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New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Hello. I am new here on this forum :)

I have bought an A1222+ motherboard which is on its way to me now . I have been a classic user for a long time. But I had a pegasos 2 machine with AmigaOS 4.1 that I sold in 2012, and always regretted selling it.
Sorry for the long post, but I need some help getting started as it's been so long since i used a AmigaOS4.1 system. Appreciate any help

I have tried to read up a bit and broaden my knowledge until i get to build the machine in a few days.
I have first read the review and a follow-up from epsilonsworld.com:
https://www.epsilonsworld.com/2024/03/ ... migaone-a1222-part-1.html

And then i have read the quickstart quide for New A1222+ Users:

Based on this (and some amigans.net forum threads) i have come up with the following procedure for setting up the machine. Does it sound reasonable or do you have any other suggestions?

-The first thing I will do is to mount the amigaos4.1 cd and install RunInUAE

-I also want to play some games, and most games require SDL1 or SDL2 libs to be installed according to the quickstart guide. Is it these libs from this link that I need?:
And if i install the SDL2 libs, do I also need the SDL1 stuff?

-To buy and install NovaBridge to be able to use older MiniGL and Warp3D applications. I understand that Warp3D Nova and Radeon RX drivers are already installed from the included Enhancer 2.2 package. I will pair the machine with a Radeon RX560 card.

-Install libs needed for some HunoPPC games. Epsilonsworld mentions "Lib Boosty GFX v2 is needed for many HunoPPC ported games", which can be found at this link: https://os4depot.net/?function=showfil ... aphics/libboostygfxv2.lha

Are there any more Libs i probably will need? I've seen Clib4 libs mentioned a few times, but cant find any download links...

-And one last thing. I really like Lucasarts and sierra adventure games and really want a working version of Scummvm on this system. I seem to remember reading here that the version on os4depot doesn't work on the a1222,
But a user here has downloaded a version that works from somewhere else? Where can I find this version of ScummVM and do I need any other libs installed for this version of ScummVM to work?

Thanks :)

I will of course post pictures of the machine and setup when it is finished

Edited by Mr_byte on 2024/11/6 14:05:57
AmigaOne A1222 plus Radeon RX 560
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Home away from home
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Get everything from OS4Depot.net!
No reason to go scouring about to get some obsure libs...if it isn't on the depot, you'll probably won't need it (yet)

I'm the porter of ScummVM, i don't have the hardware and don't know why it's not working, but you can always get a bleeding edge build from me (see my sig) and test for yourself.

If the reason for ScummVM not working is some different hardware, there might now be any way to fix it.

If the reason is the fact that gl4es does not run, than you can try the GL binary (also in my sig, same place)

That said, i don't know nothing about that hardware, but i doubt most of the newer games will even run (at a playabale speed), but feel free to try.

It was common back in the day that programs needed the user to go looking for dependancies...i hope this was cured in the meantime.
Or, in other words, you shouldn*t need to get another program installed, just to use the program you downloaded (unless specified in the readme---what's a readme?)

Have fun with your new plaything

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Congratulations to your A1222

Regarding your questions, I will try to answer some of them.

-The first thing I will do is to mount the amigaos4.1 cd and install RunInUAE

If you boot from the supplied recovery USB stick and install AmigaOs4.1 using the install script, you do not need to install E-UAE as the installation already contains it as well as Enhancer software with all the drivers you need. You can start immediately after the installation.

-And one last thing. I really like Lucasarts and sierra adventure games and really want a working version of Scummvm on this system. I seem to remember reading here that the version on os4depot doesn't work on the a1222,
But a user here has downloaded a version that works from somewhere else? Where can I find this version of ScummVM and do I need any other libs installed for this version of ScummVM to work?

The version of Os4Depot runs very unstable on the A1222, I don't know why this is so, I could only test ScummVM from Raziel on this hardware for the time being.


Was kind enough to create a ScummVM CLIB4 version that already works very well on the A1222 including OpenGL support.

You can get it from here:

I'm not sure if the archive already contains the clib4.library, but if it doesn't you can download the latest version from

On my YouTube channel you can get a short overview of how the whole thing works on the hardware.

There are many other examples about the A1222 and how this hardware works.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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since that version on os4depot many fixes were merged into the main scummvm tree.

you and byte might benefit from the next release (probably end of the year)

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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since that version on os4depot many fixes were merged into the main scummvm tree.

you and byte might benefit from the next release (probably end of the year)

This is great news for all A1222 users. ScummVM is also possible on the A1222 without any problems. I am currently without hardware as I am eagerly awaiting my x5000/40

Thanks for the continuous development of ScummVM.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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I'm the porter of ScummVM, i don't have the hardware and don't know why it's not working, but you can always get a bleeding edge build from me (see my sig) and test for yourself.

Great :) I will try that

Have fun with your new plaything

Thanks, I will definitely do that

you and byte might benefit from the next release (probably end of the year)

Awesome, looking forward to testing it out

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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Thanks for the great reply.

I have watched a lot of the videos from your youtube channel. It helped me decide to buy the a1222 motherboard

Yes i will boot from the supplied recovery USB stick and run the install script.

I have downloaded the ScummVM CLIB4 version and the latest clib4 version from the link you provided. looking forward to trying it out when the machine is up and running. Thanks for providing me with the links.

It's probably best that I don't overthink and plan too much until I get the machine running.. :)

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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Some helpful advice above.

Check out amigang's blog, too at https://amigang.com/hardware-amigaone-a1222/

His blog and the others you mentioned were very helpful when I got mine

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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Thanks for the link. I will take a look :)

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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Where do i find the digital license keys / serial number for amigaos4.1 and the enhancher pack? I just got the machine up and running...But cant find it anywhere...

AmigaOne A1222 plus Radeon RX 560
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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You supposedly to have both license keys on your invoice if you have purchased the motherboard or complete system from http://www.a1222plus.com/

On mine, I can see the Amiga OS 4.1 key on the invoice.

But the software enhancer 2.2 key is not on it.

Puzzled, I reached out to the AAA team via whatapp.

They mentioned they are planning to get electronic license for software enhancer 2.2 in late Oct/Nov.

If you check you invoice again, can you confirm if you have also got software enhancer 2.2 key too?


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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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Thanks, i found the serial number for os4.1 on the invoice, but not the enhancer serial. I have asked the seller for the enhancer 2.2 key...

Edited by Mr_byte on 2024/11/8 13:52:13
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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What is the name of the CPU/GFX/RAM utility you are using in your videoes?

I got the ScummVM CLIB4 version working, it was a little slow an sluggish to load up and interact with. But i also found a old Scummvm version 1.8 i think you linked to in another thread. This was much faster for just playing some old lucasarts games for now. Thanks.

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Quite a regular

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Congrats on the A1222+, Mr_byte! Greetings from Norway here.

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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What is the name of the CPU/GFX/RAM utility you are using in your videoes?

What you have seen is possible with zTools, it is a collection of useful tools for AmigaOs4.1 for me personally. You can buy it in the AmiStore for little money.
The configuration is not that easy but I could write an article about it and publish it here on amigans.

But be warned, the Dockies only work with AmiDock. X-Dock for AmigaOs4.1 is installed by default or when installing from the USB recovery stick.


I got the ScummVM CLIB4 version working, it was a little slow an sluggish to load up and interact with. But i also found a old Scummvm version 1.8 i think you linked to in another thread. This was much faster for just playing some old lucasarts games for now. Thanks.

hmmm...for me the CLIB4 version worked very well with the games I showed in my video. Which games did you try to play with ScumVM?
Did you check if the SYS:Prefs/SDL2 settings are set to compositting?
Additionally you can also tell ScummVM to use OpenGL for the user interface which is much faster.

I had also tested the Scummvm version 1.8 and it was very good in speed, but had problems with some games.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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hmmm...for me the CLIB4 version worked very well with the games I showed in my video. Which games did you try to play with ScumVM?
Did you check if the SYS:Prefs/SDL2 settings are set to compositting?
Additionally you can also tell ScummVM to use OpenGL for the user interface which is much faster.

I had also tested the Scummvm version 1.8 and it was very good in speed, but had problems with some games.

Yes SDL2 settings are set to compositting, or else it will not work. OpenGL for user interface. It works very well with games, but it just takes some time to load up ScummVM CLIB4 the first time and it takes a second or 2 before something happens when pushing buttons in the main menu in Scummvm. Looks like the same speed as yours in your video. Starting ScummVM 1.8 and interact with its menuysystem is almost instantaneous.

So 1.8 is good enough for old lucasart games for me. But i will definitely try the clib4 version with some other exciting titles from other companies which 1.8 does not support.

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Here is some pictures from the building process and the finished system. The A12222 shares a mouse and keyboard with the other PC through a unpowered USB switch and is connected to the ultrawide monitor to its second input (HDMI). Connected to the internet through a ethernet to powerline adapter to the router. Waiting for a internal usb 2.0 to 3.0 adapter for the ports on the front panel.

Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the insight into your hardware That looks like a very tidy setup.

Yes, I can confirm that the official version of ScummVM 1.8.0 also started without delay for me. Newer builds seem to have become slower.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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there is a changelog, you know?

for v1.8 i switched from the, very buggy, shared binary back to building it completely static (fast start, complete waste of memory)

from 2.2 on i switched again back to the, now os level fixed, shared builds.
slower start and slower "return to launcher" but a massive gain in free memory

this is not a bug, it's intended (and btw, going back to a full native stativ build is impossible since linking the binary will make the OS run out of memory)

if you want a full static build (which is, btw, also covered in the readme) go to:

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Just popping in

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ok, i understand it not a bug or something wrong then. I will give up the habit of using version 1.8 and rather get used to the newer version with new features etc

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