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RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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It's taken several years but I've finally found a little time & motivation to work on RunInUAE again,
with the aim of getting "RunInUAE r8" properly released this time...

You can download the new beta here:

As far as I recall, the only changes since beta 4 are:
* WHDLoad updated to v18.3 (2017), so it no-longer requires registration!
* Changed to SDL version of E-UAE (from AmiGfx version).
And since beta 5:
* The installer now better detects & handles RunInUAE having a new version of E-UAE to install.

Please test this & report any problems.

I'm ONLY looking to just fix any serious bugs, rather than make big changes, so that it can be released ASAP.

EDIT: Unfortunately more urgent things got in the way of me releasing this, and sadly at least one thing still does, but I do still hope to release this eventually. Basically I just need to test (or someone else to test) whether SDL or AmiGfx version of E-UAE gives better sound on a low-end Amiga like my Sam440...

Edited by ChrisH on 2018/4/1 11:46:32
Edited by ChrisH on 2018/8/4 11:56:12
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 5 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Is there a way to call runinuae from another program giving a .adf or program to
launch it?

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 5 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Yes, but please start a new thread, as this thread is ONLY for beta-testing RunInUAE.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 5 (JIT) please test!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi ChrisH, thanks for this update! i updated my previous installation of RUAE using the installation script but during the installation process it didn't ask me about UAE-SDL it only told me about UAE-Gfx.. How can I know if it downloaded any SDL version of UAE?

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 5 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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My bad. Forgot to replace references to "amigfx" with "sdl". I will fix this.
But if it reinstalled E-UAE for you, then you now have the SDL version.

However, my installer script wasn't properly checking for a different E-UAE version, so it may not have asked for you to reinstall E-UAE. I will fix this.

Next beta of RunInUAE coming soon...

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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Beta 6 has now been released. Please test!
(See first post for more info)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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Perhaps you might include both AmiGfx and SDL versions and let users decide what version installed ?

By the way a new WHDLoad 18,4 is on the way, when released it might be the perfect date also to release the final RunInUAE

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks Chris, btw i wasn't able to find the AmiGfx version. On OS4depot.net there is an AmiGFX version but in reality, when you unpacked it, is the 1.0.0 versin which use the sdl library

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
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Just popping in

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Thanks, i have installed it and it seems okey.

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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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The AmiGfx version on OS4Depot is definitely NOT the SDL version (I just checked the executables) :
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... computer/e-uae-amigfx.lha

P.S. This is the same as was used in previous RunInUAE r8 betas.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for your work Chris,

I notice sdl version does not work well on my Sam460. Amigfx is faster here. (With sdl, stuttering sound +++ and slow +++ for some games like lethal weapon for example).

Os4.1 Final Edition
2GB Fast Memory
envy 24 HT sound card
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
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Thanks. Confusing that is the exact opposite of what someone else reported:
http://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum ... id=110263#forumpost110263

But it is in line with my previous experiences when I used an underpowered Sam440.

I hope a few more people can report their experiences on Sam460 (and slower hardware).

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
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Obviously i don't have the Sam 460 anymore but when I had it, I did notice a speed difference when playing something like Lotus 3 which suffered the stuttering sound issue. On the SDL version it was hardly noticeable but the AmiGFX version suffered greatly. With something like R-Type 2 which suffers horrific slowdown on both versions so I suspect the issue is related to something else and that the Sam460 isn't powerful enough, on the X5000 playing the same game, those issues completely disappear.

Out of curiosity, have you tried taking JIT off on this game? For most OCS/ECS games if this is set to on as default i find JIT actually makes things run slower.
The JIT is only really useful on more demanding games like Alien Breed 3D 2, Sim City 2000 etc...

Btw having the SDL Version is essential for updating your E-UAE installation with some nice P96 screen modes

This is also quite good reading

https://hkvalhea1-500.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... ith-picasso96-driver.html

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Yes, I tried many different configs but nothing change.
I think sam 460 is not powerful enough or E-UAE isn't optimized enough ? I don't know I think there is something strange because I have slam Tilt very smooth for example and lotus II too without sound stuttering.

Os4.1 Final Edition
2GB Fast Memory
envy 24 HT sound card
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Home away from home
Home away from home

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What resolution do you use for UAE? 640x480 or something lower?
(This is the one thing which might make a big difference for AmiGfx vs SDL.)

You can check from RunInUAE's menu: Shared settings > Set default screen size to.

@outrun1978 Quote:
One other thing which i also strangely found made a difference was my hard disk drive, so with this in mind

Sounds like placebo effect... UAE makes no significant HD access, so HD won't make any difference.

Edited by ChrisH on 2018/4/2 21:59:35
Edited by ChrisH on 2018/4/2 22:00:13
Edited by ChrisH on 2018/4/2 22:01:40
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I know E-UAE could probably use with an update given its age, but I guess we have to work with what we have.

I see from your specs you are running a more powerful graphics card than the one I had in my Sam460 machine at the time but this shouldn't make a difference.

One other thing which i also strangely found made a difference was my hard disk drive, so with this in mind, can i check are you running your system from a normal HD drive or an SSD? I too noticed some speed improvements with the use of an SSD drive in E-UAE so this may help also. There is also the option to have things running from the onboard SD card slot which I have also been told will speed up your system no end!

Amigaone X5000 AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Radeon RX 550 Polaris
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Using an SSD or an HD will make absolutely no difference with E-UAE since everything is loaded in RAM when playing a game or running a demo.

But I have finally got rid of any sound stuttering with E-UAE on my X1000 : I close AmiDock before launching a game or a demo. Even vertical scrollings are smoother now.

I don't know what does AmiDock in background but it causes sound stuttering in E-UAE, it makes many games (M.A.C.E, Tower 57, Spencer,...) having their FPS varying and other weird display stuttering (as in the demo Three from Crisot for example).

So you could give it a try

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I'm in fullscreen 640x480. Unfortunately, my monitor does not support 320x240 or 320x256...

I removed Amidock from Wbstartup but on my Sam, there are no improvements.

Os4.1 Final Edition
2GB Fast Memory
envy 24 HT sound card
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi ChrisH,
thanks for the beta!
I use RuninUAE, but I did not understand what it is possible to emulate
it seems not to save my configurations
for example if I put 040 with 4mega of fast ram, it seems to ignore the settings.
At the moment many assembly demos work,
Other games go fast, instead Breathless goes very slow.
this is due to the fact that it emulates the 4.1FE update1 with winUAE?

Thank you for every possible answer or help.

Thanks again.

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: RunInUAE r8 beta 6 (JIT) please test!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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here a little video I hope is useful, thanks for every suggestion

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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