I'd like to ask anyone with access to the latest ogles2 beta stuff to do a quick test
are such a someone

Both of you got a permanent link to the latest ogles2.library 3.4 wip builds.
This link didn't change, so you can always download the very latest wip versions for your tests.
I reported it back immediately to Daniel, but never got an answer.
It was unusable, so i dropped testing any further.
I wrote to him again yesterday...until now, no answer
I often don't have time to process "please test" mails immediately because of real life (which is also the reason why I rarely publish any ogles2 wip news; and it's also one of the reasons why you got that link to be able to serve yourself).
And sometimes when I get such a mail, I just put it into some Amiga folder for later and then occasionally forget about it.

This is why your preferred option should be to simply report an issue into the aeon mantis, there it won't be forgotten and every other tester can easily check it out too.
Also, if possible use the latest ogles2 wip version and provide a glSnoop log containig ogles2 and Nova calls.
I've got a slight problem with ScummVM
Regarding your concrete issue:
I don't see any problem, background is fine, mouse cursor is fine.
Probably / likely (I didn't bother to compare with previous builds) your issue is already handled by one recent fix regarding a falsely optimized-away Nova Submit call.
I hope we get a public update soon.
Highly unlikely.
current ogles2 3.4 wip state looks as follows:
- Added support for texture formats GL_RG and GL_RED. Added GL_EXT_texture_rg to the extensions string.
- Fix: an FBO's scissor-rect was set to 0,0,0,0 right after creation which essentially disabled any drawing, including clearing. This happened because the necessary scissor-reapplication was only invoked when binding the FBO. But by the time of its 1st bind the FBO's width / height is still 0... So if you didn't rebind before drawing then your draw-commands would effectively become noops. Unfortunately (in this case only) a common code-path is to pre-create FBOs and then use them later (by using a explicit bind), which explains why this bug remained unnoticed for so long. Thanks to Capehill for reporting.
- Fix: while I was at it I found and fixed another one in that area: if you changed the dimensions of a texture which was used as a render-target then this change didn't immediately invoke a scissor / viewport adjustment.
- speed up for glReadPixels from an FBO with texture-attachment by integrating the GL-required vertical image flip into the render-to-bitmap pass.
- the strategy of handling GL state changes has been modified. In a nutshell the actual application of those changes is now deferred until just before the next draw-command. The new state handler is able to detect and ignore all redundant changes. Before it was only able to detect simple stuff like glDisable(GL_BLEND) followed by another glDisable(GL_BLEND). Now it can also detect and ignore stuff like glEnable(GL_BLEND) ... Draw() ... glDisable(GL_BLEND) ... glEnable(GL_BLEND) ... Draw() ... glDisable(GL_BLEND). Here the two useless "inner" state changes are ignored. This may dramatically increase performance for some games. Thanks to Steffen for reporting a performance issue with Heretic which was caused by this (not that uncommon) pattern.
- Fix: at least one fragment shader managed to drive the integrated unused-variables-detector into an endless loop. A safety mechanism has been added. Thanks to Capehill for reporting.
- Fix: ogles2.h now respects the AmigaOS namespace for OGLES2Base too. Thanks to Andrea Palmate for reporting.
- On the A1222 the texture wrapping modes were falsely applied. Actually, supposedly pretty much all parameters set via glTexParameteri were affected. In case of the wrapping mode a translated GL_REPEAT magically became a W3DN_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (which happens to be the value 0) instead of W3DN_REPEAT. The reason for this weird issue was a LTE issue (therefore blacklisting ogles2.library was a valid workaround). ogles2's code used a C union at the critical area to "merge" a uint and a float. This was merely done to underline mutual exclusivity for those two variables. While that code was absolutely valid, it obviously "irritated" AmigaOS4's LTE on the A1222. Consequently removing the union did the trick. Thanks to Eldee for reporting and testing.
- Fix: it is crucial for good framerates to reduce Nova submissions to a minimum. However, certain operations require a submission. ogles2.lib's internals try to get a good balance here. However, the last time I optimized things here I introduced a bug where I made such a necessary submission due to certain state changes but falsely marked the used-objects list as empty - which in turn caused another required follow-up submission not to be executed. The results could be anything from textures at wrong places or whatever because e.g. Nova would then use a newly bound texture for a PREVIOUSLY issued draw-call. Yes, be glad that you don't have to use Nova directly...
Unofficial:I also added a feature that's private to me for now and which isn't available in the current wip builds for testers yet:
- Introduced ogles2_patch.json. Such a file can either reside in LIBS:ogles2/ or in the respective client app's main folder (the latter's content has higher priority). This mechanism allows for global and / or per-app tweaks of ogles2 and will be filled with concrete functionality in the future.
- Added shader-extraction feature to ogles2_patch.json. If the new "extract-shaders" flag is set to true then all the shaders are extracted to RAM: for now.
- Added shader-replacement feature to ogles2_patch.json. This allows you to replace an app's shaders. Use the shader-names from a previous extraction-run for replacement.