Hi dear Alfkil,
Just tested a little and i can say that i found the new version a lot better and more important faster !
Still of course some issues here and there, so here i will try to give you a general report about all examples availible into your QT archive
Just hope that my report can be usefull in a way or another before the new framework will be released for the mass.
Keep note that i'm using a Sam440ep Flex 800 with a Radeon 9250 and AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4, so all my speed experience is based on this not-so-fast platform .. naturally still exists also slower OS4 platforms so more (speed) is always the better
- EXAMPLEanimation -->stickman: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
easing: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
animatedtiles: a bit slow (just a bit) also the main window needs more size in order to fit all qt logos when all of them are showed
moveblocks: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
appchooser: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
draganddrop -->puzzle: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
draggableicons: very fast, some glitch when dragging (image dragged are not centered well)
fridgemagnets: very fast, still some flickering effect when a block is selected
effects -->lighting: the light moving seems a bit slow but maybe it's normal
graphicsview -->anchorlayout: seems ok and fast
simpleanchorlayout: seems ok and fast
portedasteroids: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
flowlayout: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
dragdroprobot: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
collidingmice: fast and no glitch, altrough maybe can be faster
weatheranchorlayout: fast and no glitch, altrough maybe can be faster
portedcanvas: very fast and no glitch, maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
padnavigator: fast, but the text seems not antialiased and when the program is opened my CPU will suffer
elasticnodes: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
diagramscene: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new font
basicgraphicslayout: scrolling is fast but program is very slow when you try to move the "basic graphics layout" block
mainwindows -->sdi: very fast, altrough some tooltips (bubble helps) are not rendered correctly, also the buttons are not so cool (bad rendering?)
menus: very fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
dockwidgets: a bit slow but no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
recentfiles: very fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
mdi: very fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
application: very fast and no glitch altrough buttons are not so cool, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
network -->downloadmanager: Don't start ? --> i got --> ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file /qt/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, line 269
opengl -->hellogl: very fast and no glitch, nearly perfect here !
2dpainting: all 3 examples are a bit slow
painting -->transformations: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
painterpaths: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
fontsampler: very fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
basicdrawing: very fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window --> sometimes DSI on idle.task
svgviewer: works fine but a bit slow
svggenerator: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
imagecomposition: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
concentriccircles: works fine
tutorial -->addressbook: works fine but a bit slow in general, bubble helps are sometimes not rendered correctly
widget -->lineedits: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
icons: works fine and fast
groupbox: works fine and fast
codeeditor: works fine and fast
calendarwidget: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
analogclock: works fine and fast
wiggly: works fine and fast
tooltips: works fine and fast
tablet: works fine and fast
styles: works fine and fast
sliders: works fine, altrough a bit slow
scribble: works fine and fast
imageviewer: works fine and fast
digitalclock: works fine and fast
charactermap: not so fast and drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
calculator: works fine and fast
windowflags: works fine and fast
validators: drop-down menu is a bit slow when you open it in order to select a new option
tetrix: works fine and fast
stylesheet: fast and no glitch, again maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
spinboxes: works fine and fast
shapedclock: works fine and fast
movie: works fine and fast
- DEMOSundo: a bit slow, just a bit .. and maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
textedit: fast, some tooltips (bubble helps) are not rendered correctly, also the buttons are not so cool (bad rendering?) and the text is very small
pathstroke2: this specific example crash --> DSI error and then ISI one !
mainwindow: works fine and at a resonable speed
books: works fine and at a resonable speed
affline: works fine and fast
tux: works very fast, just a proper QT icon is missed
spreadsheet: a bit slow, just a bit .. and maybe you need to remove the internal QT resize window
pathstroke: this specific example crash --> DSI error and then ISI one !
embeddeddialogs: still slow !
So to sum, after testing carefully all example availible i can say that

- Now that (quite all) is rendered native speed become very very good, not perfect in all example but in general not bad at all !
- At startup all example are slow, this is the usual issue .. for each example i need atleast from 3 to 5 seconds before it will be opened :-/
- Still some graphical corruptions here and there expecially on dropdown menus and more often on the various bubble helps
- Would be cool if Dropdown menu can support mouse wheel

- Native fonts are sometimes strange, too big on certain case (so not well allineated) or a bit small .. sure would be nice if you can support the same fonts used for the Workbench screen
- You need to remove as soon as possible all internal QT resize gadgets

- Iconify support for all QT examples/demo would be a nice addition for sure !
- Adding a "don't show shell outputs" in QT prefs, this might speed up the examples/demos loading --> maybe !

Hope to not forget somethings ... well done mate !!