Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/12/1 23:50 Last Login
: 2024/12/6 19:22
From Skærbæk. Denmark
Registered Users
The "DelayFrequency" setting controls how often the graphics ripper takes a short break.
The graphics ripper runs as a low-priority process, and when it retrieves a certain number of tiles, it will take a short break to prevent the CPU from reaching 100% usage.
Setting DelayFrequency to zero (no breaks, disabled) will make it run at 100%, meaning no other process with a priority below -5 will get any CPU time.
DelayFrequency is one of the few settings you can change in real time (if I recall correctly), so feel free to experiment with it to find your optimal setup. Both the tile size and this setting impact CPU usage.
PS: Thank you for your donation. I really appreciate it!