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Dopus WB replacement at boot
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi All,

When I launch Dopus at boot to replace WB I get a few pop-up windows saying that workbench is already launched. Anyone seen this?

Is there a guide on how best to boot OS4 with Dopus as a replacement?


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Re: Dopus WB replacement at boot
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Rename C:LoadWB as C:LoadWB_old
copy DOpus5:c/LoadDB to C:LoadWB

To boot into normal workbench again hold down shift while booting.

There isn't really a guide as it was built into the no longer used installer script.

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Re: Dopus WB replacement at boot
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Surely not!

Just put a ; before LoadWB in s:Startup-Sequence and add

DOPUS5:c/LoadDB to user-startup

Renaming system components is a Bad Thing TM

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Re: Dopus WB replacement at boot
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If you want to be able to fall back to workbench that's the way it has to be done.

In the classic days the user never changed anything, they just picked workbench replacement mode and installer waved it's magic wand and DOpus5 replaced workbench next reboot.

Changing a system component name is a bad idea but not as bad as having an unbootable system if the user trashes DOpus whle 'tweaking' the settings which was and probably is a common occurance for new users.

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Re: Dopus WB replacement at boot
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for the tip and I remember doing this back in the day. I tried it with my OS4 system and it still boots in to regular workbench...

Have you done this change?

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

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Re: Dopus WB replacement at boot
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Works fine for me, the end of my s:s-s is:

SYS:System/RexxMast >NIL:

;Makelink RAM:Disk.info S:RAM2.info SOFT
execute s:user-startup


and c: contains...

> list sys:c/load*
Directory "sys:c" on Thursday 10-Jul-14
loadwb-old 70676 ----rwed 20-Jan-13 10:29:52
LoadWB 310603 ----rwed 13-Jun-14 17:59:26

Edit: Have you got the DOpus5: assign set up before calling LoadDB? it uses the asswign to load DOpus5:Libs/dopus5.library and DOpus5:DirectoryOpus

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