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What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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: Yesterday 23:23
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Hi Friends,
I'm looking at the wonderful OS4Depot and our extensive software collection. Unfortunately, many of those programs are pretty old and could be updated. While I'm not offering to do that work, I would be interested in seeing what people use daily or weekly.
I was looking at my system. I most often run:
IFS Screenblanker
What do you run?
Bill "tekmage" Borsari
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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Home away from home
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@tekmage AmigaAmp AREXX Odyssey ScummVM SMB2FS
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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DOpus5 AmIRC RNOComics Odyssey IBrowse AmigaAMP TuneNet MPlayer Emotion MediaVault Also I just updated to latest versions of Hollywood and Designer and am planning to get some new games and revisit some older ones. Also planning to get back to SketchBlock, ImageFX, LightWave, FinalWriter et al.
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just can't stay away
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: 1/28 0:19
From Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
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Seq CompilerGUI Notepad gcc SDK Browser Shell Viivi Mplayer-GUI Mplayer AmigaAMP pftp UnArc pgp (Edit 26.1.2025: Added SDK Browser) (Edit 28.1.2025: Added UnArc, pgp and Mplayer-GUI)
Edited by TSK on 2025/1/25 22:11:33 Edited by TSK on 2025/1/28 0:22:01
Rock lobster bit me - so I'm here forever X1000 + AmigaOS 4.1 FE "Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." - Seymour Cray
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just can't stay away
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From Copenhagen, Denmark
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Just off the top of my head: Odyssey YAM (latest dev build) DOpus4 Shell ARexx SMBMounter/SMBFS LimpidClock AmiUpdate RNOXfer NotePad MultiViewer SGrab <a GUI program you haven't seen yet> <a Shell program you haven't seen yet> Rave AmigaAMP3 Term Snoopy JHead NetPBM Ignition Docket PGP CodeBench/The SDK Best regards, Niels
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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: 1/25 15:49
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Hey tekmage, My collection of apps breaks down as follows: All of the time: - ARexx - Shell - AmIRC - IBrowse - SSHTerm - AmigaAmp - rVNCd - SMBFS - rnoXFer - AOrganizer - Notepad - Multiview Every day or two: - Unarc - AIOstreams - YT.rexx - MPlayer - FFPlay - unreleased YT search script - Finalwriter - AmiPDF - PDFtoolkit.py - Multiviewer Weekly usage: - ImageFX - Mediavault - Ignition - Pagestream - Gnumeric - Abiword Occasional usage: - Codebench - Cadepad - DeepL tranlator - Oddity - Netsurf - ADRipper - Cranu - ADripper - PicView Of course there are so many other miscellaneous things I use even more sporadically and things I honestly don't get the time to play with. Geez, I keep stumbling on thimgs with the OS I haven't played with yet! Anyone customized their ENV:ContectMenu.cfg/ ?? ;) PJS
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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These are my favourites under AmigaOs4.1 which I also use regularly. Odyssey SMB2FS MediaVault Emotion AmigaAMP Video Vortex/YT.rexx for YouTube TwinVNC RNOXfer AmiTranslate imp3 ScummVM DosBox E-UAE SnapIT A-Live (liveTV streaming)
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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not too many, Netsurf Amiphoto finaldata sylpheed Odyssey Ibrowse ScummVM Emotion PPaint
A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31Last Login
: 1/26 18:05
From Russia
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Usage of course depends on what you want to do when power on your os4, but usually apps which i use always is: Amidock with cpu/ram/gfx/temp/time/network/keymap dockies Shell Dopus4 ZitaFTPd (to transfer anything i need to/from PC to/from os4) WB2Filer (+filer itself) Notepad Multiedit SGRAB DiskImageGUI AmigaAMP Odyssey VPDF Ranger DvPlayer and Emotion Sketchblock And all other stuff depends on what need to do.. Like if play games which not native, then: UAE DosBox ScummVM Snes9x If coding going on then: GCC and co latest gdb db101/spotless snoopy glsnoop hexsee tequila profyler if some music tinkering, then Rave only and so on
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/25 15:52
Amigans Defender
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From Czech Republic
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Filer Codebench + GCC SDK Browser Odyssey ZitaFTPServer MediaVault AmigaAMP3 Rave (of course) MilkyTracker Emotion ADRipper
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SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/25 16:00
Home away from home
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From Italy, Perugia
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Too many to report, but often i use: Software: Odyssey AmiCygnix AmigaAMP/Tunenet MPlayer/DvPlayer AmiPDF AmiFTP IconEditor NotePad FlexCat GCC for recompiling a few Shell based softwares (f. ex. Deark) Emulation/Games: Dosbox FinalBurn Neo FPSE Snes9x/WarpSnes GnGeo mGBA/VBA DGen RunInUAE Doom ports/Quake/DukeNukem ecc.
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/25 21:47
Quite a regular
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: 1/30 23:26
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Edit to add a few more programs ... These are the software programs I use the most: AmiUpdate AmiDock Shell ARexx NotePad MultiView AmiDVD BackUP IBrowse UnArc Ignition Final Writer 97 AmigaAMP3 Soliton Shisen-Seki I like to tinker with ARexx, RxMUI and ProAction, and use Ranger and Snoopy for trouble-shooting. I use the old E-UAE uae-sdl emulator to launch AmigaOS3.1 or AmigaOS3.2 in full screen mode to run my old favourites: Shanghai Conquest Appetizer suite Microfiche Filer Cheers, redfox
Edited by redfox on 2025/1/25 22:11:31 Edited by redfox on 2025/1/25 22:18:02 Edited by redfox on 2025/1/26 22:26:45
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/25 22:20
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/11/27 17:18Last Login
: 2/5 21:11
From West Jordan, Utah, USA
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The one program I use every day all the time is WookieChat. Other programs I use are: NewsCoaster Odessey
Edited by Valiant on 2025/1/26 22:55:52 Edited by Valiant on 2025/2/5 21:13:20
Camelot AmigaOne XE, 800Mhz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u7
Sam440ep, 666Mhz, 512Mb, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u6
A1-X1000, 1.8Ghz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1x
A1-X5000/40 2.2Ghz, 2GB, Radeon HD 7700, OS4.1 FE ud 2
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Joined: 2022/8/26 20:08Last Login
: Yesterday 22:01
From Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe, Germany
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I use the following programs regulary: AmiDock IBrowse Odyssey TwinVNC IMP3 TuneNet/AmigaAmp3 DiskImageGUI Filer AmiPDF CubicIDE gVim CyngusEd SDKBrowser Clock Calendar Shell GCC/VBCC/VASM SSH2-Handler SMB2FS
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/26 20:24
Amigans Defender
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I'm surprised that Unarc isn't on here more often, and disappointed that Avalanche isn't at all (admittedly I've never really promoted it, I wrote it for OS3.2 but I think it's better than Unarc on OS4 now) With that in mind, is nobody unarchiving files? What are you all using?
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/26 21:18
Home away from home
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From Italy, Perugia
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@Chris I uses Avalanche too, or DirOpus4 (not mentioned)
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/26 22:25
Just popping in
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From Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe, Germany
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@Chris I use lha in the shell. I am more of a keyboard/command line guy.
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/26 22:39
Quite a regular
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: 1/30 23:26
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@Chris I updated my previous post to include AmiUpdate and UnArc. I use AmiUpdate from the Workbench menu and UnArc from the icon on my AmiDock. I thought they were just part of OS4, but of course they are actual programs that are updated and supported. Thanks Rigo and Chris. Cheers, redfox
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Posted on:
1/26 23:18
Just can't stay away
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: Yesterday 23:02
From Copenhagen, Denmark
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With that in mind, is nobody unarchiving files? What are you all using? I do use UnArc now and then, but mostly all my unarchiving is done in DOpus4. I have several buttons set up with ARexx scripts to unpack various types of archives into various destinations (other lister, other lister in new subdir, stuff like that).
Creating archives (LhA or ZIP) is also done with customized DOpus4 buttons.
It's all mostly a matter of habit.
Best regards,
Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Amigans Defender
Joined: 2009/5/1 18:57Last Login
: Yesterday 19:39
From Czech Republic
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I'm surprised that Unarc isn't on here more often Used on a daily basis here of course; I didn't include it in my list because I thought (wrongly, as it appears) that standard OS components don't count
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