide files. I use it for creating the documentation for my projects. It's 68K, but works fine on OS4 under emulation.

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@Rigo and chance for an update for Codebench to help with x5000 speed? Absolutely love what you have done but would love an update if possible.

Haven't created my list yet, but Codebench used to be high on the list on my x1000 but not usable on x5000 so liteXL has been filling the gap.

Full list to follow tomorrow


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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I just wanted to add, that like many of you, I use a variety of programs on my OS4 system, some are system-friendly 68K programs and some are PPC programs.

For surfing the net, I use mainly IBrowse, but I also have AWeb, NetSurf, Odyssey and Origyn Web Browser.

NetSurf-6786 test-build seems to be very stable so far on my system.

Saddly, Odyssey was not (maybe it was those snowflakes at amigans.net that were causing the issues with Odyssey on my system).


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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I regularly use:

DirOpus 4
GemRB (my new port, Betatesting and playing)
Installer (betatesting GemRB 0.8.8 installer)
Secret Project #1 (another game i am working on,
testing and playing though that one is nearly finished)

at the moment. Mostly for testing and playing.

Best regards,

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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For me the most used programs boils down to this (leaving out all the underlying OS components :):

DirOpus 5

So currently mostly development use.
...with the odd gaming session now and again where Mace Tower Defense makes continuous comebacks and where Gorky 17 and Tower57 are on my to-pickup again list :)

- Thomas
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